Grapes White Miracle

Grapes White miracle fully justifies its name. High-yielding, early ripe, sweet, characterized by good keeping quality, with high frost resistance – this is only part of the advantages of this variety. That is why the popularity of the White Miracle is only increasing every year.

When choosing a variety, any grower focuses not only on the yield and taste characteristics of the fruit. Of great importance is the resistance of the variety to diseases and low temperatures. And according to these indicators, according to the description and photo, the White Miracle grape variety is a clear favorite.

History of breeding

Grape variety White Miracle was bred in the Research Institute of Viticulture. Ya. I. Potapenko. More than 60 varieties have been bred by the Institute staff.

When breeding a hybrid, breeders crossed two varieties – Rapture, which is characterized by early ripeness and excellent frost resistance, and the Original, which has good marketability and excellent taste characteristics.

Grapes White Miracle

Among winegrowers, the White Miracle grape variety received several more names – Song, Monomakh’s Hat, and OV-6-pk. Like most hybrid forms derived from Rapture, this variety is highly resistant to many diseases and large-fruited.

Important! The beginning of the ripening of grapes falls on the beginning-mid-August.

Distinctive characteristics of the variety

A brief description of the White Miracle grape variety is as follows:

  • Early ripe table variety. The ripening period averages 105-110 days.
  • Vigorous or medium-sized vines.
  • Large clusters have a distinct cylindrical shape with medium density.
  • The average weight of a grape brush ranges from 0,7-1 kg.

The ripening of the vine is 75-80%. The flowers of the grapes are bisexual. For this reason, the variety is considered self-pollinating.

Grapes White Miracle

Excellent frost resistance makes it possible to grow the White Miracle grape variety even in northern regions with harsh climatic conditions. Grape bushes perfectly tolerate winter frosts of -25˚С -27˚С.

Characteristics of fruits

The berries of the White Miracle grape (see photo) are large, slightly oval in shape. The weight of one grape reaches 6-10 gr.

In the phase of full maturity, the color of the fruit is predominantly greenish, but when ripe in the open sun, they acquire a yellowish tint. The skin of grapes is very thin, when eaten it is almost invisible.

Interesting! Subject to the recommended rules of agricultural technology, some bunches of grapes can reach a mass of even 1,3-1,5 kg.

Juicy, fleshy pulp, harmonious taste, sweet, refreshing fruits with a barely perceptible sourness. The sugar content in mature fruits reaches 18-19%. The content of acids is 6-7 g/l. According to the ten-point system of taste qualities, the fruits are estimated at 7,9-8 points.

Grapes White Miracle

A distinctive feature of the White Miracle grape variety is the absence of shedding of berries. You can take your time to pick grapes after ripening – the fruits can, without losing their qualities, hang on the bushes for up to 2-3 weeks.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Each grower, choosing the next variety, first of all, compares the pros and cons. The advantages of white miracle grapes include:

  • excellent rootstock compatibility;
  • early ripening;
  • unpretentiousness in cultivation;
  • large clusters have an excellent presentation;
  • excellent keeping quality of ripe fruits;
  • vines have high frost resistance;
  • grapes are relatively resistant to many diseases characteristic of this crop;
  • versatility of application;

The only drawback of the Song grape variety is the fragility of young shoots. However, from the second year of cultivation, the vines acquire flexibility.

Grapes White Miracle

Important! The first brushes appear on the vines in the second or third year after planting the seedlings.

Rules of landing

The main feature of growing vines is the right place. And this grape variety is no exception.

The optimal time for planting seedlings depends on the region. In the central regions, grapes can be planted at the end of April or in the first decade of May. But in areas with more severe climatic conditions, it is not worth starting landing before mid-May.

For landing, you need to take a lighted, well-blown area. But at the same time, it is highly undesirable to plant grapes in areas dominated by drafts.

Absolutely unsuitable for growing grapes are areas where melt water accumulates in spring, and rain stagnates in summer and autumn. The close occurrence of groundwater is also not the best option. Excess moisture is the first enemy of the grape root system.

Grapes White Miracle

Prepare the soil in advance for planting grape seedlings. Loose, fertile and well-permeable soil is ideal. You can prepare the following mixture in advance:

  • humus – 2 parts
  • ash – 1 part
  • sand – 1 part.

Mix the soil well.

Advice! Despite the excellent indicators of frost resistance, Song grapes still need shelter for the winter.

Dig a planting hole of the desired size in the selected area. The main thing is that the root system is located freely in the hole. A drainage layer of broken bricks, crushed stone or small stones is laid at the bottom of the landing pit. Subsequently, you need to make a small mound from the mixture prepared in advance. Place the roots of a grape seedling on it.

Grapes White Miracle

Gradually cover the seedling with soil mixture, compacting the soil around the seedling. After planting, seedlings need abundant watering. Do not forget to tie up the shoots and provide them with shading for 5-7 days.

Care of seedlings after planting

To obtain abundant harvests, each crop needs to be given a lot of time and proper care. Grapes also need regular care.

Regular weeding, the correct watering pattern, loosening, pruning and balanced top dressing are a guarantee of good vine growth and high yields.

Provide seedlings with moderate and regular watering. The average watering rate is 1-2 buckets of water for each bush 2-3 times a week, depending on the weather. In rainy summers, watering is recommended to be reduced. But in drought, plants will require much more moisture.

Grapes White Miracle

Advice! The White Miracle grape is a hybrid, so it can only be propagated by vegetative methods.

During the formation of fruits, it is necessary to increase the rate of watering. But with the beginning of the ripening of grapes, on the contrary, reduce or eliminate altogether. Excessive moisture is the first reason for cracking berries.

For prevention, the White Miracle variety must be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture twice during the season. This event will help protect grape bushes from many diseases.

A properly drawn up feeding scheme is another point of competent grape care. A week after planting, seedlings need to be fertilized with nitrogen-based top dressing. Twice during the season, feed the vines with mineral complex fertilizers. During the formation and ripening of grapes, fertilization should be abandoned.

Grapes White Miracle

After harvesting, be sure to apply phosphorus and potassium-based top dressings to help the plant recover from abundant fruiting and help the grape bushes fully prepare for winter.

Do not forget about such stages of care as pruning and shaping the vine. In autumn, when preparing grapes for winter, it is necessary to remove diseased, broken branches. It is necessary to form vines in the spring, before the start of active sap flow, or during the season.

Professionals recommend leaving no more than 6-8 eyes on one shoot. The rest must be ruthlessly broken out, since a large number of branches affects the decrease in yield.

Advice! The minimum distance between grape bushes should be at least 1,5-2 m.

Grapes White Miracle

Diseases and pests

This grape variety is highly resistant to many diseases, such as:

  • mildew;
  • oidium;
  • gray rot.

With regular preventive treatments, the grapes will be protected from the effects of harmful bacteria and spores.

Their insect pests of the Song grape variety can only be threatened by wasps and bees, and then only during the period of fruit ripening. Therefore, to preserve the crop, take care in advance of insect traps or mesh bags that protect the grapes from insects.

Storage conditions

Since the shelf life of White Miracle grapes is about 1,5-2 months, it is necessary to create favorable conditions in advance that will preserve the harvest. You can store ripe fruits in a suspended state or in boxes and containers.

Grapes White Miracle

In the first case, the brushes are tied in pairs and hung on a rope. It is advisable to hang the crop in such a way that the brushes do not touch each other. You can store grapes in the attic or in the attic.

In containers or boxes lined with paper, ripe grapes are placed in one layer. Filled containers are stored in the basement for up to 2 months. Instead of paper, you can fill the boxes with a thin layer of small, dry sawdust.

Important! The transportability of the White Miracle grape variety, unfortunately, leaves much to be desired. Because of the thin skin, the berries crack.

Judging by the numerous reviews, the White Miracle grape corresponds to the description of the variety by the originators, which is confirmed by the photos of the vine and ripe fruits. However, it is difficult to assess the taste of the fruit from photographs.

Grapes White Miracle

Professionals say that the ripening of grapes and the accumulation of sugar in fruits begins in the second half of June. Winegrowers are advised to take into account one more feature when growing this variety. In the first few years after planting, the vegetative period begins 2-3 weeks later than usual. After 3-4 years, the situation returns to normal, and the vines wake up on time.

A brief description of the White Miracle grapes will be presented by the author of the video:

Grapes White Miracle


Description of the White Miracle grape variety, reviews about it and photos allow us to conclude that this hybrid deservedly received such a sonorous name. Unpretentiousness, high yield, delicious taste of fruits – the variety has a lot of advantages. And even a novice grower will be able to grow a fruitful vine.


Sergey, 49 years old, Artemovsk
I have two bushes of this wonderful grape growing. Very sweet and very productive variety. Delicate, thin skin. Accumulates sugar and ripens Song in early August, which allows you to harvest before the activation of hornets, bees and wasps. Two bushes are enough for us to eat ourselves, and to share with relatives, and for preparations. I strongly recommend everyone to plant at least one bush, and you will not regret it!
Galina, 54 years old
Husband planted Miracle three years ago. Grape cuttings were ordered by mail. The seedlings began quickly, after a week the first signs of rooting already appeared. The vine gave us the first brushes in the third year after planting. Refreshing, velvety taste, very thin skin and incredibly sweet berries! Husband is very pleased! And even gave friends a few cuttings of grapes for breeding.

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