Green tea: benefits and harms. Video

Green tea: benefits and harms. Video

The Japanese believe that green tea promotes longevity and has a beneficial effect on the heart. And the Chinese are convinced that this drink is also a medicine. The beneficial properties of green tea are also confirmed by studies carried out by modern Western scientists. So, what are its benefits and can it cause any harm to health?

The benefits and harms of green tea

The beneficial composition of green tea

The beneficial effect of green tea on the human body is explained by the content in it of a large amount of vitamins, amino acids, proteins, organic acids, minerals and other substances. Let’s take a look at some of the most beneficial substances in green tea: – theotanine. It has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes digestion, and also strengthens the vascular system of the body; – theine, which acts milder than pure caffeine. It activates the physical and mental activity of a person, improves mood, increases efficiency; – minerals that contribute to the normal functioning of almost all body systems. Thanks to them, the immune system is strengthened, the health of nails, teeth, hair, etc. is maintained; – catechins, which are found in large quantities in green tea. According to research by scientists, the catechins in green tea contribute to weight loss and normalization of weight.

Green tea contains over 300 different nutrients

Green tea can be called a unique product because it has a wide range of useful properties: – effective diaphoretic action. Green tea is recommended for fever, fever, and various inflammations. During perspiration, harmful microbes and toxins leave the human body; – a diuretic effect. It is especially useful to drink green tea for people suffering from diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys; – Benefits for digestion and gastrointestinal tract. Drinking green tea has a beneficial effect on the work of the gallbladder, duodenum, pancreas and liver; – green tea improves memory and increases alertness, invigorates and relieves drowsiness, strengthens the nervous system and normalizes metabolism in the body, helps with depressive conditions; – improves work of the cardiovascular system: reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, prevents the appearance of cholesterol plaques, improves the elasticity of the arteries, increases the strength of the capillaries; – improves skin tone. For this purpose, it is useful in the morning and in the evening to wash your face with brewed green tea. You can also wipe your face, neck and décolleté with ice cubes. It is recommended to use green tea infusion to get rid of skin rashes and to cleanse the skin of the face; – anti-inflammatory effect. Gargling with green tea can reduce the chances of gum disease and tooth decay; green tea can also help you lose weight.

Green tea: harm and contraindications

If the benefits of green tea are usually known, then less is known about its dangers. Drinking this drink is contraindicated in the following cases: – with nervous exhaustion. Caffeine, which is abundant in green tea, stimulates the nervous system, so people suffering from nervous exhaustion may experience a lack of energy and sleep disturbance. It is better not to drink green tea before going to bed, as there is a risk of insomnia. It is not recommended to drink green tea and those suffering from hyperexcitability, as well as tachycardia; – women during pregnancy, breastfeeding and during menstruation. If you cannot stop drinking green tea in these cases, try to drink less of it; – for problems with blood pressure. Green tea often lowers blood pressure, and therefore, with hypotension in an acute form, drinking it is contraindicated, and with hypertension it should not be consumed in large quantities; – with chronic diseases. In these cases, green tea can be drunk in small quantities, because it can exacerbate the disease, as well as worsen the state of health. For example, drinking green tea for stomach ulcers can cause an increase in gastric acidity.

To enhance the beneficial effects on the body of green tea and avoid harmful effects, listen to the following recommendations: – do not drink green tea on an empty stomach. In this case, it irritates the stomach lining. It is better to drink green tea after meals, then it will help your digestion; – It is better to drink green tea not in the evening or at night, but during the day. Drinking before bedtime, a tonic drink instead of rest and sleep will present you with fatigue, headache and insomnia; – do not combine the use of green tea with alcoholic beverages. This has a very severe impact on the kidneys; – do not take pills and other medications with green tea. Although in this case it will not harm, but it will remove chemicals from your body, thereby reducing the effectiveness of medicines;

– do not use low-quality green tea. If you really want this drink to benefit you, not harm you, try to find real green tea, and not its surrogate in cheap bags. Manufacturers of such products focus on the convenience of brewing and cheapness, but not at all on the benefits of tea. Alas, the crushed tea leaf, oxidizing in the air, loses its properties. Producers will not spend high-quality and fresh tea leaves on the production of tea bags.

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