Someone once said that Greek cuisine is a harmony of fresh products flavored with spices and herbs and seasoned with olive oil. And we have no reason to doubt it. Except to add that this harmony of fresh products is complemented by feta cheese, seafood and wine.
Delving deeper into the history of Greek cuisine, it is worth recognizing that its roots go back centuries – during the existence of Hellas, or Ancient Greece. At that time, a food culture was just emerging here, which later became the basis of Mediterranean cuisine.
Ancient Greek cuisine was based on foods that did not raise blood sugar levels, that is, did not lead to obesity. At the same time, due attention was paid to olives (they were preserved with sea salt) and cold-pressed olive oil, which is considered the most useful.
By the way, we owe the origin of bread to the Greeks. After all, bread has been baked here from coarse flour since the XNUMXth century BC, although only rich people could afford it at that time. Moreover, for them it was an independent dish – very valuable and very scarce. Hence the proverb “Bread is the head of everything.”
The Greeks also held in high esteem vegetables, fruits, beans and figs. They preferred to drink sheep’s milk, from which they made sheep’s curd, or wine. Although the latter they diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2 (where 2 parts of water) or 1: 3. By the way, winemaking in Greece is still treated as a work of art, which is based on millennial traditions.
The Greeks were very fond of meat, preferably game, fish and seafood. Although fish cuisine began to develop here later. And fish has long been considered food for the poor. However, when this ingredient fell into the hands of Greek masters, the greatness of this land was talked about all over the world.
It is interesting that some recipes for preparing ancient Greek dishes have not yet been solved. For example, a dish based on whole fish. But one third of it is fried, the other is boiled, and the third is salted.
Moreover, walnuts for the Greeks were imported and we will burn out a delicacy, but they never heard of buckwheat (buckwheat). Nevertheless, honey and… feasts were very popular here. And all because for the Greeks, a meal is not just an opportunity to replenish lost strength, but also to relax, discuss business and have a good time.
By the way, practically nothing has changed in Greek cuisine since the time of Hellas.
As before, they love here:
- olive oil;
- vegetables: tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, onions and beans;
- fruits: grapes, apricots, peaches, cherries, melons, watermelons, lemons and oranges;
- herbs: oregano, thyme, mint, rosemary, basil, garlic, dill, bay leaf, nutmeg, oregano;
- cheeses, especially feta. However, there are at least 50 types of cheese known in Greece;
- yoghurts;
- meat, in particular lamb, pork and turkey;
- fish and seafood;
- honey;
- nuts;
- wine. By the way, the most ancient and famous – retsina – with a slight aftertaste of pine resin;
- natural juices;
- coffee. Greek is served in small cups with a glass of cold water. There are also frape and other types.
The main cooking methods in Greece are:
- 1 cooking;
- 2 frying, sometimes on coals or on a spit;
- 3 baking;
- 4 extinguishing;
- 5 pickling.
Typical Greek cuisine is characterized by simplicity, brightness and aroma. And although the whole variety of Greek dishes has not yet been revealed by tourists, some of them stand out – traditional for the Greeks themselves and in demand for their guests:
Dzatziki is one of the popular sauces made with yoghurt, cucumbers, herbs, garlic and spices. It is served here separately or as an addition to the main course.
Suvlaki – fish or meat kebab. Prepared on a wooden skewer and served with vegetables and bread.
Taramasalata is a snack served with olives and bread. Made with smoked cod roe, garlic, lemon and olive oil.
Greek salad is a kind of visiting card of Greece. One of the most colorful and traditional Greek dishes. It includes fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, red onions, feta cheese, olives, sometimes capers and lettuce, seasoned with olive oil.
Moussaka is a baked puff dish made from tomatoes, minced meat, eggplant, sauce, sometimes potatoes and mushrooms. It exists not only in Greece, but also in Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, Bosnia, Moldova.
Another option for moussaka.
Dolmades is an analogue of cabbage rolls, the filling of which is wrapped in grape leaves, not cabbage leaves. Served with lemon juice and olive oil. In addition to Greece, it is highly valued in parts of Asia, Transcaucasia, on the Balkan Peninsula.
Pastitsio is a casserole. It is made from tubular pasta with cheese and meat with a creamy sauce.
A fish.
Spanakopita – puff pastry pies with feta cheese, spinach and herbs. Sometimes prepared as one big cake.
Tiropita is a puff pastry pie with feta cheese.
Pita – bread cakes.
Lucoumades is the Greek version of donuts.
Melomakarona – cookies with honey.
Useful properties of Greek cuisine
Greece is one of the sunniest countries. Thanks to this, a huge amount of vegetables and fruits are grown here. The Greeks actively use them in food, due to which they are considered one of the healthiest nations.
They take a very responsible approach to the choice of products when preparing dishes, preferring only those that are of high quality. In addition, the Greeks do not use preservatives, so their cheeses and yoghurts differ significantly from ours – in appearance, nutritional value and usefulness.
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