Green: how about making a dish cake?

Dishwashing liquid, like other non-ecological household products, emits chemical substances in wastewater which is difficult to dispose of. Dangerous for the planet, they are also dangerous for health! They increase indoor air pollution, damage hands and create allergies.

However, in the trade, it is difficult to find a healthy alternative as effective as the Dishwashing liquid chemical. What if the solution was to make an authentic dish cake? The solid, ecological and sustainable version comes in the form of a paste that is stored in a small jar. Once solidified and packed in its receptacle, it degreases the most soiled dishes on a daily basis.

A dish cake recipe

Ingredients :

  • • 100  g de SCS (Sodium coco sulfate) 
  • • 60 g de SCI (Sodium cocoyl isethionate).
  • • 12 g of soda crystals 
  • • 20 g of water 
  • • 8 g of citric acid 
  • • 20 drops of essential oil (optional)

Pour the surfactants into a saucepan. Add the water. Place the pan on low heat. Mix by crushing the crystals until you get a soft dough. Remove the pan from the heat. Add citric acid and soda crystals, mix to obtain a homogeneous consistency. Fill a pot with the dough and pack well. We moisten our sponge, brush (or tawashi) and rub the top of the dish cake which starts to foam.

You can find this recipe on the eco-responsible lifestyle site Les Trappeuses, which is full of tips and advice!

Good to know

We shop the ingredients of this recipe online on the Aroma Zone website 

What precautions should be taken to make a dish cake?

Be careful, the ingredients used in the recipe, such as sodium coconut sulfate (SCS), a surfactant, and soda crystals, can be irritating to the eyes and the respiratory tract. In order to handle them with maximum care, we use a protective mask and gloves. And we ventilate the kitchen while cooking. To flavor a crockery cake – and if there are no contraindications -, add a few drops of essential oils (lavender, lemon, palmarosa, tea tree, eucalyptus or mint).

What if we want dishwashing LIQUID?

For aficionados of liquid products, just fill a 500ml bottle with 1 teaspoon. of baking soda, 1/6 of neutral liquid soap, 15 to 20 drops of essential oils (lemon, pine, mint…). Or mix: 40 g of liquid black soap with 4 tbsp. of baking soda in a bottle, pour 500 ml of hot water and add 10 drops of lemon essential oil.

(Sources: Le Grand Ménage / –

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