Green illusion (Green illusion)

Czech absinthe Green illusion (translated from English – “Green Illusion”) was specially created in order to restore the reputation of wormwood tincture, which was thoroughly damaged back in the XNUMXth century. The Czech company L’or special drinks, which produces this type of drink, positions it as an ideal option for a first acquaintance with the world of absinthe.

When two Czech entrepreneurs Pavel Varga and Jiří Cerny founded the spirits company L’or special drinks in 1994, they didn’t know how successful it would be. The company produces high-quality alcoholic beverages, which have very few analogues on the modern market.

Green illusion is an emerald green absinthe with a strength of 70% with a rich wormwood-anise aroma. The drink has a delicate taste with traditional wormwood bitterness, turning into a warm spicy aftertaste. Absinthe is sold in solid stocky bottles of thick glass, reminiscent of old eggplants.

For more than 20 years, Pavel Varga traveled the world and collected ancient artifacts, as well as original recipes for making absinthe. At the distillery in Pradlo (near the city of Nepomuk), all operations for the production of this drink, like a hundred years ago, are carried out manually: without any automation, the best herbs are selected, weighed, added to huge vats, where the magic of birth takes place ” green fairy.

All his life, Pavel Varga dreamed of raising the culture of absinthe consumption to a high level, refuting speculation about the special harmfulness of thujone contained in the drink. To this end, in 2010 the company opened Absinteria in Prague, a bar-museum of absinthe. By that time, L’or special drinks already had several varieties of wormwood tincture in its assortment.

But Pan Varga rightly considered that they were all too saturated, sharp. Such drinks could be appreciated by absinthe lovers, but for beginners something else was required: a strong, but not too harsh drink, in the taste and aroma of which all the best qualities inherent in wormwood tincture would be revealed. Moreover, its price should be affordable to the widest range of consumers.

The new absinthe was named Green Illusion. It is produced using maceration technology: the tincture is not distilled, but carefully filtered. Thanks to this, absinthe retains the natural green color and aroma of mountain wormwood. For the manufacture of Green illusion, only young shoots of wormwood are used: they are the most fragrant and the least bitter.

Green illusion (Green illusion)

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