Green mushroom mushroom: description and photo

Green flywheel can be found everywhere, it is highly valued by experienced mushroom pickers for its good taste. Widely applicable in cooking. This tubular representative of the Boletov family prefers to settle on moss-covered soil.

What do green flywheels look like?

Green mushroom mushroom: description and photo

Green flywheel, or golden brown, belongs to the genus Borovik. It has an olive-brown or yellow-brown fleshy cap with a convex velvety surface. As the fungus matures, it acquires a lighter shade. The size reaches 15 cm in diameter. The tubular layer is adherent on the inside, slightly descending to the stem. In young specimens it is yellow, in older specimens it is greenish, with large uneven pores that turn blue when pressed. A dense, tapering, curved stem grows up to 12 cm in height and 2 cm in diameter. Loose, dense pulp has a light yellow tint, turns blue on the cut. According to the description and photo, green mushrooms are easy to distinguish from other mushrooms by their features – when broken, they emit a pleasant aroma of dried fruit.

The video presents this variety in more detail:

Mokhovik green – edible mushroom.

Where do green mushrooms grow

This species grows everywhere in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests. You can meet mushrooms in the western part of Our Country, but green mushrooms are found in large quantities in the Urals, the Far East and Siberia. They grow in bright places – along the sides of country roads, paths or ditches, as well as on forest edges. Their favorite places are rotten wood and ant heaps. Rarely, a variety can be found in groups: these mushrooms are “loners”. They bear fruit from the beginning of summer until the end of October.

Green flywheel edible or not

The green flywheel is an edible species that belongs to the 2nd category, which indicates that both caps and legs can be eaten. They are not only tasty, but also beneficial to human health.

The taste of the mushroom

You can cook nutritious dishes from green mushrooms throughout the season. In winter, use blanks in dried or frozen form. When marinated and salted, this nutritious product reveals its aroma with a slight fruity smell, as well as an excellent characteristic mushroom taste.

Benefits and harm to the body

The composition of the fruiting bodies includes:

  • minerals and amino acids;
  • vitamins and essential oils;
  • enzymes useful for the human body – amylase, proteinase, lipase.

The mushroom is low-calorie and contains easily digestible proteins, so it is used for dietary nutrition, included in the menu for obesity. Green mushrooms are natural antibiotics and help boost immunity with regular use. Traditional medicine advises including dishes from green mushrooms in the daily menu for colds, respiratory diseases and viral epidemics due to the properties of the product to resist infections and improve blood composition. Moss mushrooms also have a rejuvenating effect on the body.

Like all mushrooms, these members of the Boletov family are a high-protein product that puts a strain on the gastrointestinal tract, so it is not recommended to abuse them.

Important! There is little quinine in this mushroom variety, so the product is more easily absorbed by the body.

Green mushrooms are contraindicated in chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage. It is also necessary to refuse the product in case of inflammation of the digestive glands. In no case do not include mushroom dishes in the menu for children, under 3 years old and the elderly.

Important! Old, overgrown individuals contain urea and purine compounds in their composition, so they cannot be used for food.

False doubles

You can confuse the green representatives of the Borovik genus with such mushrooms:

  1. yellow-brown flywheel (or butter dish), the tubular layer of which has smaller pores and a light brown color. Very tasty, but little-known representative of the Boletovs.

    Green mushroom mushroom: description and photo

  2. polish mushroom, the cap of which has a dark brown color, and the tubular layer has smaller pores and a yellow color, does not acquire a green tint with age. If you press on the surface of the fungus, it becomes bluish, blue-green, bluish or brownish-brown. Fruiting bodies look oppressed – small, dull-colored, irregular in shape. The Polish mushroom has a pungent, very unpleasant taste of flesh and a yellow tubular layer with a red tint. It does not emit such a pleasant aroma as its green relative.

    Green mushroom mushroom: description and photo

  3. Pepper mushroom. A tubular brown representative of the Boletovs, which is easily recognizable by its unusual pungent taste, the red color of the spore-bearing layer. Refers to conditionally edible.

    Green mushroom mushroom: description and photo

Important! Conditionally edible mushrooms should be cooked separately from edible ones, as they require more complex heat treatment, otherwise you can get food poisoning.

Collection rules

Collect green mossiness mushrooms in dry weather, bypassing overgrown, too large specimens. Mushrooms with a cap are suitable for collection, the diameter of which does not exceed 6 – 7 cm. With a sharp knife, cut off the leg at the root, since it is used together with the cap for cooking.


The green flywheel is completely edible. Although pre-cooking is considered optional before preparing culinary dishes, it is still recommended to do it at a minimum for precautionary reasons. The skin from the cap is pre-cleaned. Fruiting bodies are not only salted and pickled, but also boiled, added to soups and sauces, fried and stewed, used as a filling for pies and homemade pizza, and mushroom caviar is made. The most delicious appetizer is considered to be pickled or salted mushrooms. In soups and juliennes, they do not lose their shape, do not spread, remaining strong and elastic.

Fruiting bodies brought from the forest are prepared immediately; it is not recommended to store them fresh. Before drying, mushrooms are thoroughly cleaned, damage is cut out and wormy, rotten specimens are removed. String on a thread and hang in a sunny, open place. Before freezing, green mushrooms are boiled in salted water, which is drained. The mass is placed in containers or plastic bags and sent for storage in the freezer. Boiled for 25 – 30 minutes, mushrooms are marinated, salted, fried, stewed, etc.

Important! Only young, not overgrown fruiting bodies are used for food. With age, protein breakdown begins, so eating overripe mushrooms threatens with serious food poisoning.


The green flywheel, like other members of the Boletov family, is valued by mushroom pickers. Dishes prepared from young fruiting bodies can replace meat due to the large amount of easily digestible vegetable proteins. This is a great support for a vegetarian diet.

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