Grass-ant: description and distribution of culture + medicinal properties, use in medicine, harm and contraindications

Do you like walking barefoot on the grass? Getting out into nature, adults and children are happy to indulge in this pleasant activity, if only the grass is softer and thicker. It is precisely these properties that the grass-ant has, the poetic name of which has been familiar to us since childhood. We will talk about what a plant is and whether it is difficult to grow a soft grassy carpet from it in a summer cottage, in the article.

Description and distribution of grass-ant

So colorfully, the people called the herbaceous mountaineer bird from the Buckwheat family (other names are knotweed, that is, fast-growing, goose grass or goose, murine). It was believed that knotweed absorbs the power of the earth and transmits it to everyone who walks barefoot on it. Ant (ant) grass began to be called for its rich green color, which in Our Country was called ant.

Grass-ant: description and distribution of culture + medicinal properties, use in medicine, harm and contraindications
Grass-ant – a herbaceous plant from the buckwheat family

This is a weed that gets along well in places where other vegetation is uncomfortable. Highlander bird settles on city lawns, breaks through cracks in asphalt, grows near human settlements and on distant pastures, along river banks and on roadsides. Ant is resistant to trampling, can grow densely on depleted lands, quickly restoring the cover.

To distinguish culture from other representatives of the Buckwheat family, we give its detailed description:

  1. Herbaceous annual, the root system is unexpressed, its role is played by lying shoots with short rooting processes.
  2. The stem is branched, creeping or slightly raised, with knees characteristic of the species.
  3. The foliage is miniature, in the form of lancets, elongated, rich green.
  4. The flowers are small, white, sometimes with pink outlines. Grouped in inflorescences of 3-5 pieces, hiding in the axils of the leaves.
  5. The fruits are trihedral nuts, black or brown. Edible for birds, hence another name for the culture – bird buckwheat.

How does a plant reproduce

Like any weed culture, grass-ant settles in favorable places arbitrarily. In some agricultural holdings, it is purposefully bred as feed for livestock and poultry. Many summer residents plant grass for decorative purposes, forming pleasant lawns on infertile areas or decorating garden paths.

For self-breeding, it is easier to find a suitable area with already growing grass, dig it out and transplant it to the desired place. Another option is to wait for the seeds to appear, collect and sow on the selected piece of land.

Abundantly growing, culture captures new areas. They counter this in two ways:

  • organizing mulch strips along the edge of the garden;
  • weeding out weeds that appeared on the site from stray seeds.
Grass-ant: description and distribution of culture + medicinal properties, use in medicine, harm and contraindications
Ant grass is a fast growing plant.

The plant does not need any care, natural conditions are enough. However, to enhance the density and juiciness, so that it is more pleasant to walk barefoot, on hot days, the planted grass is irrigated with water in the evenings.

About diseases and pests

Nature has endowed the plant with extraordinary vitality. He is not afraid of any diseases, insects and pests. That’s just because of the pleasant aroma and edible fruits, grass attracts birds and animals. But whatever the invasion, the vegetation cover is quickly restored.

The chemical composition of knotweed

To understand why the ant has long been famous for its beneficial properties, you need to know its chemical composition. It includes the following components:

  • tannins and resinous substances;
  • organic acids and fats;
  • carotene;
  • minerals – iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium;
  • Sahara;
  • vitamins A, E, K, C;
  • flavone glycosides.

Video “Useful properties and use of knotweed”

This video presents the properties of a medicinal plant and describes how to use it.

Highlander bird (knotweed). Medicinal properties, traditional medicine recipes

Useful and medicinal properties

Highlander is harvested and used as a medicinal plant. Decoctions are made from the collection and juices are crushed, it is dried, later used as a ready-made raw material for potions.

We list the areas of application of knotweed:

  1. The fight against stones in the kidneys, urinary and choleretic bladders.
  2. Catarrh of the stomach, inflammation of the genitourinary system.
  3. Getting rid of ailments of the gallbladder, liver diseases.
  4. Pulmonary diseases (including tuberculosis).
  5. Hypertension.
  6. Nervous disorders.
  7. Swelling of the legs.
  8. Hemorrhoidal manifestations and ulcers.
  9. Seborrhea.
  10. Cuts, wounds and bruises.
  11. Skin diseases.

Even healthy people are advised to drink herbal tea to boost immunity and strengthen strength. The knotweed added to the weight loss product activates the metabolism.

Grass-ant: description and distribution of culture + medicinal properties, use in medicine, harm and contraindications
Useful properties of medicinal culture

Collection and preparation of medicinal raw materials

For medicinal purposes, all parts of the culture are used – the stem, shoots, foliage and flowers. The latter are especially valuable, they are collected at the time of flowering of the culture (from May to September), the remaining parts are harvested in the second half of July. They are harvested on dry, windless days, after the morning dew has dried. You need to choose herbs that grow away from residential areas, roads and industrial facilities.

The collected material is sorted out, getting rid of litter, then dried. The grass is hung under cover or in the shade, but not in direct sunlight. Ready raw materials are laid out in bags or glass jars. Shelf life – 2 years.

Freshly harvested material can be used for juice. It is desirable to use it fresh in potions, but for preparation it is necessary to boil and roll it up under iron lids. To store canned material, use a cool place (cellar, refrigerator), where it will stand until the next season.

The use of knotweed in folk medicine

The list of ailments for which weed-ant can help is impressive. Drugs prepared on its basis are used internally (infusion, decoction, juice, tea) and externally (lotions, compresses).

Viral and infectious diseases

The components contained in the plant stop putrefactive processes, inhibit the development of viral and bacterial diseases. Knotweed is used to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, disinfect and heal cuts and wounds. Doctors often prescribe rinsing with a decoction of grass for sore throat and laryngitis, dental diseases.

If the body is attacked by a viral and bacterial infection, a knotweed remedy is used as an antipyretic to lower the temperature, and also as a diaphoretic to quickly remove harmful substances. A herbal preparation based on knotweed can also be used in the complex treatment of tuberculosis.

Grass-ant: description and distribution of culture + medicinal properties, use in medicine, harm and contraindications
A decoction and infusion of knotweed is used for viruses and infections

Treatment of the cardiovascular and nervous system

Due to the ability of grass-ant to lower blood pressure, it is used for hypertension. Taking decoctions, it is possible to strengthen the immune system, increase the overall tone of the body, which improves well-being in case of nervous exhaustion.

If you take the composition for a long time, it is possible to increase efficiency and get rid of stressful consequences.

Author’s advice

Problems with the circulatory system

Vitamin K, present in mountaineer, increases blood clotting. Mouthwash helps with bleeding from the gums, lotions – with heavy menstruation and blood loss after abortion, intestinal and pulmonary bleeding, as well as hemorrhoids.

The iron contained in the ants helps with iron deficiency anemia. It accelerates the processes of lymph formation, intracellular metabolism, activates the generation of myo- and hemoglobin.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

If small stones appear in the kidneys, knotweed contributes to their speedy crushing and excretion from the body. An important help in this is provided by silicic acid, which acts on calcium deposits, crushing and destroying their structure.

It is possible to take decoctions based on the highlander for a preventive purpose in old age, in order to prevent the formation of sand in the urinary canals.

Decoctions and infusions improve the condition with:

  • inflammation of the bladder and kidneys;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • the urethras.

For men experiencing problems with potency, the plant will also help.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Ant infusion is prepared on a water basis, then used for intestinal diseases such as:

  • pancreatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • salt deposits;
  • cholelithiasis.
Grass-ant: description and distribution of culture + medicinal properties, use in medicine, harm and contraindications
Bird mountaineer helps with kidney stones

Hair and skin treatment

Plant-based lotions help in the treatment of:

  • dermatitis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • eczema.

Highlander infusion is used to rinse hair with severe hair loss.

Medicine recipes

Since various types of drugs are prepared from the plant, you should know the basic recipe.

Grass-ant: description and distribution of culture + medicinal properties, use in medicine, harm and contraindications
Dried knotweed is actively used in folk medicine


The recipe is simple:

  • a tablespoon of dry raw materials is poured with a liter of boiling water;
  • infused for 2 hours;
  • the composition is filtered.

Take 50 ml 3 times a day before meals. The course is designed for 3 weeks.


The degree of influence depends on the concentration. Prepared as follows.

  • one measure of dry raw materials is poured with 10 measures of water;
  • make a small fire and simmer for 30 minutes;
  • let cool.

Take 50 ml 3 times a day. If the decoction is prepared for external use, the concentration is increased (1 measure of raw materials per 5 measures of water).


To do this, you need freshly picked herbs. The recipe is the following.

  1. The collection is washed in running water.
  2. Grind in a blender or through a meat grinder.
  3. Juice is pressed from the green mass, diluted with boiling water at a concentration of 1:10.

Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. If the juice is required for external use, the concentration is increased.


It has a general strengthening effect. To prepare 2 teaspoons of raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Take before meals 3 times a day.

Harm and contraindications to the use of grass-ant

Cooked drugs have a diverse effect, however, curing one, they can do harm in something else. Therefore, you should consult a doctor before seeking help from folk remedies.

For example:

  • with hypertension, knotweed is used in small doses and under the supervision of a specialist, since the pressure can drop sharply;
  • in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary system, spicy dishes, garlic and onions should be removed from the patient’s menu, otherwise there is a risk of tissue irritation;
  • if blood clotting is increased, the drug can harm, the same applies to the increased content of androgens.

It is strictly forbidden to use herbal formulations:

  • during pregnancy;
  • with polycystic ovaries;
  • people who have had a heart attack or stroke.

The use of weed-ant is not limited to the medical field. By planting the plant on the site, the owners will be able to use it as a filling for pies or as a component of salads. In addition, it is possible to prepare yellow and green paint from the foliage, and blue from the shoots.

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