«Green hospitals» – the premiere of the new UN Global Compact Network Poland report

Reducing emissions, improving the energy efficiency of hospitals, sustainable building design, digitization, a sustainable supply chain for hospital catering and waste management – healthcare has a unique opportunity to play a leading role in combating climate change, which the Lancet magazine called the greatest health threat of the XNUMXst century.

The answer to the transformation of buildings and the health care system towards low and zero emission is the idea of ​​”green hospitals”, which is aimed at, among others, meeting the requirements of the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal in the health sector. The report of the UN Global Compact Network Poland “Green hospitals” analyzes trends and actions taken to implement the idea.

The medical sector is responsible for over 4 percent. global carbon dioxide emissions, therefore it is extremely important to introduce reduction measures in this area. However, in order to achieve the above goal, it is necessary to look at the sector as a whole, taking into account not only the facilities themselves, but the entire value chain. A comprehensive look at “green hospitals” must also take into account their location and surroundings – emphasizes Kamil Wyszkowski, National Representative and Executive Director of UN Global Compact Network Poland.

How to transform healthcare?

The biggest challenges related to the implementation of the described idea include, among others reducing emissions from the healthcare sector, improving energy efficiency and energy storage in hospitals, digitizing hospitals, as well as changing the approach to the construction and development of medical facilities, which should take into account the green environment of the hospital and a sustainable supply chain for hospital catering, as well as the recycling of waste generated as part of the business.

A sustainable hospital means sustainable cooperation, logistics, supplies and infrastructure – says Michał Grzybowski, president of Philips Polska, partner of the report “Green hospitals”. – A sustainable hospital has its foundations in a number of partners’ activities, the common goal of which is to build a green future in health care. Thanks to the involvement of representatives of science, the system and business, this goal becomes achievable, and the report “Green hospitals” is a great presentation of the best practices developed over the years. – underlines.

The authors of the articles indicated solutions that may contribute to the improvement of the condition and efficiency of hospital infrastructure. It is extremely important that investments in a green transformation not only improve health care conditions, but also real long-term savings for facilities.

Thermomodernization of buildings

This is by far the most common form of investment in the sector. Most of the buildings of hospitals and other institutions were built years ago, so they do not meet international standards in the field of heat management. However, research conducted on medical facilities shows that more and more of them are investing in heat pump systems, modernization of heat nodes and air handling units equipped with coolers, as well as replacing windows. Over the past 8 years, some hospital units have reduced thermal energy consumption by up to 50%, generating CO2 emissions savings of 1000 tons per year. Moreover, the use of the above-mentioned solutions, which are provided for many years, reduces the cost of maintaining the hospital.

Energy efficiency of hospitals

An important step in the right direction is certainly the use of renewable energy sources to power the buildings of medical facilities. It is a practice that is increasingly used in Polish hospitals. One of the largest installations of this type is located in the building of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Szczecin. The total power of the installed panels is 740,60 kWp, which makes it one of the largest roof installations in the country. In just 4 months from the installation of the panels, the Fusion Solar platform algorithm calculated that it was possible to reduce CO2 production by over 305 tons, and the savings amounted to nearly 400. zlotys.

Energy efficiency is also dependent on automation of control and or replacement with more efficient installations of various kinds. A good example is ledification, i.e. replacing obsolete lighting with a LED system, not only contributing to significant energy savings, but also reducing CO2 emissions. Economy and environmental friendliness can be even greater if the choice is lighting designed in the spirit of the circular economy. An example of such a solution are, for example, lighting fixtures printed in 3D.


Hospital digitization, i.e. carrying out broadly understood technological transformations, concerning e.g. document circulation, energy management and communication with patients. Along with the development of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) is also used more and more often, which is able to make decisions in management processes on its own.

Sustainable supply chains and hospital surroundings

Healthy food and hospital gastronomy require profound and rapid reforms. Key changes are needed, among others in the food supply chain and quality. Mandatory requirements for public procurement should be formulated, taking into account high-quality food that comes from regional and organic crops, and at the same time reduces the carbon footprint resulting from the extension of the supply chain.

Also, the sustainable environment of hospitals and clean air are the elements whose role is invaluable in the process of implementing the idea of ​​green hospitals. In addition, the current state of knowledge undoubtedly indicates that the conscious use of gardens in the management of hospitals is justified and necessary. Contact with nature, even passive, helps to reduce stress, relaxes and evokes positive emotions. Particular attention should also be paid to the air quality around hospitals and other medical facilities. Research in London indicated that despite improvements in the city’s air quality, all of these establishments were in areas that did not meet WHO standards. There are no similar studies conducted in Poland. However, the location of many institutions indicates that they are located in places that also do not meet the above-mentioned standards.

Circular waste management

Sustainable medical equipment and waste management are elements that are often overlooked and ignored in medical facilities. Millions of tons of plastics and disposable tools used during treatments are one of the biggest challenges for the sector. Every year, nearly 100 billion tonnes of resources are placed on the market, of which only 8,6% is recovered and reused. Therefore, the first and most important step is to minimize waste generation as part of the sector’s activities and to apply the principles of the circular economy.


The premiere of the UN Global Compact Network Poland report took place on June 28 during the World Urban Forum 11 in Katowice – the United Nations World Urban Forum, with the participation of representatives of the United Nations, government administration, healthcare facilities and business. Philips is the partner of the Green Hospitals report.

The report is available at: https://bit.ly/3HMGvFR

Source: UN Global Compact Network Poland

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