In the diabolical word «manipulation» one hears a direct threat to the romanticism of human relations. In fact, romanticism requires efforts from a person, the essence of which boils down to the same manipulation.
Poor Assol would have withered on her shore like a cypress, if the manipulator Gray had not started fussing with acrylic paint.
They say that in love one loves, and the other amuses.
Both amuse themselves, dear comrades.
Each to the extent of his depravity.
Who was more amused by the subject of scarlet sails? Assol, to which her dream sailed? Or Gray, who got the role of a prince?
Theoretically, a manipulator is dangerous, like any person who has the knowledge and the will to use this knowledge for evil. In fact, not knowing how to manipulate, we do not stop getting our own way, but we do it in ugly ways.
When Gray wanted Assol, he realized that he liked the girl with a crazy head, struck from behind a corner by a dusty dream. How would a simple-hearted young man act in such a case? Cluelessly circled around his cypress tree, disturbing its peace with untenable arguments and useless arguments. Sooner or later, a moment would come when Gray’s patience would come to an end and he would have no choice but to throw himself into the depths of the sea (or cynically rape a girl).
A person who neglects the art of manipulation dooms himself to dependence on the will of chance.
If you do not excite yourself with images of insidious villains, a manipulator is a person who achieves his goal by creating conditions under which he is presented with what he wants.
A particularly skilled manipulator can stir up an event so deftly that he will be persuaded to take what he wants.
The art of love manipulation, that is, the technology of receiving love from a person, comes down to creating the appearance that you are exactly the one whom the person you are interested in wants.
Anyone who imagines a vile deception in this scenario should think about the following:
Gray would not be a deceiver only if, knowing nothing about Assol, he had a strange habit of swimming back and forth along the coast on a ship with scarlet sails. Although not all women are paranoid, most of them have enough squirrels in their heads. Maybe you should wait until your cockroaches make friends with someone else’s squirrels?
As for the difficult story about Gray and Assol, Assol herself was the real manipulator.
A lady with nothing in her soul decided to marry a wealthy man, sensitive to women’s whims. Knowing male psychology well, Assol came up with a fairy tale about scarlet sails and rang about it to the whole district. The calculation was one hundred percent, because it was based on the most common male complexes: the fear of marrying a dissolute and prudent woman and the desire to be a fairy-tale prince for his wife. Seemingly, Assol’s plan provided a vacancy for men to receive another extremely desirable role as a great adventurer and brilliant manipulator.
Realizing that the money is dripping, and the years do not paint a woman, Assol put forward a not too high bar for the grooms competition. How many contenders would have been for her dubious hand if the script had gilded sails?
It is worth paying special attention to how exactly the scene was chosen. It is difficult to consider a woman sticking out on a high bank critically regarding her age and the intervention of surgeons. At the same time, any lady from below looks advantageous, especially when the wind sways the fabric on her body, wet from the sea spray and becoming transparent. It should not be forgotten that the seashore was chosen mainly because the ship that appeared in the conditions protected it so that some lumpen who did not have the means to buy solid movable property did not come to the tender.
And now tell me, scrupulous opponents of meanness and deceit, didn’t the saga of true love turn out as a result of these manipulations? How many stupid young ladies from century to century are denied gentlemen because they do not correspond to their ideal — the image of Gray? And how many simple-hearted men are looking for their Assol until old age — a gentle and reverent creature living according to the principle of the poet Eduard Asadov «die, but do not give a kiss without love»?
And the secret of mutual happiness is so simple…..
If your love is the ultimate goal of your partner’s manipulation, there is nothing reprehensible in his actions. Furthermore. Although it is possible to arouse love in a person without resorting to any manipulations, it is impossible to retain and preserve this feeling without the help of manipulations.
A long-lasting harmonious marriage, as a rule, rests on the wise strategy and tactics of one or both spouses. Sometimes unconsciously, but most often quite consciously, partners manipulate each other in order to get the desired attitude.