Grapes Witch Fingers

Grapes are considered a crop with traditional forms. Exotic is more common in other berries. But American breeders surprised gardeners with the creation of a hybrid grape variety and a Mediterranean type of berry. As a result, an amazing grape “Witch Fingers” was born. Unique is not only the name, but also the appearance of the grapes.

Grapes Witch Fingers

It was grown for the first time in 2001. Currently, plantations of this grape variety are located in the state of California in a vineyard in the San Joaquin Valley. This is the only place where a unique hybrid is grown. California breeders presented an interesting table variety with unusual berries. It is worth getting to know him better. Therefore, the description of the variety, photos and reviews of the Witch’s Fingers grapes will be useful to everyone who is going to grow it on the site.

It is almost impossible to buy seedlings in Our Country, they are available only from Western breeders. If you come across an ad: “I will sell seedlings of the Witch’s Fingers grapes”, be sure to ask where they are grown. It should be noted that in the Kuban this variety is already available in some areas and gardeners are very pleased with their purchase.

More details on the video:

Grapes Witch fingers( Witch Fingers, Tear Drops, Funny finger, Halloween grapes, Halloween))

Variety description

It is worth starting with the most attractive part of the description – the appearance. After all, the grape variety “Witch’s Fingers” is most of all interested in gardeners due to this characteristic.


The uniqueness of the variety is given by the berries, or rather, their shape.

Grapes Witch Fingers

Grapes of an unusual look resemble capsicum, gardeners also call the variety by a different name – “chili”. But this species is by no means alone. The presence of clones sometimes creates difficulties in determining the variety, the Alyonushka grape is considered the most similar. The Witch’s Fingers grapes have very spectacular berries. They have a tubular elongated shape and a rich dark blue color, in places with a matte dark purple hue. Some gardeners note that the grapes resemble the crooked fingers of an old lady. This can be confirmed by photos of the fruits of the Witch’s Fingers grapes.

Grapes Witch Fingers

Taste the grapes are very sweet and rich, reminiscent of plum. The skin is slightly sourer, but this combination, on the contrary, enriches the taste sensations. The aroma with hints of duchesse and apples confirms that breeders used many European and American species when creating the variety.

Mature fruits do not grow at all small in size, but there are almost no seeds in them and they are small. Therefore, “Witch’s fingers” many gardeners belong to varieties of sultanas and are considered an elite grape variety. The dimensions of one berry are 10×30 cm, and the weight is about 10 g. The pulp is very juicy and darker than the skin. It should also be mentioned that the hybrid belongs to the varieties of table grapes. Berries should be consumed fresh. They are not subject to storage, they are eaten immediately after purchase or from a bush branch.

bunches on the bushes ripen impressive size and weight. The mass of one hron varies from 0,7 kg to 1,5 kg. They have a regular harmonious shape, medium density.

Bush has a high growth rate. Therefore, winegrowers construct two-level trellises 2-3 m high for vines. Young shoots on plants are painted light green, and mature shoots are light brown.

Regular pruning is recommended.

The flowers are bisexual, so the variety called “Witch’s Fingers” does not require the neighborhood of pollinators.

Maturation period. According to the description of the grape variety “Witch’s Fingers” refers to the medium early period. Harvest is ready for harvest 115-120 days after the start of the growing season. The usual collection time is the end of July.

Frost resistance varieties are very good. Bushes withstand temperatures up to -25 without shelter0C. At lower temperatures, the vine must be protected from freezing. Therefore, gardeners successfully grow grape varieties in the regions of the middle zone.

Disease resistance. Breeders initially laid in the variety a good immunity against diseases and pest invasions. A high level of resistance in grape varieties is noted for downy mildew, bacterial cancer. The most pleasant news for gardeners is indifference to the variety of wasps and other insects. But this only applies to whole berries. As soon as cracks or cuts appear, insects will not mind eating juice. But from birds it is necessary to use protective structures.

The description of the grape variety “Witch’s Fingers” clearly confirms the photo and video:

Grapes Witch Fingers


Breeding and planting

If you are lucky enough to purchase seedlings of the Witch’s Fingers grapes, then planting should be given maximum attention. The further development of the bush depends on the quality of the event. In the description of the Witch’s Fingers grapes, it is noted that the best planting time is winter or early spring. At the same time, landing pits are prepared in advance 1,5 months before the scheduled date. The dimensions of the holes are standard – at least 70 cm. The soil is prepared fertile, be sure to add organic matter and superphosphate. The variety responds well to the introduction of wood ash during planting. A seedling planted in winter must be covered or sprinkled with sawdust to protect it from frost.

Spring planting is also carried out according to traditional rules.

A place for planting seedlings is chosen with good lighting and ventilation. This will prevent the occurrence of many diseases. Simultaneously with a small seedling, a pole is placed in the hole, on which it is then easy to attach a protective cloth and a watering tube. After planting, the plant is watered and the near-stem circle is mulched.

care requirements

The description suggests that the variety should not be classified as unpretentious. It is better to take care of careful care so that overseas grapes will please their owner with amazing fruits for a long time.

What you need to pay special attention to:

Watering. A certain level of humidity is very important for the Witch’s Fingers vines. Adult bushes are watered once a month. The water is taken not cold, but the procedure is prescribed for the evening. During the flowering period, watering is suspended, otherwise there is a risk of falling flowers and reducing the yield of the variety. The last time the bushes are watered 1 weeks before the onset of frost. The weather forecast will help you find out the exact date. This is a water-charging irrigation that cannot be skipped. It will allow the variety to tolerate frost well. Young seedlings of the variety require moisture 2 time in 1 weeks.

Important! Don’t forget to mulch around the trunk to retain moisture and keep weeds out.

Grapes Witch Fingers

Sawdust or moss are best suited for the variety as a mulching layer.

Feeding. “Witch fingers” will have to be fed regularly.

Grapes Witch Fingers

The variety needs to be introduced in the spring with nitrogen substances, in the summer – with phosphorus and potassium. For spring nutrition, gardeners are recommended to use complex mineral compositions. At the time of ripening, the fruits need potassium and phosphorus mineral supplements. In the same period, foliar top dressing is very useful for grapes. A composition of 10 liters of water, 40 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfate is suitable. The components are mixed and the grapes are sprayed on the leaf. In the fall, be sure to repeat complex top dressing. Organics are introduced into the soil in the fall and no more than once every 3 years. This is done after the leaves have fallen.

Important! Combine feeding with watering so as not to harm the grapes.

In addition to watering and nutrition, attention must be paid disease prevention. Although the variety is resistant, 2 preventive treatments with fungicides are carried out for it during the growing season. The first treatment is needed after the leaves bloom. The second – during the ripening of grapes. The treatment with colloidal sulfur, “Soon”, “Topaz”, “Thiovit-Jet” helps to prevent the appearance of downy mildew.

At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the level of soil moisture. For the prevention of bacterial cancer, Fitoflavin, Fitoplasmin, Extrasol are used. The variety “Witch’s Fingers” is almost not affected by this disease, but gardeners are better off playing it safe. The danger to grapes is represented by birds and rodents. They are saved from the latter by ash or peat with creolin, scattering them around the bush.

It is best to scare away birds with ultrasonic devices or special nets.


There are not very many reviews about grapes of this variety, because it is far from easy to purchase seedlings.

Sergey, Novorossiysk
I’m lucky. The son brought the seeds of the Witch’s Fingers grape variety from the States. I have never grown grapes from seeds, but here I had to. From 6 seeds I received 2 full-fledged seedlings. It took a lot of work, but the end result is worth the effort. Grapes are amazing. Beautiful and delicious. Care needs to be meticulous. In addition to preparations, it is very important to pay enough attention to the variety. Then the harvest will be good. Suitable for fresh consumption. The clusters will not lie, so if there are a lot for yourself, then it is better to sell.
Maria, Novokubansk
My husband brought a seedling of Witch’s Fingers grapes from California. Planted in early spring. Cared for like a sissy variety. Everything was done according to the rules and on time – a handsome bush grew. Fruits of an extraordinary shape, the aroma is completely unique. We have been growing grapes for a long time, but this variety is our pride. This year, 5 more bushes were planted by cuttings.

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  1. iskam da poracam cena

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