Green peas: why are they good for children?

The nutritional benefits of peas

A source of vitamins B and C, peas are also rich in protein. In addition, they provide energy and the fibers they contain promote good transit k. In addition, they only contain 60 kcal / 100 g.

In video: the super easy recipe for baby peas flans

In video: Recipe: baby pea flan with mint from Chef Céline de Sousa

Peas, pro tips

Conservation : already shelled, they can be kept for a maximum of day in the fridge. In their pods, they are kept 2 or 3 days at the bottom of the refrigerator. To freeze them: they are shelled and placed in freezer bags. For long-term conservation, they are bleached beforehand.

Preparation : we split their pod in two, lengthwise, we detach the peas by pushing them towards a salad bowl. Then we rinse them with cold water.

Baking : in the pressure cooker for 10 minutes to preserve their benefits. For maximum taste, they are cooked for 15 minutes in salted boiling water. They can then be mixed into a velouté or drained and reduced to a puree. In a casserole dish: brown them, boiled beforehand, with butter and onions, 10 to 15 minutes.

Good to know

The soft green hue of their pods is indicative of freshness, as is their firmness.

Frozen peas are much better than canned ones.

Magical combinations to cook peas

Vintage, they sprinkle with salads or add a decorative touch to your fresh cheese toast.

Cooked in water or steamed, they form digestes and tasty duets with the early carrot. We do not hesitate to serve them with other vegetables from their “green” family such as beans and snow peas.

Mouliné : once cooked, they are finely mixed in their cooking water with a potato or parsnip to obtain a delicious soup.

Gazpacho version, we reserve the same fate for them with mint and broth, then we keep them in the fridge.

Did you know ?

1 kg of peas sold in their pods is equivalent to about 650 g of chewable, tender seeds.


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