Great Grades: How to Overcome Stress in 4 Steps?

Great Grades: How to Overcome Stress in 4 Steps?

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Residents of big cities are used to working hard and studying a lot – otherwise they will not survive in a competitive environment. Being busy during the day and household chores in the evening lead the body to nervous exhaustion – stress. As a result, we pay for our success with health. How to overcome stress and find balance?

During times of stress, we become irritable, sleep poorly, experience a feeling of chronic fatigue, but at the same time we do not give ourselves the right to stop to think about why this is happening. Do not delay and devote the next evening to yourself. Sit in an easy chair with a cup of flower tea, turn on relaxing music and write down on a piece of paper everything that worries you: high workload, tensions with loved ones, lack of communication, health problems. Then sort the items in descending order of importance and rank the most troublesome first. Now is the time to deal with this issue.

Don’t try to do everything, better prioritize. To do this, start each day with a clear plan that will help you understand what is really important to do today, and what tasks will still wait. Free up a few evenings during the week for a walk, cinema or theater. Have you ever dreamed of speaking Portuguese, sewing, making French desserts or painting in oils? Sign up for language courses or useful master classes – this will allow you to regularly and with pleasure engage in self-development.

During sports activities, the human body produces “hormones of happiness” – endorphins. This is why we feel pleasantly tired after a workout. Choose the fitness you like: pool, dance, yoga, or open morning jogging season in the park. The reward for the work will be not only a good mood, but also a fit figure. Maintain your tone with a healthy diet. Remember that alcohol, fast food and heavy, fatty foods clog the body with toxins and toxins, and this affects the central nervous system.

The time-tested drug “Glycine” will help to consolidate the result and reach new heights in business. It has a number of beneficial properties – for example, it improves memory, increases mental performance, sharpens attention and makes it easier to fall asleep. The secret is in the amino acid glycine, which is called stress medicine. Put a tablet “Glycine” under the tongue and dissolve until completely dissolved, without drinking water. It is important that the drug can be taken by all family members, even infants. Chronic stress often makes itself felt in the offseason – protect yourself and everyone who is dear to you from it.

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