Green tea and black tea. What’s more useful? Video

Green tea and black tea. What’s more useful? Video

All types of tea – black, green, white, yellow, oolong – are differently processed leaves of the same plant – Camellia sinensis, or Chinese camellia (Camellia Sinensis). All types of tea have a number of common properties and also a number of features, each is useful in its own way, but this does not prevent lovers of a certain – black or green – tea to defend their point of view, demanding to recognize their favorite product as the best.

Green tea and black tea. What’s more useful?

Useful properties of black and green tea

Black and green tea have a lot in common. Both drinks contain antioxidants that are different from those found in fruits and vegetables.

These are the following flavonoids:

  • teargubines
  • epicatechins
  • catechins

Both types of tea are capable of blocking DNA changes caused by the aggressive effects of tobacco, alcohol and other toxic chemicals.

Some laboratory studies have shown that both black and green tea can help boost metabolism, leading to faster weight loss, block some types of allergic reactions, slow tumor growth, fight bad breath, heartburn, and can be beneficial. with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Black tea should be brewed with water at a temperature of at least 90 degrees, since many active substances in it do not open at lower temperatures

All these advantages apply to other types and varieties of tea, except for herbal tea, which is also useful to drink, but for completely different purposes.

Scientists have proven that black tea is beneficial for the prevention of cancer. Extensive research has confirmed that when consumed regularly, black tea can prevent breast, stomach and colon cancer. However, research is not yet complete, and there are suggestions that the antioxidants present in black tea may reduce the risk of developing other types of cancer.

Black tea is effective against viruses. It is a well-known fact that a cup of black tea can relieve the symptoms of a cold, while regular consumption of this drink saves from diarrhea, pneumonia and some types of skin infections. Tea also lowers blood cholesterol levels, thereby protecting you from clogged arteries leading to heart attacks. Research shows that people who drink at least two cups of good black tea a day not only experience less heart disease, but also recover faster from heart attacks.

Green tea should be brewed with water at a temperature of 80 to 85 degrees. The higher the quality of the raw material, the lower the temperature of the liquid should be.

Green tea has undeniable soothing and relaxing properties, and it contains half the caffeine of black tea, which can invigorate you in the morning. In one cup of tea you will find about 40–42 mg of caffeine, and in the same amount of green tea – 20–22 mg. That is why green tea is recommended to be consumed in the evening, when strenuous physical and mental activity is behind.

Green tea is good for the skin. Research has proven its effectiveness in combating UV damage, preventing skin cancer, and treating certain skin conditions such as rosocea. Green tea improves bone mineral density, and its polyphenols have been found to be effective in the prevention and treatment of certain neurological diseases, especially those of a degenerative nature.

See also: the benefits of pomegranate juice.

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