Green coating on the tongue

A green coating on the tongue is the appearance on the mucous surface of an organ of a substrate that has the corresponding color. Most often, green plaque indicates some kind of pathological process occurring in the body. A qualified doctor is always able to assume the presence of a particular problem only by the color of the overlay, its density and nature. After all, normally the surface of the organ is covered with a small coating, but it can be easily cleaned in the morning. After that, the tongue acquires an even pink color. Any change in color, an increase in the volume of overlays, the difficulty of removing them already indicate the presence of a number of problems.

As for the plaque of a green color, it appears less frequently than overlays, for example, yellow or brown, and most often indicates the presence of a fungal disease.

Causes of green plaque on the tongue

Green coating on the tongue

Among the reasons leading to the appearance of green plaque, the following can be distinguished:

  • Lack of oral hygiene or its improper implementation.

  • Diseases of the organs that make up the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Irrational nutrition, lack of vitamins or their insufficient intake into the body with food.

  • Thrush.

  • Hepatic pathology.

  • Decreased immunity.

  • Taking certain medications, in particular antibiotics.

  • AIDS virus.

  • Consumption of alcohol and drugs, as well as smoking.

  • An increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood.

  • Glossitis is a bacterial or fungal inflammation of the tongue.

  • Jaundice causes a green or yellow tongue, especially in the early stages of the disease.

  • Hormonal changes in the body, in particular puberty.

Symptoms of green plaque on the tongue

Since green plaque is an independent symptom of a number of diseases, it may differ in some accompanying signs.

Among them are:

  • The thickness of the overlay on the tongue. This symptom can tell about the degree of the disease that caused the plaque. If the layer is thin, then the pathology is just beginning, for example, it can be SARS or influenza. When the overlay is thick, the disease progresses for a long time and is most likely associated with more serious problems than a mild infection.

  • An important symptom is the location of the plaque: is the tongue completely covered with it, or are the overlays located in separate areas.

  • Ease of separation of plaque from the body. If it is soft and easy to remove, then in some cases this may be a variant of the norm. If the overlays are caused by the pathology of the organs, then the plaque thickens and it becomes problematic to remove it.

  • Depending on the cause that caused the formation of plaque, its consistency changes. It can be wet or dry, cheesy or greasy.

Diagnosis of green plaque in the tongue

In order to determine the cause that called for the coloring of the tongue in green, you need to seek help from a doctor. The only exception is the case when the tongue becomes green due to food intake, which can stain the organ in a natural way.

First of all, the doctor must listen to the patient’s complaints and make a visual examination of the tongue on which the plaque has formed. For a more thorough study of the organ, the doctor can use a spatula. He evaluates its thickness, mobility, color of the tongue, condition of the papillae, relief of the surface of the plate.

Treatment of green plaque on the tongue

Green coating on the tongue

After the diagnosis, the doctor will either prescribe additional studies, or redirect the patient to another specialist, or start treatment on his own. If the cause of the formation of green overlays on the organ is illiterate oral hygiene, then it is advisable to take care of it more carefully. You should brush not only your teeth, but also the gums and the surface of the tongue. In addition, after each meal, rinse your mouth. To do this, you can use both ordinary water and special antiseptic solutions. They better allow you to eliminate the green plaque, which is caused by the pathogenic flora. Miramistin can be used as such a remedy. This is an antiseptic, which you need to hold in your mouth for no more than a minute to eliminate pathogens. Also for this purpose, you can use a solution of chlorophyllipt. This remedy is made on the basis of the essential mass of eucalyptus, due to which it has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. In the event that careful oral hygiene does not help to cope with green plaque, then it is worth looking for another reason for its occurrence.

When stagnation of bile leads to the formation of green overlays, doctors prescribe remedies to eliminate this process. As medicines are used: Cholenzim, Vigeratin, Liobil. Also, the main therapy can be supplemented with such means as Allohol or Tanacehol.

If the plaque was caused by problems with the liver, then it is advisable to prescribe hepatoprotectors. Their action is aimed at restoring the function of the body due to the regeneration of liver cells. Karsil, Legalon and others can act as such funds.

If the plaque was formed as a result of a viral infection and a decrease in immunity against this background, then doctors prescribe antiviral drugs. If necessary, antibiotics of various groups can be used.

When plaque appears as a result of a fungal infection, the patient must undergo a course of antifungal therapy. For this, tools such as Mikosist, Fluconazole and others are used.

When the body is intoxicated, adsorbents are used – Eneterosgel and dopamine blockers – Raglan.

Most often, regardless of what caused the formation of a green plaque, the patient is prescribed a course of vitamins to increase the body’s defenses and normalize the processes occurring in it.

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