Grass-Lilliput lawn
You will not surprise anyone with a lawn at a summer cottage. The market presents a huge selection of lawn grass seeds. The main thing in this business is to choose what is right for you. Grass “Lilliput” in this regard has been a leader for a long time. It does not require special care, it is rarely necessary to cut it, and the result is excellent.
Lawn grass “Lilliput”: characteristic features
Experts have worked for many years to develop slowly growing varieties of lawn grass. The results of their work were crowned with success, and undersized varieties of plants were bred. The mixture “Lilliput” in this regard is the leader in sales. In addition to its main advantages, one should also note the low consumption of seeds.
Lilliput grass does not require special care and is intended for the laziest lawn owners
The composition usually includes such plants as:
- fescue;
- bluegrass;
- timothy;
- ryegrass;
- hedgehog;
- foxtail.
Lilliput is not only a very eco-friendly herb, but also very resistant to external environmental factors. It has shown itself to be a frost-resistant, drought-resistant plant, very resistant to trampling.
Grass for especially lazy “Lilliput”
The main thing in creating a lawn for the lazy is to choose the right timing for planting the grass. It was this question that radically divided the opinions of specialists in the field of landscape design. But most of them have become on the side of the spring sowing. During the season, plants have the opportunity to gain strength, as well as achieve excellent characteristics. But it is during this period that soil preparation and weed control require special attention.
After sowing in the spring, lawn grass requires particularly careful maintenance. In particular, it must be cut more often, fertilized, and weed control. Also, to maintain decorativeness, the site must be watered in a timely manner. Despite the fact that the Lilliput grass is undemanding to the soil, and also does not need special care, its appearance will depend entirely on how the owner takes care of it.
Even the smallest lawn that does not need maintenance requires attention. It is good for this to get a lawn mower or a regular trimmer. These tools greatly facilitate the gardener’s work and help to bring order to the site with high quality.
The lawn, sown with Lilliput grass, does not need to be mowed in the first year of life. He must reach a height of at least 8 centimeters, after which you can perform the first haircut and give it a decorative look. If bald patches appear on the lawn for any reason, they must be sown in a timely manner.