The culmination of the second trimester, the 6th month of pregnancy is a time of great changes. The weight of the baby’s body developing in the mother’s womb can be up to 700 g and probably already measures nearly 35 cm. The child is relatively thin, because fat tissue is not yet accumulating at this time.
The baby may move nervously or remain still when he senses his mother’s nervousness. A baby born prematurely, in the 27th week, has a good chance of survival, although the doctor cannot assure us that it will not have a negative impact on his health.
- The baby’s body has already accumulated valuable nutrients from food and the mother’s body, which will be needed after birth. Of course, we are talking about protein, calcium and iron.
- The 6th month of pregnancy is the best time for fully developed hearing in a baby, so it is worth talking to him a lot and tenderly.
- Cells and nerve ganglia stop multiplying, the brain in the 6th month is very similar to the brain of a newborn born at the right time.
- The lungs begin to produce surfactant, which facilitates the intake of air and prevents the collapse of the alveoli when the baby is born.
- Chest movements are more frequent, as is thumb sucking.
- The baby’s movements are frequent and intense. The child’s body, having reached this size, still has a lot of room to show off. The kicks get worse at night and are so strong that mum has to visit the toilet more often and finds it difficult to find a position where she is comfortable to sleep.
- At the end of the 6th month, the eyelids can open, so the baby is already able to react to strong light and move his eyes.
- You can already distinguish the time when the baby sleeps.
- The 6th month of pregnancy is the time when a mother should avoid stressful situations, as they could lead to mental disorders in the future.
- Mood swings can be explained not only by hormonal fluctuations, but also by mom’s fears, which she will often have to deal with. Sometimes they relate to the fear of pain during childbirth, fear of being unattractive or of meeting responsibilities. Motherhood is getting closer. Enrolling in childbirth classes will help you deal with fear, which will help you get used to your new life role.
- Well-being may also worsen due to hypoxia, which is related to the pressure of the diaphragm by the uterus.
- To avoid constipation, drink boiled water after waking up, eat more vegetables and fruits.
- Swelling of the feet and hands may get worse.
- The 6th month of pregnancy is the time when back pain worsens. However, walking and other moderate forms of physical activity can alleviate them. In inactive mums, the tummy can be a challenge for the spine. If the pain is persistent, be sure to talk to your doctor. Ailments will also be relieved by a massage performed by the other half and a relaxing shower.
- Many future mothers complain about broken capillaries.
- Itching of the skin accompanies the appearance of stretch marks. The skin stretches and tightens. Unpleasant sensations will be relieved by balms and cream for stretch marks. If itching begins to accompany the feet and hands, it is worth consulting a doctor, as we may be at risk of cholestasis, which hinders the functioning of the liver.