Green poop in a baby – what is it really like? The importance of diet and teething
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Watching and closely following a child’s development is often everything young parents focus on. Afraid to overlook any signs of any irregularities, they carefully stare at the contents of each diaper, and there – horror! – sometimes there is a green pile unlike anything else waiting for them.

Green poop in a baby – where does it come from?

There have been various speculations about it, many of them are unconfirmed by any scientific source of urban legends or even parenting legends. Some associate it with the presence of a large amount of iron in the diet of a nursing mother, others attribute the appearance of greenish piles to the action of special herbal lactation teas, including fennel seeds. Still others tend to associate the appearance of such poops with the process of teething, with an allergic reaction to extending the diet or even taking medications (antibiotics – as well as vaccinations).

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How is it really? It is difficult to say, because the color and consistency of the poop may depend on a huge number of constantly changing factors, covering a much broader spectrum than the food interests of mum and baby, and even additional medications.

Green poop in an infant and teething

There are twenty first teeth – it means a long period of their growth, which is associated with pain, causing stress and anxiety in the toddler. During this time, various ingredients slowly begin to enter the diet, we also try to alleviate the child with the help of various painkillers. Homeopathy will work for some children, while a special one will help others pain reliever for babies containing a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug in the right dose, and for others, the legendary cooling dental gel recommended by our mothers is enough.

All of these methods of dealing with a toddler’s teething problem can one way or another contribute to the green content of the diaper. In addition, it happens that the color is the effect of oxidation – sometimes we miss the moment when the diaper is full and the content is already “passed” – then it may appear greenish tint. However, if, apart from the color of the poop, there are no disturbing symptoms, there is nothing to worry about – at best, for your own peace of mind, you can mention the green poops to the doctor at your next visit to the pediatrician.

Green poop in a baby: after dill?

Young mothers eagerly reach for specially prepared compositions of herbs and plant ingredients, the task of which is both to support lactation and enrich the milk with various substances that facilitate the proper development of the baby. Of this type lactation teas They are a very good solution, many of them contain fennel seeds, which are known to alleviate digestive system ailments. The herb helps to cleanse the body, it also has a very gentle effect, suitable for use even with small children.

At the same time, moms relatively often suspect him of being the culprit of the green poops, watching the color change back to yellow after putting away the dill tea. The green color does seem to be related to the green additives – if the only effect is a change in color (and not consistency, for example), don’t panic either. The beneficial effects of teas to support immunity and prevent colic and constipation can have such a harmless side effect.

Green poop in an infant and constipation

It happens that introducing new ingredients to the diet will result in an unpleasantly green poop. Most often, it is the result of an allergic reaction in the digestive system to something that the baby or the mother who is breastfeeding has eaten. Green poop in an infant when expanding the diet is not unusual, but it is worth checking which of the consumed foods cause a greenish color and treat this signal as “not yet” of the children’s organism.

When a green mucus with a slimy consistencyand are accompanied by constipation and problems with defecation – it is worth consulting a pediatrician then. In addition to food allergy, this is how various disease processes occurring in the body are manifested. They often accompany infections, hence the green poop in an infant is associated with the action of the antibiotic. Concerns about the color and consistency of green poop, especially following constipation, should be reported to the attending physician, whose experience and knowledge will help to correctly interpret the occurrence of these symptoms.

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