Great health knowledge quiz. How many questions will you answer? [QUIZ]

Health is the most important. It’s a familiar – and true – saying. How about health knowledge? It is also important! So let’s check it out. We invite you to take part in the quiz, we must admit it – quite demanding. There are 30 questions ahead of you.

Check also other MedTvoiLokony quizzes:

  1. Can you recognize the symptoms of diabetes? Check what you know about this disease [QUIZ]
  2. Test your medical knowledge! These questions were really asked in “Millionaires” [QUIZ]
  3. Do you know what the umersmophobic is afraid of? Phobia quiz
  4. Will you recognize this organ? [QUIZ]
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Wariant Gamma koronawirusa dawniej znany był jako…

South African
Brazilian Next question
The Gamma variant (also known as P.1) was first detected in Brazil at the end of 2020. It is one of four COVID-19 variants of “concern”.

Niacin is different …

Vitamin A
vitamin B12
vitamin B3
vitamin B3 Next question
Niacin, vitamin PP or nicotinic acid are the names for vitamin B3. Niacin incl. contributes to the proper functioning of the brain and peripheral nervous system.

The largest bone in our body is?

femur Next question
It is the longest and most voluminous bone in our skeleton.

Cholecystektomia to usunięcie…

wyrostka robaczkowego
kawałka wątroby
gall bladder Next question
Cholecystectomy is a surgical operation involving the removal of the gallbladder (bladder), most often in the case of advanced gallbladder stones and complications of inflammatory bile ducts.

OB to…

an antigen found on red blood cells
skala kwasowości i zasadowości roztworów wodnych
an indicator of inflammation in the human body
an indicator of inflammation in the human body Next question
Biernacki’s reaction (ESR) belongs to the group of markers of inflammation in the human body.

An organ that does not grow in adulthood is …

eyes Next question
The eye grows fastest in the prenatal period. After the second year of life, the eye grows only a millimeter for a few years, and reaches its target size at the age of 16-17.

Stroboskopia to badanie…

larynx Next question
Stroboscopic examination of the larynx enables a thorough examination of the work of the vocal cords.

Próba tuberkulinowa dotyczy układu…

respiratory system
immune Next question
The tuberculin test is the deliberate induction of an allergic reaction by administering tuberculin. In this way, the status of immunity against tuberculosis is checked.

The angiologist deals with …

arteries and veins
arteries and veins Next question
Angiology is a branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and prevention of diseases of the arteries, veins and lymph vessels.

Największy organ człowieka to…

skin Next question
Skóra człowieka może ważyć nawet 3 kg i mieć powierzchnię do 2 m kw.

Robert Koch received the Nobel Prize in Medicine for …

tuberculosis research
work related to immunity
discovery of human blood groups
tuberculosis research Next question
Robert Koch won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1905 for his research into tuberculosis.

Which human organ does not have pain receptors?

brain Next question
The brain tissue has no pain receptors, so the brain does not hurt.

The most common malignant neoplasm in the world is …

lung cancer
breast cancer
grubego beautiful shelf
breast cancer Next question
In 2020, 19,3 million people fell ill with cancer worldwide. Breast cancer came first, accounting for 11,7%. of all cancers in the world.

The rarest eye color in the world is …

zielony Next question
Only 1% of them have green eyes. people in the world, although for example in Iceland it is the most common color.

Man cannot live without …

liver Next question
The liver can only be removed partially, a maximum of 80%.

Analgezja to…

motor coordination disorders
not feeling pain
speech disorders
not feeling pain Next question
Analgesia is a rare genetic disease where pain is completely absent.

W którym roku prof. Zbigniew Religa przeprowadził pierwszą udaną transplantację serca w Polsce?

1985 Next question
The first successful heart transplant took place on November 5, 1985 in a hospital in Zabrze.

All bacteria in humans weigh around …

100 g
500 g
2 kg
2 kg Next question
In total, our body contains several dozen trillion of these organisms.

The stapes, the smallest human bone, is found in …

ear Next question
The stapes is one of the three ossicles responsible for transmitting vibrations of the eardrum to the inner ear

BCG vaccine protects us against …

diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough
measles, mumps and rubella
fever Next question
The BCG vaccine (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin) against tuberculosis was developed in 1921 by Albert Calmette and Camille Guérin.

Insulina produkowana jest przez…

the liver
pancreas Next question
Insulin is a hormone that is secreted by the pancreas, and more specifically by the B cells of the Langerhans islets.

Are both our lungs the same size?

the right one is bigger
lewe jest większe
the right one is bigger Next question
The left lung is smaller because it has to leave some room for the heart.

Ile czasu potrzebuje — średnio — nasz organizm, aby zmetabolizować 0,2 promila alkoholu?

3 hours
more than an hour
an hour, but only during physical activity
more than an hour Next question
It is believed that alcohol is metabolized in our body at a constant rate of approx. 0,15-0,2 per mille per hour.

«Telefon» to w slangu lekarzy dawne żartobliwe określenie…

enema device
enema device Next question

How many cervical vertebrae are there in a human spine?

7 Next question
The cervical spine in humans consists of 7 cervical vertebrae.

The hookup is part of …

nail Next question
The ring is the bright semicircular area at the bottom of the nail

A symptom of Lyme disease can be …

wandering erythema
necrolytic erythema
wandering erythema Next question
Rumień wędrujący jest pierwszym symptomem wskazującym na duże prawdopodobieństwo zakażenia organizmu krętkiem Borrelia burgdorferi.

Kawasaki disease is related to …

blood vessels
nervous system
blood vessels Next question
Kawasaki’s disease (syndrome) most often occurs in children. It is characterized by the formation of inflammation of the walls of blood vessels, most often accompanied by a very high fever.

Which of the following syndromes does not exist?

red man syndrome
economy class band
zespół drgającego kciuka
zespół drgającego kciuka Next question
Red man syndrome (red neck syndrome) is a side effect of vancomycin administration. Economy class syndrome, on the other hand, is a condition caused by prolonged immobilization or restriction of movement, e.g. when traveling by plane or bus. And the twitching thumb syndrome is an invention of MedTvoiLokona.

The blood group that allows you to be a universal donor is …

0 Rh-
0 Rh+
AB Rh+
0 Rh- Next question
Blood group 0 Rh- is the most universal of all. It can be transfused to anyone with any blood type.
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