
Seeing the green dot is one of the exercises in speed reading. Contemplation of the green dot occurs with the help of autogenic immersion, a special mood is needed. The technique greatly develops concentration, trains willpower, as you give yourself strong settings. With this technique, you will learn how to better concentrate on any task.

Prepare a text with autogenic training on a piece of paper. Draw a green dot in the center of the leaf. Focus on this point. At the same time, remember that you must sit up straight and relax the facial muscles.

According to speed reading theorists, observing a green dot during fast reading and speed reading allows you to learn to focus on the main thing.

Contemplation of the green dot and the development of speed reading skills

  • Exercise develops concentration!
  • Exercise trains your willpower and perseverance!
  • The exercise trains the strength of the installation.

Exercise guidance

  • justify text,
  • reduce the green dot to the size of a line of text in this font, and place it after the words “concentrated, strong” (see text for auto-training below).
  • resize the page so that the dot is in the middle of the page, and pull the bottom up to that dot.
  • print the page and practice.

Green dot method


  1. The exercise is performed for 3 months daily without interruption, just before bedtime.
  2. The text should be in front of you in the same slanted position (you can use a book stand). Distance — 30-33 cm from the eyes.
  3. We read the whole text aloud slowly and calmly.
  4. We perform gymnastics for the eyes: the head is motionless. We look down, up, left, right, far, near.
  5. We contemplate the green dot for 10 minutes:
  • drive away extraneous thoughts
  • focus only on the green dot
  • all thoughts, consciousness should be connected only with the green dot
  • calm even lighting
  • feet freely touch the floor, hands on the table, the whole body is relaxed, breathing is even, calm
  • NEVER read the text while contemplating the green dot!

6. After 10 minutes, close your eyes, cover with the palm of your right hand and go to sleep. The illusion of continuing to contemplate the green dot should be the last visual impression of the past day.


Relaxation should be maintained throughout the session. The eyelids should be half-closed, the look — as if half asleep.

Contemplating the green dot, consciousness goes through several stages. As the concentrated calmness increases, the micromovements of the eyes become more and more smooth, soft, almost imperceptible. It is easier and easier to keep attention on the point, to think only about it. But here you are in danger of complete relaxation — falling asleep — the green dot begins to «swim» in different directions: left-right, up-down, approaches you or moves away from you. This should not bother you and you should maintain a state of «calm concentration» and return the green dot to its place; bring yourself not too vigorously into normal wakefulness. The task becomes easy and simple: it is not difficult to look at the green dot, the eyes stop on it without any effort in immobility, all extraneous thoughts disappear. The vision of the green dot becomes DIFFERENT, BRIGHT, LIVE. Some special CLARITY OF CONSCIOUSNESS is achieved, which is the main goal of the exercise.

When you learn this (it takes 1-2 weeks), the task is to gradually expand the scope of perception. You should strive to see larger fragments of text with a green dot — right and left, top and bottom. Then expand the field of view in width, horizontally. Then strive to see the entire line of text from the center of the page horizontally. Then increase the volume of perception: you should see 2-3 lines of text up and down along with a green dot — it means not to read the text, but to FEEL its presence.

Reading is always associated with eye movement. In this exercise it is FORBIDDEN. The entire period of contemplation of the green dot, the gaze fixes ONLY THE GREEN POINT. To see the text is not to read the text, but with peripheral vision to try to distinguish the contours, outlines of the words, phrases, sentences surrounding the green dot. Gradually you see larger and larger fragments of text.

Ultimate GOAL: 10 minutes you freely contemplate the green dot, without being distracted by extraneous thoughts, suddenly you see the entire page at the same time as the green dot in the center. It doesn’t last long, just a few moments, but it’s enough.


Green dot text — an inspiring appeal to the reader

I am completely calm. I am absolutely calm. Fast reading gives me joy, a feeling of lightness. Climb. I do not get tired, and my well-being improves every day. It’s easy for me to learn to read. While studying, I remain free, fresh. Now I’m trying to imagine as clearly as possible what is at stake. I read the text of any difficulty only once. I always use the first rule of fast reading — read without regressions. Eyes run easily and freely only forward. I can read like that. I will always read like this. I read fast. I constantly remember the seven blocks of the integral reading algorithm. The visual image of the algorithm is clearly visible to me. Reading the text, I freely decompose its content into blocks of the algorithm. I discard all excess. The new reading program works by itself, out of habit. I will always read like this. I read fast. I always see in the text its main semantic meaning — the dominant. I see her clearly. It is highlighted, as on the screen, convex, bright, contrasting. I can always write it down in my own words, in the language of my own thoughts. I read fast. I have no articulation. I memorized the rhythm of her suppression. He doesn’t let him speak. I will always remember him. I read faster and faster. I feel that every day my vision becomes sharper, more concentrated, stronger.

My field of vision is constantly expanding. Every day I see the whole page better and better, I see the whole text at once, clearly, distinctly. My gaze is free, calm, clear. Eyes easily and freely slide through the text only vertically, from top to bottom, in the center of the page. I can read in fifteen seconds, in seven seconds, in one second. I see the text as on the screen. I can clearly see the whole page at once. I try to imagine as clearly as possible what is at stake. I feel strong, young, healthy. The nervous system, my whole body is gaining energy, calmness, endurance, strength. My sleep is deep, strong. I read amazingly fast. I am always attentive and focused. Extraneous thoughts do not disturb. My attention is mine. I am constantly training my attention. I have an excellent memory. My memory is improving every day. The necessary is remembered by itself, without any effort and is displayed as on the screen — completely and accurately. I read fast. I enjoy speed reading. I read freely, easily, with comfort. I am completely calm. I am absolutely calm. Fast reading gives me joy, a feeling of lightness, an uplift. I do not get tired, and my well-being improves every day. I read fast. I have coded new programs and reading codes in my brain, in my mind. I will always read fast.

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