Great Star Shapes: Photo by Katy Perry

Great Star Shapes: Photo by Katy Perry

Dr. Bradley Frederick, known for revealing the secrets of the super-appearance of Hollywood stars, is sure: every girl can have a figure like Katy Perry. The main thing is to follow the five rules, which we talk about in detail today.

Secret # 1: have fun

Fitness shouldn’t be like suffering a martyr. Sport is obliged to bring pleasure – only then you want to do it again and again. Moreover, not much is required – only half an hour a day.

Katy Perry admits: “I hate doing different exercises, but I love jumping rope. It’s very rhythmic and even like dancing. ” Pop star Asher begins his daily workout routine with a 20-minute meditation session to help him tune in and get in the mood. Jessica Biel loves to do yoga, and Christine Davis does a jog with her favorites, three terriers.

Find the type of physical activity that you like the most. We always try to do what we are interested in. Putting your body in order is hard and exhausting work. But it can still be fun!

See also:

  • 6 secrets of a great figure from movie stars. They go jogging with their dogs, avoid catching taxis, surf, yoga and dance … talks about how the actors keep themselves in great physical shape.
  • The seven commandments of thin Hollywood women. What do stars eat for breakfast and lunch? How do you get back in shape after pregnancy? What secret diets are used? Read about it in the investigation.
  • Secrets of Dr. House’s assistant. Jennifer Morrison, the star of the acclaimed television series, easily wins the trust of patients in the film, and in real life she is engaged in boxing and snowboarding. Read about these and other hobbies of the actress in her interview.

Secret # 2: replace sugary drinks with plain water

The human body is two-thirds water, so we must “replenish” our reserves by drinking several liters of fluid every day. Usually this is 2 – 2,5 liters of water per day, but when playing sports, you need to drink much more to compensate for the loss.

Stress, food additives, preservatives are all toxic to our bodies and, scientifically speaking, lead to acidity. And acidity is very harmful to all bodily functions, including the immune system. The main way to avoid problems is to drink as much as possible. Avoid sugary drinks, soda, energy drinks. It is much healthier to drink plain water.

Is drinking water too boring? Add some lemon juice or coconut water to it. By the way, the latter is much healthier than any sports drink. Coconut water contains a lot of potassium and minerals and is not very high in calories.

Secret # 3: Eat five meals a day

Don’t be surprised at this advice. Frequent meals are healthier for the stomach, for metabolism, and for burning calories. You need to eat often and little by little. The best option is to have breakfast, have a snack later, then have lunch, have another snack in the evening, and have dinner in the evening. That is, eat five times a day.

Eating regularly will stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent hunger from developing. It also discourages biting and makes it easier to adapt to reduced daily energy consumption. It is important to make sure that the calorie content of the selected meals does not exceed the total daily calorie intake required for weight loss.

Many studies show that frequent meals are healthier for the stomach, metabolism, and calorie burning. For example, with a one-time meal, the production of the thyroid hormone TK, which helps to speed up metabolism, often decreases.

Secret # 4: find a coach and training partner

Tom Cruise, Matthew McConaughey, Jessica Simpson, Robert Pattison are just a drop in the sea of ​​celebrities who work with personal trainers. It is reasonable to ask the question: where can an ordinary person get money for a highly qualified specialist? Well, you don’t have to hire a famous coach. Yes, and you do not need to use his services regularly – it is important that he draws up a training program for you and is sure that you are doing the exercises correctly.

However, it is important to acquire not only a coach, but also a partner. Find a friend who would also like to go to the gym, or – if you work out at home – do the same set of exercises that you do. Having a partner helps you to take training responsibly plus it creates motivation.

Fitness trainer Harley Pasternak is famous for helping to get in shape such celebrities as Katy Perry, Hilary Duff, John Mayer. Think of Taylor Lautner’s unique reincarnation when he put on 30 pounds of muscle in nine months for the next installment of Twilight. When choosing a coach, remember that you need someone who will be clear about your goals and who will select the right program based on your condition.

Secret # 5: Follow Your Workout Regimen

Create a personal training schedule (preferably with a trainer). There is no need to replace it with promises like: “Yes, I will train five times a week, for sure!” These are just words. And you need to act!

Of course, not everyone manages to stick to a schedule. Valerie Waters, who coaches Cindy Crawford and Jennifer Garner, admits: “Scheduling workouts for the stars can become a problem, because some of them have to work out even at 4 am due to the tight schedule!” However, Harley Pasternak has a different opinion: “Finding time for fitness five times a week for 25 minutes is not so difficult, but how effective!”

Once you’ve set up your schedule, try to follow it exactly. This will help keep you motivated, and you will take your training much more responsibly. And the result will not be long in coming.

Based on materials from

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