Graphology, or everything that your handwriting reveals about you
The way we write indicates, by its formal elements, key personality traits

There is no letter like it in the world. Even if two people write similarly, if their letters are carefully observed, it will be seen that they carry differences. And it is that, just like our gestures or our way of speaking betray us, the the way we write it is one of our cover letters to the world, although sometimes we are not aware of it.
Is the graphology the one in charge of the analysis of our writings, a complex process in which, taking some parameters established in advance and applying them individually, one can glimpse the personality traits of the person who signs the text. And what influences when analyzing spellings? The graphologist Sandra Cerro explains that they should be taken into account eight different parameters: the size, the shape, the inclination of the letter, that of the lines, the pressure, the cohesion, the speed and the order. It is with these eight factors together that a good accurate analysis can be made and that reflects the personality.
It is important to know that everything influences us when it comes to shaping our way of writing. Environmental factors, such as the country in which we were born, the time in which we live and, consequently, the teaching model that we have had; our personality, if we are nervous, extroverted and imperative, or just the opposite; or even the mood, if we are tired, or sad, or euphoric, they can influence our spellings.
The nerves that are seen between the letters
Although the sum of several factors is the only thing that can genuinely determine character traits when looking at our handwriting, yes, commonly, there are characteristics that are associated with certain personality traits. For example, Sandra Cerra explains that nervous people tend, in general, “to have a fast, vibrant writing, with a lot of movement”, as well as, due to agitation, “they have oversights of punctuation, such as forgetting the point of the «i» or the bar of the «t» ». In contrast, calmer people “tend to have a more done letter, in which the fast-moving form predominates.”
Extroverts “tend to have a fairly large letter” as well as open letters, that is, “the” m or the “n” are made in the shape of a “u”. Also, they tend to lean to the right, something the expert explains “speaks of sociability.”
Typing tired or sad shows
When we talk about how the mood affects the way we writeSandra Cerro comments that, although it is not the only factor that must be taken into account, it is easy to see it in the direction of the lines. «When we are happy the line usually rises. On the other hand, if we are sad, or tired, it descends ”, he explains.
Pressure and margins are other fields to take into account when analyzing a deed. Therefore it is important to know what writing tool is usually used. «Normally we choose the tool that is most comfortable for us for the type of pressure we do. If you write with a pen, it is usually very light, while with a pencil it is the opposite, ”says Sandra Cerro. This can also be an indicator of our personality, since the most nervous and anxious people tend to exert more pressure when writing.
Focusing on the margins of a text, these “not only give information about a person’s capacity for order and organization”, but, says the graphologist, “the right margin provides many clues: if a person is more or less impulsive , or if he is more or less brave ». This is because, the right margin “is a representation of the future”Therefore, “as we get closer to it, or move away from it, it is as if we are approaching, or not, the future, as if we are afraid of it.”
The importance of the rubric
The signature is a key element in graphology. “The text itself reveals the apparent self, what we want to show others, a social and professional self,” says the expert, continuing: “On the other hand, the form reveals the authentic self, but it cannot be analyzed by itself ».
A signature has very few spellings, sometimes it even dispenses with them and is just a rubric, so it is necessary to observe the normal text when making an analysis.
The writing portrays us at each stage of our life. “It is as if they were taking a photo of us at each age, at each emotional and mental vicissitude,” says Sandra Cerro. It is because of that our writing grows with us. Although as children we are all taught the same school and calligraphic model, we personalize our writing in the end. «It is maturing, genuine elements of its own are added that define us as a person. There is the character, the temperament, the emotions… and as we evolve, both the way of writing and the way of signing change, ”explains the graphologist.
To finish, Cerro narrates the importance of these changes in our way of writing. “People who change their writing little from the child calligraphic model are much more conventional people, who have not matured little,” he asserts. And the same what the normal thing is to modify our letter, so are the changes in the signature. «When we rehearse a signature of little ones we make a very studied rubric. As we mature, that little representation of our innermost self changes. Elements are being removed, because you are feeling more sure of yourself », he concludes.