Grayling: description of fish, habitat, what it eats

Grayling: description of fish, habitat, what it eats

The name grayling fish comes from the ancient Greek word, which means “unknown freshwater fish.” The Russian name “grayling” comes from the languages ​​​​of the Baltic group. Grayling fish is considered a representative of the genus of the same name, which is part of the salmon family, which is considered the most numerous on the planet.

Grayling: description

Grayling: description of fish, habitat, what it eats

Despite the fact that this fish belongs to the salmon family, this cannot be said by its external signs. Many experts believe that she is the most beautiful representative of the grayling genus and this family as a whole.


Grayling: description of fish, habitat, what it eats

This fish can be easily distinguished from other representatives of the salmon family by its unique, enlarged dorsal fin, in the form of a flag or a fan that has the ability to fold. At the same time, when folded, it is able to reach the caudal fin, although this property is not typical for most species of this fish. The dorsal fin is dotted with spots, as is the entire upper back.

The size of individuals depends on the conditions in which they live. For example:

  • depending on the nature of the reservoir.
  • From the degree of saturation of water with oxygen.
  • From the availability of a forage base.
  • Depending on the light mode.
  • Based on the temperature conditions of the water, etc.

In conditions when the grayling feels uncomfortable and there is not enough food for him, the fish does not gain weight, more than 1 kilogram. An example is the Trans-Baikal grayling. In comfortable conditions, the fish can gain weight up to 5-6 kilograms, but mostly individuals come across, weighing about 4 kg. At the same time, the body length of the fish is about 30 cm, and really large individuals grow up to half a meter in length.

It is important to know! Depending on the habitat conditions, the color of this fish can also be different, as well as the body structure.

The body of the grayling is characterized by incredible strength and streamlining, which allows it to move quickly in the water column, regardless of the speed of the current. The body is covered with large scales, well adjacent to the body, and the scales have a variety of colors. As mentioned above, on the back there is a large fan-shaped fin, as well as a small adipose fin – a sign of a noble salmon origin. At the same time, there are also ventral and pectoral fins, including the caudal and anal fins.

Grayling: description of fish, habitat, what it eats

The grayling’s mouth is not large, “upper”, therefore it opens up, while the teeth are not powerful and not strong and are arranged in the form of a brush.

Thanks to its unique coloring, the fish has received the status of a “beautiful” and “smart” fish. The back is decorated in dark gray tones with small black spots that extend to the dorsal fin. The belly is grayish in color, and the sides are light silver.

Interesting fact! The large dorsal fin of the grayling has about 40 varieties, depending on the shape, size, color, pattern, and the presence of other color elements.

All fins have dark shades, but with the presence of purple, yellowish tints. There are graylings of various colors, depending on the habitat. For example:

  • Grayling brownish.
  • Grayling with a lilac tint.
  • Grayling spotted.
  • Grayling is bluish-gray.
  • Grayling greenish.

Such a multi-colored coloring allows the grayling to survive in difficult situations, carefully disguising itself from its enemies. During the spawning period, this coloring is even brighter and even more attractive. Young fish acquire a “fry” coloration, with the presence of transverse dark stripes. For some species, it is also characteristic of adulthood. As a rule, dwarf species that are found in mountain reservoirs at a considerable height relative to sea level have this type of coloring.


Grayling: description of fish, habitat, what it eats

As a rule, the grayling leads a settled way of life and does not leave its lands, sailing more than a dozen or other kilometers. In this regard, such a diversity of species is noted: fish interbreed among themselves in certain areas of the water area. The only exception is graylings, which live in fast rivers. With the advent of spring, they go to the sources and rise to the tributaries during the spring floods. They come back with the onset of cold weather.

This lifestyle has influenced the behavior of various populations of this fish. Lake, sedentary species spawn without leaving their habitual habitats, and river ones rise to the upper reaches of rivers to spawn.

Interesting to know! Grayling leads an isolated way of life and forms numerous flocks only before the start of spawning.

Grayling fish is a predatory fish, which determines its behavior. The fish is attentive and sensitive, therefore it notices everything that happens on the surface of the water and on the shore. At the slightest suspicion of danger, the fish immediately goes into hiding, so catching it requires some skill.

The grayling hunts in the morning hours, and during the day it eats up a little, picking up insects that are in the water for various reasons. Basically, in the daytime, a large grayling is in a shelter, among stones and other heaps in the water, located at a depth. Often you can watch the grayling playing, jumping out of the water and turning over in the air, doing various somersaults. Thus, the fish trains its body, because in fast waters it is necessary to have a lot of strength and energy.

Grayling. His habits and habitats. thymallus. Its habits and habitats. Esche.


Grayling: description of fish, habitat, what it eats

Grayling begins to spawn upon reaching 3 or 5 years of life, while it can live for about 15 years.

Types of graylings

Grayling: description of fish, habitat, what it eats

Depending on the appearance, graylings are divided into separate species. Since the appearance of the fish depends on the living conditions, which is typical for a particular area, the names of the species correspond to the given area. At the same time, scientists distinguish 3 main types of grayling, which in turn have numerous subspecies. For example:

  • Mongolian grayling, is considered one of the largest representatives of the grayling genus.
  • grayling european it is distinguished by the brightest coloring and the presence of an enlarged dorsal fin.
  • Siberian grayling. A distinctive feature is a large mouth and a darker color. In addition, paired fins are distinguished by an orange tint, and unpaired fins are deep purple. There is a slightly reddish spot on the chest.

This type of grayling has many varieties that are associated with habitats, color, structure and shape of the dorsal fin. Therefore, they distinguish:

  • The West Siberian subspecies, which has a dorsal fin, is somewhat smaller, with a metallic sheen and large spots.
  • The East Siberian subspecies, which has a rather large dorsal fin and, when folded, practically reaches the caudal fin, and dark red stripes are located between its rays.
  • The Kamchatka subspecies is distinguished by a relatively large head and mouth, and the body is dotted with numerous spots that almost connect with each other.
  • Alaskan subspecies. The fin of this subspecies does not differ in large sizes, and the spots on the body are arranged in rows, and not randomly.
  • The Amur subspecies differs from its relatives in that on its pelvic fins one can see oblique red stripes with a purple tint.
  • Baikal white and Baikal black, as well as other subspecies.


Grayling: description of fish, habitat, what it eats

From the name of species or subspecies, one can accurately determine the habitat of individuals. For example:

  • The Mongolian grayling prefers to inhabit various water bodies of the northwestern regions of Mongolia.
  • The European grayling is distributed in the basins of the northern rivers and lakes of the European part.
  • Siberian grayling is found in water bodies throughout Siberia, as well as in the basins of various rivers and lakes, including Lake Baikal and its basin.

Grayling is an exclusively freshwater fish, which is found in reservoirs with clear, cold water and rapid currents, as well as in lakes with spring water. Selects areas with hard rocky or pebbly bottoms. In any case, he prefers areas with a rapid current. It does not like to stay at a depth, but before wintering it moves to a depth. It mostly stays away from the coast, approaching it only in the morning or late in the evening, in search of food.

For permanent parking, grayling chooses places where there are natural shelters. These can be trees fallen into the water, vegetation in the water, or branches of various vegetation hanging into the water. At the same time, grayling needs clean areas of the water area for hunting. Even if the grayling is an inhabitant of a large deep lake, it chooses shallow places for its parking, no more than 2 meters deep, with a rocky or pebble bottom.

The diet of graylings

Grayling: description of fish, habitat, what it eats

Despite the fact that graylings are predators, they can be omnivores. The basis of the diet includes various insects that, for some reason, ended up in the water or had the imprudence to approach the water at too close a distance. Grayling is able to jump out of the water and grab the living creatures on the fly.

Interesting to know! Larger specimens, as a rule, prey on small fish, but if there is a mouse or other small representative of the animal world in the water, the grayling will certainly eat them.

Being close to the bottom, graylings eat various crustaceans – gammarus, caddisfly, mollusks, mayflies, etc. Moreover, graylings eat eggs of other fish species, but if there are problems with food, then graylings will not refuse algae.

Breeding process

Grayling: description of fish, habitat, what it eats

Graylings spawn up to 3 times: in the middle and at the end of spring, and also in August. Spawning is carried out in conditions when the water warms up to +5 – +10 degrees Celsius. To spawn, the fish goes to shallow water, with a depth of 0,3 to 0,6 meters. A prerequisite is a moderate current and a pebbly bottom. Lacustrine species move close to the shoreline or move to smaller rivers.

Siberian graylings spawn in conditions when the water in the rivers has a maximum rise. This spawning is typical for the beginning of a short cold summer. To do this, the grayling goes to small tributaries, where the water remains clean even in strong floods. Before laying eggs, females build special recesses in the bottom, where they lay eggs in portions, 3-10 thousand eggs each. Each egg in diameter reaches 3 mm and is distinguished by a light yellow tint. After 2-3 weeks, grayling fry appear from the eggs.

Natural enemies

Grayling: description of fish, habitat, what it eats

Grayling, like other types of fish, has natural enemies, especially at a young age, although there are also larger predators, such as pike or taimen, which can easily cope with grayling. In addition, grayling can become an object of attack by other underwater inhabitants, such as mink, otter, beavers, including fishing birds, such as dipper or kingfisher. Grayling fry are hunted by both fish and birds, especially terns.

grayling population

Grayling: description of fish, habitat, what it eats

Starting from the 19th century, and to this day, there has been a noticeable decrease in the number of large representatives of graylings, especially the Siberian, inhabiting the basins of the Oka, Volga and other rivers. Smaller species recover much faster because they spawn more often and are not of particular interest for fishing, especially on an industrial scale. Therefore, we can safely say that there is no serious threat to the grayling population.

Despite this, there are a number of factors that have a serious impact on the abundance of many species of fish, including grayling. The main problem is water pollution, and this fish is very sensitive to the purity of water resources. Moreover, in some habitats, uncontrolled fishing is practiced.

The European grayling is subject to conservation measures and is listed in the Red Book of a number of European countries.

Fishing value

Grayling: description of fish, habitat, what it eats

This fish is of interest for sport and recreational fishing. The reason is excellent taste data, as well as an exciting fishing process.

It is important to know! Industrial fishing for grayling in our time is very limited, and amateurs are allowed to hunt this fish only after acquiring a license.

Grayling is a rather cautious and, at the same time, strong fish, so catching it is an honor for any fisherman. The process of fishing is quite interesting and requires special skill.

Grayling meat is quite tasty and tender, reminiscent of trout meat in taste.

Graylings, underwater shooting, ordinary forest stream.

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