Grapes Viking

The grapes of the Ukrainian breeder Zagorulko V.V. were bred by crossing the popular varieties ZOS and Kodryanka. The hybrid acquired a bouquet of berry aroma, which won the popularity of winegrowers. Over time, Viking grapes migrated from Ukrainian lands to the southern regions. Now the hybrid can be found even in the suburbs.

The main characteristics of the hybrid

Grapes Viking

A feature of Viking grapes is the early ripening of clusters, which is typical for many hybrids. Approximately 100 days after bud break, the first ripe berries will appear. Harvest time falls on the first decade of August.

Grape seedlings are characterized by rapid survival. Having adapted after disembarkation, the vine begins to grow intensively, forming a sprawling bush. Pollination of the hybrid occurs quickly due to bisexual flowers. Viking is suitable as a pollinator for a number of growing unisexual plants.

Frost tolerance is average. The vine is able to withstand negative temperatures up to -21оC. In the northern regions, Viking is difficult to grow. It is easier for winegrowers of the Moscow region to do this, but for the winter the vine will have to be well covered. In addition to the bush itself, it is important to keep the fruit buds of grapes from freezing. Otherwise, you will have to forget about a good harvest of berries. Optimal weather conditions for Viking are in the south. Vine growers in warm areas do not cover the vine.

Important! The Viking hybrid does not respond well to temperature fluctuations, and especially does not like heat. Changes disrupt the pollination process. Brushes are small with small berries.

Grapes Viking

Considering the description of the variety, photo, Viking grapes, it is worth touching on the topic of irrigation. The hybrid does not respond well to high humidity. From frequent watering, rains, with a close location of groundwater, the berries in the clusters begin to crack. At high humidity and temperature, there is a threat of damage to the grapes by the fungus. If such weather conditions are observed, it is necessary to immediately carry out preventive spraying of the vine with rot preparations.

Viking bunches are conical in shape. The berries are large, densely packed. The mass of one bunch is from 0,6 to 1 kg. Despite these characteristics, the hybrid does not differ in high yield. The dense pulp is covered with a strong skin that protects the berries from wasps and other pests. However, when eating grapes, it is practically not felt. At the stage of technical maturity, the berries acquire a purple color. A fully ripe bunch of grapes in the sun plays a dark blue color.

The popularity of the Viking is given by the taste of the berries. The sweet-sour pulp is filled with a fruity aroma with a predominance of plums. With moderate watering of the hybrid, a good presentation of berries is observed. The grape harvest can be used commercially. Berries from bunches do not crumble during transportation, as well as when hanging on the vine for a long time.

Important! As part of the mature pulp of berries is 17% sugar. The acidity index is 5 g/l.

Positive and negative qualities of a hybrid

Grapes Viking

In general terms, the Viking grape variety has the following advantages:

  • early ripening of the crop;
  • bisexual inflorescences;
  • excellent taste of berries;
  • bunches can be transported, keeping their presentation.

Equally merits, there are negative qualities of the Viking:

  • the hybrid is afraid of low temperatures;
  • berries do not respond well to waterlogging;
  • affected by fungi and rot;
  • small yield.

Growers consider the Viking a capricious hybrid that requires careful care. Only excellent taste makes lovers to plant 1-2 bushes of fragrant grapes in the garden.

Features of agricultural technology

If a grower is looking for information about Viking grapes, a description of the variety, photos, reviews, then he will want to know the features of agricultural technology.

Planting cuttings

Grapes Viking

Viking, like most cultivated grape varieties, loves fertile soil. On poor lands, berries lose their taste and aroma. The hybrid takes root well on chernozems. Wetlands are detrimental to grapes. If groundwater is high on the site, cuttings are planted on a hill. A place for grapes is chosen on the south side of the site, and the southwest is also suitable. It is advisable to find an area that is not strongly blown by winds.

Planting cuttings of Viking grapes begin in the spring, when the soil is well warmed up. Winegrowers practice autumn planting, but it is advisable to do it earlier. The stalk should have time to take root before the onset of frost and stock up on useful substances.

Advice! It is optimal to plant Viking seedlings at a daytime temperature of + 15–25 ° C.

Viking bushes are vigorous. For good development of the vines between seedlings, a minimum distance of 3 m is observed. In warm soil, the root system of grapes quickly takes root and begins to grow intensively. Good planting material is considered, the roots of which are at least 2 mm thick. Moreover, they should not break with a light touch by hand. At the time of planting, the cutting should have at least 4 healthy buds. The Viking root system is soaked in a growth stimulator before planting.

Cylindrical pits 80 cm deep and wide are dug under each grape seedling. From a mixture of fertile chernozem and humus, a 25 cm thick pillow is poured into the hole. A 5 cm thick layer of compacted soil is arranged on top, but first 300 g of potassium and superphosphate are added to it. A small mound is formed from the soil, and the roots of the Viking seedling are laid sideways on top.

Grapes Viking

Backfill the hole with fertile soil. The backfill layer is usually about 25 cm, and the growth remains above the ground. Immediately after planting, Viking grape cuttings are watered with three buckets of water. After the liquid has been absorbed, the earth in the hole is loosened. The second and third watering with the same amount of water is carried out at intervals of two weeks. The loosened soil is covered with mulch from above.

Features of grape care

Grapes Viking

Throughout the growing season, adult Viking grapes are watered from mid-spring to late October. The hybrid does not like an abundance of moisture. Irrigation rates are set individually depending on weather conditions and the location of groundwater.

For the entire spring-autumn period, the Viking is watered 7 times:

  1. In early spring, when tying dry vines.
  2. After pruning during juicing. If the grape vine does not cry on cuts in spring, urgent watering is needed.
  3. When the growth of shoots is 30 cm.
  4. Before flowering.
  5. When small berries appear in the brushes.
  6. The sixth watering of grapes is determined individually according to weather conditions. In dry weather, it is needed for pouring berries with juice.
  7. After harvest.

The number of Viking waterings is increased in dry, hot summers.

Important! After the appearance of the first inflorescences, watering the grapes is strictly prohibited. Moisture during this period contributes to shedding of color.

At the end of October, the vine is laid, preparing for the winter season. For shelter use any waterproof material and soil. The lining is also placed under the vine itself on the ground to prevent rotting of the kidneys. Backfill soil is well moistened and poured with a layer of 20 cm.

If a shelter is made from one film, arcs are placed over the vine. The stretch is done so that the material does not touch the vine. Otherwise, in severe frosts, these areas will freeze slightly.

The roots of grapes are also worth worrying about. For the winter, the soil around the bush is mulched with a thick layer of straw, peat or sawdust.

Additional fertilizing

Grapes Viking

To increase the yield of the hybrid, especially during fruiting, the Viking is fed. Fertilizer is more convenient to apply along with watering. A large amount of water, when absorbed, delivers top dressing deep to the roots. For the entire growing season of grapes, fertilizers are applied three times with an interval of one month.

Viking reacts well in the spring to nitrogen-containing preparations and organic matter. To feed the hybrid, you can mix 2 tbsp. l. ammonium nitrate with a bucket of manure. To increase the self-pollination process, superphosphate is added. Every three years, a ditch 50 cm deep is dug around the bush, 1,5 buckets of humus are covered, and covered with earth from above.

Pruning vines

Grapes Viking

The best time to prune vines is autumn. In Viking seedlings of the first year of life, matured shoots are removed. In the future, the young vine is cut to five buds. Shoots growing from the ground are left on new sleeves. In adult bushes, long lashes with 20 buds are left in the spring for tying large berries in clusters. The advantage of autumn pruning is the further convenience of laying the vine for shelter for the winter. By spring, the cuts will heal a little.

Disease Prevention

Grapes Viking

The Viking hybrid has a major drawback – it is affected by fungi and is sensitive to rot pathogens. For reliable crop protection, grapes are subjected to preventive spraying from early spring. The first treatment with fungicides is carried out at the beginning of the growing season, when the shoots grow to 20 cm in length. The second treatment of the Viking is performed before, and the third after flowering. Of the store preparations, Antrakol or Strobe are popular. Most lovers recognize the best Bordeaux liquid.

The video shows Viking grapes in August:

Grape variety Viking (August)


Looking for information about Viking grapes, a description of the variety, photos, videos, reviews of growers will also be useful to novice gardeners.

Due to the difficult terrain in my country house there are hills and depressions. Hybrid Viking planted in different places. On a hill, the bushes will give birth better, the berries are larger and sweeter. In the lowlands, groundwater is far away, but a lot of moisture collects after rains. The berries often crack before they ripen on the bunches. The taste is more acidic. I had to cut down a bush in the valley.
Hybrid Viking bought a seedling in the market, not knowing about the capriciousness of the grapes. The berries are tasty and fragrant, but you have to mess around with the vine. I cover well for the winter, however, part of the kidneys still freezes out. Hot rainy summer went fungus. Most of the crop rotted, even spraying the vines did not help.

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