Experts from the detox studio near Moscow shared with us recipes for green cocktails that energize and healthy vitamins and minerals.
To make a green smoothie, you need a blender with a capacity of at least 3000 rpm.
Conditional measurements:
- A bunch – the amount of greenery, the stem part in a bunch, which is placed in a clenched fist, while the thumb of the hand touches the rest of the fingers.
- Fresh ginger is measured in centimeters.
- We use whole lemon and lime, without skin and seeds.
Superfoods are optional. They add nutritional value to the cocktail.
The proportions shown are based on one serving. Whisk cocktails for 2-3 minutes (depending on the density of the fiber).
– half a bunch of parsley,
– a handful of spinach,
– 1/6 bunch of tarragon,
– half an artichoke,
– 1 centimeter of ginger,
– 1 glass of still mineral water,
– 1 tablespoon of maca root.
Energy No. 1:
– 3 handfuls of spinach,
– 4-5 sheets of beet tops,
– a quarter of a bunch of basil,
– half a bunch of romano salad (oakleaf or any other than arugula),
– a quarter of a lemon,
– 1 tablespoon of witgrass powder
– 1 glass of mineral water.
– half a bunch of parsley,
– 4-5 stalks of nettles,
– a quarter of a bunch of carrot tops,
– a handful of spinach,
– 1 glass of water.
Energy No. 2:
– 2 handfuls of spinach,
– half a bunch of parsley,
– 1-2 stalks of celery,
– 1 cucumber without skin,
– a quarter of a bunch of turnip tops (can be replaced with radish, beet, carrot or any other tops),
– 1 tablespoon of witgrass powder.
– a handful of spinach,
– a bunch of any young tops,
– a handful of buds of a coniferous tree (spruce, pine) that have hatched 0,8-1,5 centimeters,
– half a lemon,
– 2 centimeters of ginger.
The more varied the composition of the cocktail for the variety of greens, the healthier and more nutritious it will be. In the spring, summer and fall, it is preferable to buy local greens or collect them in proven clean places. In winter, it is quite possible to use greens purchased from a good store in which you are sure.
You can also add fruits to green smoothies for a variety of flavors, but they should not be combined with vegetables.
It is necessary to maintain an interval of 30-40 minutes between a meal and a green cocktail.