Green diet harm and benefit

It has long been known that the color of food eaten directly affects human well-being. However, scientists give more preference to green foods, which contain many vitamins, for example, calcium, which strengthens vision, bones and teeth. What else green foods are useful for – we will find out in the selection.

Scientists are not in vain advise to include several kiwi fruits in the daily diet. This product perfectly relieves stress, depression, regulates the stability of the nervous system during regular exercise.

Kiwi also helps to remove cholesterol, absorbs iron, neutralizes the effect of nitrates, and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular and oncological diseases. In addition, these fruits improve digestion, and thanks to vitamin K1, they even reduce the risk of diabetes.

This product is best consumed at the end of lunch or dinner to relieve the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and prevent heartburn.

This exotic fruit has many valuable medicinal properties, for example, it improves memory, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and contains substances that can remove excess cholesterol from the body.

This fruit contains practically no sugar and carbohydrates, and the fat contained is easily digested due to the large amount of unsaturated fatty acids.

By the way, avocados are useful not only for health, but also for attractive appearance, because the fats they contain, vitamins A and E contribute to the beauty and elasticity of the skin. Consuming this fruit on a regular basis helps to get rid of wrinkles and strengthen the cell walls, which makes the skin look younger.

Green apples, unlike red ones, contain less sugar, so even those with diabetes can include them in their diet.

In addition, green apples are hypoallergenic, help the body better cope with fatty foods, contain more vitamins, are recommended for low acidity and are not as harmful to teeth as, say, their red counterparts.

Oddly enough, most of the bananas that are offered to customers in stores are feed, which means they are not as healthy as mini bananas or green (vegetable) bananas.

Green bananas are useful and, unlike yellow ones, are a source of potassium, retain calcium in the body better, have a healing effect on stomach ulcers, prevent the development of atherosclerosis and hypertension, normalize blood pressure, and also protect the heart from the harmful effects of the environment.

It is not for nothing that the pear is called the queen of fruits, because the fruits of this delicacy contain glucose, fructose, sucrose, vitamins A, B1, B2, E, P, PP, C, carotene, folic acid, mineral salts of iron, manganese, iodine, copper, potassium , calcium, fiber and other useful substances. However, it is in green pears that there are more vitamins and minerals.

These fruits have a disinfectant, diuretic, antipyretic effect, help with a strong cough, promote the elimination of heavy metals and toxins from the body, and due to the content of unique essential oils and biologically active substances, increase the body’s defenses and protect against infectious diseases. Moreover, these properties are possessed by fruits not only fresh, but also boiled, dried and dried.

In fact, cabbage contains an incredible amount of vitamin C, even more than oranges. That is why this product is a natural antioxidant, reduces the impact of negative radicals on the body, strengthens the immune system and protects against many diseases.

In fact, cabbage has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, however, it is most beneficial to use it to prevent and treat brain and neurotic disorders.

Broccoli, perhaps, can be called one of the most useful vegetables, because it is this product that is effective in the fight against cancerous tumors, in cleansing the body of harmful substances, toxins and free radicals.

In addition, broccoli dishes are extremely beneficial for the body, because this green vegetable helps to heal indigestion, improve digestion, strengthen bones, and broccoli is indispensable for skin care and maintaining youth and beauty.

Green grapes are high in vitamins, minerals, flavonoids and antioxidants. Therefore, this product is simply irreplaceable for kidney, stomach, cataract, chronic fatigue and intestinal problems.

In addition, green grapes should be included in the diet in the treatment of asthma, cardiovascular diseases (to prevent heart attacks), clogged veins, and its juice – for the treatment and prevention of migraines, strengthening the immune system and for recharging energy and vigor for the whole day. …

Lime, due to the content of a huge amount of vitamin C, lowers cholesterol levels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, stimulates collagen production, improves the condition and elasticity of the skin, and, in general, slows down the aging process.

In addition, the juice of this product contains potassium, which helps to strengthen the walls of capillaries, the absorption of iron, as well as the regulation of digestive processes and improve appetite, due to the rich content of essential oils, vitamins A, E and other useful microelements.

Green onions, 90% water and 10% dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins, are an excellent remedy for anemia, inflammation, digestive disorders, and high blood pressure.

In addition, green onions have long been considered a wonderful aphrodisiac due to their high aphrodisiac content.

Green beans are also called a vegetable of eternal youth, because they have many useful substances that help to strengthen the health of the body, cope with various infections, neutralize the effects of free radicals and slow down the aging process.

Plus, this vegetable is beneficial for maintaining colon health as well as removing cholesterol from the body.

The beneficial properties of parsley can hardly be overestimated, because its nutritional composition is universal, and its beneficial properties help prevent many diseases.

For example, parsley improves blood composition, helps fight anemia and atherosclerosis, helps maintain vascular elasticity, protects against the development of arthritis, and is also an excellent folk remedy for combating and preventing bad breath.

Dill does not contain cholesterol, is low in calories, is rich in various antioxidants, vitamins and dietary fiber that normalize cholesterol and blood sugar levels. That is why this plant is so necessary to include in the diet of diabetics and people with high cholesterol levels in the body.

In addition, dill is one of the most effective foods for cancer prevention and an excellent digestion aid.

Basil is widely used in cooking. According to scientists, this plant improves blood circulation, the activity of the respiratory tract, lowers blood sugar levels, and also protects the body from the effects of free radicals that cause cancer.

In addition, basil is an effective remedy for fever, respiratory problems, and even kidney stones.

Arugula is a very useful plant – it is a low-calorie product rich in vitamins, microelements and antioxidants, very effective for the treatment and prevention of various types of cancer, improving digestion and strengthening the body’s immune system.

In addition, like other leafy plants, rucola can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and even rejuvenate the skin.

It is not for nothing that cilantro is included in many dishes; it not only has tasty, but also very useful properties. For example, the use of this plant helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system, and it is also an excellent natural antioxidant, due to its high content of vitamin C.

In fact, cilantro helps to strengthen the immune system and protect against various seasonal diseases.

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