Green giant beans

Beans belong to the plants of the legume family, which are considered to be a vegetable analogue of meat products, as they contain a large amount of proteins and amino acids. Large yields with minimal time and effort add pluses to the piggy bank of this wonderful plant. At the same time, there are a huge number of types and varieties of beans, so the first thing they start growing a crop with is the choice of variety.

Description of beans “Green giant”

Ripening time: mid-season variety, the period from germination to the appearance of ripened fruits is 55 days.

Plant height: about 3 m.

Pod Size: length – 22 cm, width – 2,5-3 cm.

Taste qualities: has a delicate sweet taste, very juicy. These asparagus beans are ideal for canning.

Other characteristics: “Green giant” refers to a type of asparagus bean. In form, this variety belongs to climbing plants.  

Green giant beans


Green giant beans

Sprouted seeds are planted directly on a permanent habitat. Planting depth – 5-6 cm. The landing site should be sunny. The soil for growing should be light. The predecessors recommended for asparagus beans are potatoes, tomatoes, or cabbage. When planting the Green Giant variety, you need to take into account the size of the plant, without planting them closer than 15 cm from each other.

Important! Asparagus beans “Green Giant” are thermophilic and do not tolerate frost at all, so the time of its planting is due to the end of the frost period.

Caring for the “Green Giant” during cultivation is quite simple:

  • watering as needed, depending on weather conditions;
  • top dressing is obligatory, but also does not provide for anything supernatural: nitrogen – at the initial stage, phosphorus-potassium – during flowering and fruiting;
  • weeding, loosening for asparagus beans is also relevant, as for other crops.

Since this is a climbing plant that has high decorative qualities, you can be creative in the way it is planted:

  1. For example, plant it in the form of a decorative column. You just need to come up with a base on which the plant will curl.
  2. You can create a fabulous green hut for children to play on hot days.
  3. “Green giant” can become a worthy decoration of a fence or gazebo.
  4. Creative gardeners come up with supports of completely different shapes.

Green giant beans


Asparagus beans bear fruit for a long time. New flowers appear, then pods that ripen over time, at which time flowers reappear, etc. Therefore, the harvesting of Green Giant beans is not a one-time event, but a continuous controlled process. It is necessary to constantly monitor and remove ripe pods. Asparagus beans ripen approximately 10 days after the appearance of the ovary. If you miss the moment, the pods will become coarse and suitable only for seeds.

Green giant beans

Useful properties of asparagus beans

The composition includes a huge amount of useful substances:

  • Vitamin A, C, as well as B vitamins, the benefits of which every child knows;
  • A record amount of proteins for a plant, thanks to this it is called an analogue of meat and fish. Protein is needed for many processes in our body, but the most important is the construction of new cells;
  • The most important amino acids for the body, which help us not to age, establish the normal functioning of the nervous system and inhibit the growth of malignant cells;
  • Fiber, which perfectly cleanses the intestines, gives a feeling of fullness, with a low calorie content of food, which helps to reduce weight;
  • A whole list of useful trace elements. Such as iron, zinc, chlorine, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium. They are involved in many metabolic processes, ensuring the normal functioning of all organs and systems.

Green giant beans

All these substances benefit the body not only through nutrition, so this culture is used for cosmetic purposes. Masks with its participation tighten the skin, smoothing fine wrinkles, nourish and moisturize, smooth and whiten.

This variety of asparagus beans can be not only a useful addition to the diet, but will also please with its appearance and unpretentiousness in care.


Ekaterina, 53 years old, Ufa
Age and health made me reconsider my diet. For a change, I had to look for something new to plant on my site. I decided to plant asparagus beans. The variety was chosen by “Green Giant”. Planted. When my bean blossomed, the neighbors mistook it for an ornamental plant. Then the first huge green pods appeared. Very tasty and juicy. It turns out that you can cook a huge number of dishes from asparagus beans. I was very pleased with the Green Giant variety.
Mikhail, 42 years old, Kazan
I have been planting beans for more than a year, but planted asparagus for the first time. Variety “Green giant”. I liked it very much: it grows quickly, bears fruit for a long time, care is minimal. The most important thing is that I discovered asparagus beans, they are very tasty.
Elena, 34 years old, Volgograd
I’ve been growing green beans for a couple of years now. Last year I planted the “Green Giant” variety, in complete delight. Delicious, tender, and how much there was, although I planted only a few pieces. All the work was to harvest and preserve the crop, because before that there was practically no care. Plus, it doesn’t take up a lot of space. Planted in the form of a hut for children (an idea from the Internet), and a little along the fence.
How to grow asparagus. Harvesting Asparagus. Site “Garden World”

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