Green onion and cheese casserole

How to prepare a dish ” Green onion and cheese casserole»

Cut all the vegetables and cut the cheese, cook 2 eggs and cut them into cubes. Add the grits and mix, and put all the ingredients in a baking dish. Beat the kefir and 2 eggs together and pour the casserole mixture. Bake for 30-40 minutes at 180C

Ingredients of the recipe “Green onion and cheese casserole»:
  • Green onion 150g.
  • Kefir 2.5% 120 gr.
  • Chicken egg 215 gr.
  • Bell pepper 64gr.
  • Cheese 130 gr.
  • Spinach 50 gr.
  • Corn groats 70 gr.

Nutritional value of the dish “Green onion and cheese casserole” (per 100 grams):

Calories: 134.9 kcal.

Squirrels: 7.5 gr.

Fats: 7.6 gr.

Carbohydrates: 8.8 gr.

Number of servings: 4Ingredients and calorie content of the recipe ” Green onion and cheese casserole»

ProductMeasureWeight, grWhite, grFat, gAngle, grKal, kcal
green onion150 gr1501.9506.928.5
kefir 2.5%120 g1203.3634.6860
chicken egg215 gr21527.3123.441.51337.55
sweet red pepper64 gr640.8303.3917.28
brynza cheese (made from sheep’s milk)130 g13018.9833.150387.4
spinach50 g501.450.15111
corn groats70 gr705.810.8452.5235.9
Total 79959.760.6701077.6
1 serving 20014.915.117.5269.4
100 grams 1007.57.68.8134.9

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