Great Monday in 2023: the history and traditions of the holiday
Holy Monday 2023 is an important day for every Christian. We talk about the traditions of the holiday and the history of its appearance

When is Maundy Monday in 2023

Great Monday in Orthodoxy in 2023 falls on 10 April. It does not have a specific date and is celebrated a week before Easter. This is the first day of Holy Week. Another name for the holiday is Clean Monday.


The holiday is dedicated to the gospel teaching. Jesus cursed the fig (fig) tree, which did not bear fruit, dooming it to barrenness forever. The fig tree immediately dried up, as did the souls of people living without faith. Thus it was shown that his strength was not exhausted, and his word could both heal and destroy. The withering of the tree had a symbolic meaning, as an edification to those who doubted this power, the personification of the power of the son of God.

On this day, it is worth considering whether our soul is like a withered fig tree that does not bear the fruits of repentance and humility? Is faith strong and thoughts pure? Do we live according to the laws of God, not being afraid to stand before him at the right time?

It should also be noted that the great days of Holy Week are called because it was during this period, according to the scriptures, that the great and miraculous miracles of God took place.

Another story that tells in the Old Testament and is sure to be remembered on Maundy Monday is the betrayal of the son of Jacob and Rachel, Joseph. Endowed with the divine gift to see prophetic dreams, he told the brothers that he saw himself above them, which aroused their envy. They sold him to the slave owners of Egypt, and they smeared Joseph’s clothes with blood, presenting him as evidence that wild animals had torn his brother to pieces.

In Egypt, Joseph, thanks to the help of God and his gift, becomes the right hand of the pharaoh. When famine reaches Jacob’s family, they go to Egypt in search of bread, where the brothers learn that a relative they sold many years ago has become an assistant to the pharaoh.


All believers on this day begin preparations for Easter.

On Good Monday, the divine deeds of the Savior, his last earthly journey, are remembered. Worship services are held in churches. Services are usually difficult, but very touching. Even if much of them is not clear, it is enough just to be with Christ.

On this day, they are called to give up fun and entertainment, to pray and carry through themselves the thought of Jesus’ self-sacrifice, his suffering for the salvation of his people.

The day should be devoted to reading the Bible and attending church services.

Also on this holiday, they clean the house, declutter the living space. You should discard the unnecessary, fix everything that is broken, cleanse your thoughts just as we throw away old rubbish, without regret and bad thoughts.

This week, believers continue to fast. He becomes more strict. Bread, vegetables and fruits are allowed. Some people go all day without food or water.

It is on this holiday that they begin to cook myrrh. It is made from resin, incense and fragrant herbs. It is boiled for three days without stopping the prayer. Miro personifies the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit and is used for baptism and the consecration of new thrones of the temple.

Healers also have a tradition of collecting ashes on “clean” Monday, which helps them treat alcoholism, the evil eye, and also perform rituals.


In the old days, it was on this holiday that girls arranged fortune-telling, looking out the window. Seeing the image of a man was a good omen, which foreshadowed well-being for the next three months. If an old woman appears, then this is a failure. The girl promised the absence of illness, and several people – the forgiveness of past grievances. The lame man pointed to the death of a close relative. The bird in the window brought good news and acquaintances. The dog spoke of sadness and sadness, and the cat, on the contrary, brought wealth.

On this day, the sun must be warm for a good harvest. In addition, the sunny and clear sky indicated that all marriages until the end of the year would be strong and happy.

It was a good omen on Clean Monday to wash the cattle. It was believed that this would protect her from disease and damage.

Another sign of this day is that you need to throw silver jewelry into the water and wash yourself with it in order to preserve youth.

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