Green lip mussels – properties, application, contraindications

What is the green lip mussel, what are its properties and application? The crustacean also known as New Zealand green clam (Perna canaliculus) is an endemic that is only found along the coasts of New Zealand. It stands out among other mussels due to the green-brown color of the shell and its size – the length it can reach is 24 cm. The use of preparations containing extract obtained from this species of mussels can have a beneficial effect on our joints.

Properties and application of green lip mussels

Discover how it positively affects your joints green-lipped mussel, we owe in fact to the indigenous inhabitants of New Zealand – the Maoris. Research on this creature, carried out since the 70s, showed that in most cases they do not struggle with back pain and joint diseases. Why is this happening? All thanks to this unique clam, which was and still is an important component of their diet. Bred under special conditions and clean water, it has become a valuable export since its discovery pro-health and healing properties.

The high content of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) such as uronic acid and amino sugar found in green-lipped mussel is widely used in the treatment of diseases and diseases of the joints. They are responsible for the reconstruction of cartilage and synovial fluid, as well as their resilience and elasticity. Their deficiency means that the joints are no longer naturally protected and are more susceptible to damage. Naturally present in the body, glucosamine plays a large role in the formation of cartilage and tendons. Except that New Zealand green clam it is rich in unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, which also reduce inflammation in the body; elements and minerals such as silicic acid which improves bone density and affects the structure of connective tissue, iron, calcium, phospholipids, sterols and vitamins A, C, E, and groups B and D.

The use of extract from green-lipped mussel It reduces, among others, the symptoms of joint degeneration, rheumatoid arthritis, increases their mobility, has anti-inflammatory properties, relieves muscle pain and swelling. The extract is also used in the prevention of osteoporosis and the treatment of asthma. It helps in the regeneration of joints daily exposed to the loads associated with the performance of all kinds of activities, sports, sometimes physical work, overweight and obesity. It supports recovery after mechanical injuries and joint diseases.

Preparations containing an extract of green lip mussels – ointment, balm and tablets

There are a lot of preparations available on the market, which include New Zealand Green Clam extract. Ointments and balms with green-lipped mussel. They bring relief from swelling, pain in muscles and joints. In addition, the powdered extract is also sold in the form of capsules and tablets. Dietary supplements and preparations z green-lipped mussel can be purchased in pharmacies and online or stationary stores. Usually the prices of ointments and lotions (150-250 ml) range from PLN 20 to PLN 40 and for tablets / capsules (60-170 pieces, 150-500 mg) from PLN 20 to PLN 60. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the product packaging.

At Medonet Market you will find a dietary supplement with New Zealand freeze-dried green mussels, which is recommended for strengthening the osteoarticular system. It is available in a two pack at an attractive price.

Among 70-80% of people who regularly use ointments, lotions or capsules with green-lipped mussel Effective action on ailments troubling them has been observed. It is an interesting and natural alternative to traditional medicines. The content of the concentrate from green-lipped mussel it usually makes up 80-90% of the preparation. The rest of the ingredients in the case of capsules are anti-caking agents and fillers, and in the case of lotions and ointments, they are e.g. petroleum jelly, camphor and essential oils. If we want to find a remedy for aching joints, it is worth reaching for the above-mentioned measures. Preparations containing an extract of this unique clam can be used not only as a preventive measure in treatment, but also as a full-fledged component of complex therapy for joint diseases. Extract from green-lipped mussel It is obtained in a special and quite laborious process, which allows to maintain the health-promoting properties of the mussels. It does not use heat treatment because it destroys the natural qualities of the extract. It is worth adding that on the Polish market you can also buy an additive to food for animals (dogs, cats and horses) with the content of concentrate with green-lipped mussel.

Ointment for joints made of green lip mussels is available at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

Green lip muffin – contraindications

Natural medicine supplements with New Zealand Green Clam should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women. People who are allergic to seafood and molluscs or protein should also not use this type of preparation. Due to the content of ingredients of animal origin, ointments, lotions and tablets from green-lipped mussel they are not suitable for use by vegans and vegetarians. No side effects were found when using the drugs described above.

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