They say that a newfangled procedure can replace a full night’s sleep in an hour.
It turns out that not only astronauts can experience the state of weightlessness. Floating is gaining more and more popularity – a therapeutic procedure for complete recovery and reboot of the body. Someone beautifully describes this as “an experience outside the body”, while someone talks about a complete transformation. So what is this thing?
The float camera was invented by the American neurophysiologist John Lilly in the 50s of the last century. The scientist wondered if the human brain could concentrate in a state of monotony. It was believed that when there is no external stimulus, our consciousness is capable of falling into a coma. As a result, the subjects were placed in a closed space and isolated from all external factors – sounds, noises, light and gravity as well. This was made possible by a solution with a high salt content, thanks to which a person seems to float on the surface of the water. As a result, the hypothesis with a coma was not justified, the research results recorded a completely different condition.
This feeling is familiar to everyone. The sensations in the floating chamber are reminiscent of the state before sleep, when you cease to feel the body and gently plunge into the “kingdom of Morpheus”. This is possible only with complete peace and tranquility.
Hovering causes the brain to stop fighting gravity. As it turns out, gravity is one of the main reasons for our tension. To reduce its impact on the body, the central nervous system uses 90% of its resources. Due to the feeling of weightlessness, the spine, cervical spine and joints are relaxed. And this state is maintained for an entire hour.
The floating procedure is especially loved by expectant mothers, because it helps to understand how the baby feels in the womb. However, it also has a good cosmetic effect on non-pregnant women. Thanks to the high content of magnesium, the process of nourishing skin cells is activated, and wrinkles are visibly reduced.
They say that the first persons of the state have long ago acquired a personal floating capsule and placed it either at home or in a country residence. Your own capsule is an ideal option, but you can limit yourself to visiting the salon. The Internet offers several addresses in the capital, but it is better to go through a zero-gravity reboot somewhere outside the city. For example, in