Green snot in adults
With the advent of the cold season, many of us catch a cold, runny nose, cough with all the ensuing consequences. Some of those who get sick experience green nasal discharge (snot).

In childhood, we were often told that the appearance of green snot indicates a speedy recovery. But in reality this is a misconception. Mucus of this color is a sign of the height of the disease and a reason to consult a doctor for help.

What does this color of the discharge indicate and how to properly approach this problem? Let’s figure it out.

What diseases may lead to green snot

The causes of yellow-green snot always lie in the multiplication of bacteria. Depending on where they are localized, there may be a different diagnosis:

  • rhinitis  – inflammation of the nasal mucosa;
  • sinusitis  – damage to the paranasal sinuses;
  • sinusitis  – inflammation of the maxillary (frontal) sinuses.

The amount of diagnostic measures and treatment of yellow-green snot depends on what disease the doctor suspects . In some cases, drops are enough, in others, a systemic antibiotic is indispensable.

Causes of green snot

When it gets cold, the nose, as the first link in the respiratory system, takes the first blow. When the mucous membrane of the nose and paranasal sinuses is irritated by various bacteria and viruses, mucus is released with the addition of an inflammatory reaction. However, a green discharge from the nose indicates the presence of a bacterial infection. This is due to the fact that only leukocytes, which give the secretions a green color, can overcome bacteria. The more saturated the color of the discharge, the longer the infection in the nasopharynx develops.

It is the dead leukocytes and their decay products that stain the snot in a greenish-yellow color. Although a bacterial infection can develop against a viral background, the main factors contributing to its development are:

  • hypothermia;
  • Stress;
  • Heavy physical activity;
  • Weakened immunity;
  • Chronic diseases of the ENT organs.

Green nasal discharge is characteristic of the following diseases:

  • Sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses);
  • Adenoiditis (more common in children);
  • bacterial rhinitis.

Green snot cannot pass on its own and requires treatment. If adenoiditis is rare in adults, then such complications as sinusitis, on the contrary, are very typical. Moreover, in the absence of timely proper treatment, the infection can spread to neighboring organs, including the brain, and cause serious complications, such as:

  • Meningitis;
  • Encephalitis;
  • Sepsis;
  • Phlegmons;
  • tissue abscess.

In some cases, active production of mucus is observed in a number of diseases of the respiratory system: bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, and others, and the symptoms of these diseases are superimposed on the symptoms of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Let us consider in more detail the diseases, which are characterized by green snot.


Sinusitis, or inflammation of the paranasal sinus, is the most common form of all sinusitis. With the transition of the disease into a chronic form and sinusitis can regularly worsen in the cold season. Therefore, it is important to diagnose the disease in time and undergo the necessary course of treatment.

Typical symptoms of sinusitis include:

  • Nasal congestion;
  • Initially yellow and then green discharge from the nose;
  • Headache;
  • Feeling of weakness, weakness;
  • Subfebrile temperature;
  • Feeling of fullness in the paranasal sinus, below the eye.

Also, for sinusitis, the most characteristic is the discharge of snot in the morning, since during the night the outflow of mucus is not disturbed. In the daytime, the secretion of mucus is difficult due to swelling of the nasal mucosa. Sinusitis can occur with or without temperature. In severe cases, a high temperature may be observed.

Bacterial rhinitis

Usually, bacterial rhinitis accompanies other diseases of the respiratory system, such as bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, etc. Unlike sinusitis, bacterial rhinitis does not cause so much trouble. However, you should not ignore it.

Patients with bacterial rhinitis are usually able to work, and symptoms indicative of the disease are congestion and green nasal discharge.

Sometimes red streaks may be present in the green discharge – traces of blood as a result of mechanical damage to the mucosa during blowing out. If there is a lot of blood, then this may indicate more serious diseases that require surgical intervention – nasal polyps or tumors of a different nature.


Adenoiditis, or overgrowth of pharyngeal tonsil tissue, is more common in children and less common in adults. Typical symptoms of adenoiditis can be:

  • temperature rise to 39 ° C and above;
  • sore throat and mucus running down the nasopharynx;
  • nasal discharge;
  • cough without phlegm, but may pass a small amount of mucus from the nose;
  • deterioration of the general condition;
  • weakness and fatigue.

Sometimes patients may complain of earaches and headaches. However, this is not a sign of the spread of the inflammatory process to the ear, but only the irradiation of pain.


Yellow-green snot in adults

A correct diagnosis is often obtained after taking an anamnesis and carefully examining the nasal cavity with a special dilator. Its installation does not cause discomfort, but allows you to see the condition of the mucous membrane, adenoids and partially evaluate the sinuses.

If sinusitis or sinusitis is suspected, palpation is also performed in the projection area of ​​the paranasal sinuses. These are places on the side of the back of the nose and between the eyebrows towards the forehead. If swelling or tenderness is felt in these areas, this is a reason to suspect inflammation.

To clarify the diagnosis can be assigned:

  • general blood test  – detection of an increase in leukocytes as signs of an inflammatory process;
  • a swab from the nose  – to clarify the causative agent of the disease;
  • x-ray of the sinuses  – to confirm the diagnosis of “sinusitis” or “sinusitis”.

If the inflammation is localized only on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, this indicates rhinitis. Treatment requires any of the possible diseases, since they can cause serious complications: otitis media, purulent fusion of the eardrum, and others.

Treatment of green snot

In order to treat green nasal discharge, it is necessary to seek medical help from an otorhinolaryngologist in a timely manner. Your doctor will take a swab from your nose and throat to check for bacteria and their sensitivity to antibiotics.

Next, you need to complete the full course of treatment prescribed by the otorhinolaryngologist.

At home, to treat a runny nose with green discharge, you can treat it by resorting to the following methods.

  • Do rinsing of the nasal passages with preparations based on sea water (Aquamaris, Physiomer, etc.);
  • Monitor the temperature (18-22 °C) and humidity (50-60%) of the surrounding air;
  • In case of nasal congestion, it is necessary to use vasoconstrictor drugs. These include Rinofluimucil, Tizin, Nazivin, Xilen, etc. The duration of their use should not exceed 5-7 days.
  • Do inhalations based on decoctions of herbs or essential oils. You can use chamomile flowers, sage, calendula.

Nasal wash preparations

Name of the drugCompositionMode of application
Aqua MarisAdriatic Sea water with trace elementsChildren 2 injections in each nasal passage 4-6 times a day, adults 2-3 injections in each nasal passage 4-8 times a day
Aqualornatural sea waterTurn your head to one side, insert the tip of the balloon into the nasal passage, rinse the nasal cavity for a few seconds, blow your nose
PhysiometerIsotonic sterile solution of natural sea waterChildren over 2 years old and adults: 2-4 washes of each nasal passage daily

In pregnant women, immunity is reduced for natural reasons, and they are more prone to colds. With the development of a runny nose with green snot in pregnant women, self-medication is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that pregnant women are prohibited from taking any drugs due to possible negative effects on the fetus. On the other hand, nasal congestion and associated breathing difficulties can cause fetal hypoxia, that is, lack of oxygen, which can adversely affect the development of the child. Precisely because of the above reasons, pregnant women should seek help from a specialist. The only thing a pregnant woman can do is rinse her nose with saline solutions.

You can also rinse your nose with herbal solutions. To do this, you can use infusions of chamomile officinalis, coltsfoot leaves, as well as aloe juice, Kalanchoe.

Prevention of snot in adults

To prevent the development of a runny nose with green discharge from the nose, you must follow simple rules:

  • spend more time outdoors;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle (give up bad habits);
  • regularly clean the nasal passages from dried-up compartments.

Specialist commentary

– Discharge from the nose of yellow-green and green color is characteristic of chronic sinusitis, adenoiditis, rhinitis, – notes otorhinolaryngologist. – Usually, the green color and unpleasant odor of the discharge acquire when a specific bacterial infection is attached, for example, anaerobic bacteria and most often occurs with odontogenic sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary sinus due to inflammation of the tooth). In this case, taking a swab from the nasal mucosa, the doctor will be able not only to determine the causative agent of the infection, but also to select the appropriate antibiotic therapy. With any inflammation of the nasal cavity and SNPs, one should not forget about the effectiveness of the simplest procedure – washing the nasal cavity with saline, such as Aqualor, Aquamaris, Physiomer, etc.

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