Gray coating on the tongue

Gray coating on the tongue – this is the formation on the mucous surface of the tongue of stratification of various density, size and shape. In most cases, gray plaque is an indicator that any pathological processes are occurring in the body. A gray coating indicates serious illnesses, most often of a chronic nature. The denser and darker the layering, the more serious the pathology.

Causes of gray plaque in the tongue

Gray coating on the tongue

The reasons for the appearance of a layering of a gray tint on the organ can be varied.

Among them are the following:

  • Diseases of the digestive system: stomach ulcers, obstruction of the biliary tract, gastritis, enterocolitis, etc.

  • Infectious diseases: tonsillitis, pneumonia, measles, scarlet fever.

  • Inflammation of the oropharynx, for example, tonsillitis and pharyngitis, both in acute and chronic form.

  • HIV infection.

  • Dehydration of the body, in which additional symptoms are dryness of the mucous membranes and skin, a tendency to constipation, fatigue.

  • Taking courses of antibiotic therapy and the development of dysbacteriosis against this background. Hormonal drugs can also cause a similar condition.

  • Violation of the diet, in particular, the use of excessively salty, spicy or fried foods.

  • Diseases of the liver.

  • Respiratory diseases. In particular, such pathologies include bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia. After the human body copes with the infection, the tongue acquires its original pink color.

  • Lack of basic hygiene skills for oral care. To cope with this problem will help not only regular brushing of teeth, but also competent care of the tongue and gums.

  • An increase in body temperature can lead to the formation of a gray film on the tongue.

Symptoms of gray plaque on the tongue

Gray plaque on the receptor organ itself is a symptom indicating the presence of pathology in the body. Therefore, when determining the signs of gray plaque, it is advisable to talk about the accompanying symptoms.

Among the most frequently encountered are the following:

  • The appearance of bad breath.

  • Dryness of mucous membranes.

  • The appearance of cracks in the tongue.

  • The presence of ulcers and ulcers in the oral cavity.

  • The appearance of plaque only on the tip of the tongue (indicates heart or lung disease).

  • The appearance of plaque on the root of the tongue (indicates diseases of the intestines and kidneys).

  • The appearance of plaque on the lateral surface of the tongue (indicates malfunctions in the liver or gallbladder).

Treatment of gray plaque on the tongue

Gray coating on the tongue

In order to get rid of gray plaque, you need to consult a doctor and find out the cause of its appearance. A competent specialist, only by the location of the overlays, their density and shade, is able to suggest what kind of disease a person suffers from.

Often, gray plaque occurs only due to the fact that a person has serious errors in nutrition. It is enough to eliminate them and the plaque will disappear on its own, without taking any medication. However, if the plaque has a dark color and high density, then most likely we are talking about a disease of a particular organ or organ system.

The first doctor to whom you should contact with a complaint about gray overlays that have appeared on the tongue is a therapist. He, if such a need arises, will redirect the patient to a narrower specialist. Suspecting pathology on the part of the respiratory system, the patient will be prescribed a series of studies, after which they will prescribe either a course of antibiotics or antiviral agents. Often, physiotherapy is used to treat bronchitis, tracheitis, sinusitis and other diseases.

If problems with the digestive organs became the cause of the formation of gray plaque, then the patient is redirected to a gastroenterologist. He, depending on the nature of the disease, prescribes antacids, probiotics, enzymes or choleretic agents.

When a person with a gray coating on the tongue suffers from dehydration, he is shown to normalize his drinking regimen. An additional recommendation would be to limit salty foods in the daily menu.

If a gray coating is formed as a result of a decrease in immunity, then the patient is recommended to take vitamin complexes and, if necessary, immunostimulants are prescribed. It is important to give up bad habits and normalize lifestyle and diet.

If the cause of plaque formation is oral candidiasis, stomatitis or illiterate hygiene, then you should consult a dentist. He will give recommendations on how to care for the tongue, gums and teeth, prescribe antifungal and antiseptic drugs. 

Do not self-medicate. The only exception is the case when plaque is formed as a result of ingestion of coloring food. In this case, it is enough to clean the tongue with a soft brush to bring it back to normal.

Forecast of gray plaque in the tongue

The prognosis for getting rid of gray plaque on the tongue depends on what was the factor stimulating its appearance. It is beneficial if the cause is inadequate oral hygiene or an unhealthy diet. In this case, with the normalization of the menu and with proper care of the oral cavity, it will be possible to get rid of gray plaque in the shortest possible time.

The situation is more complicated in the case when the plaque was formed due to a disease of the internal organs. In this case, the prognosis will depend on the severity of the underlying pathology. Therefore, if, in addition to gray overlays on the tongue, there are pains in the abdomen, bad breath, reflux, etc., then you should seek help from a specialist as soon as possible. The longer a person with a gray coating delays going to the doctor, the less favorable the prognosis for recovery becomes and the more difficult the therapeutic process will be.

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