Before you buy new grapes for your site, you need to decide what this variety should be. After all, there are many varieties of grapes today, and each of them has its own characteristics: taste, appearance, resistance to cold or prolonged drought, height and branching of the vine, requirements for care and planting.

Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

There are many classifiers for grape varieties, but the most convenient is the one that divides grape varieties alphabetically. A description of the most popular of them can be found in this article.

How to choose a grape variety

Experienced growers know many varieties of this plant, they can identify the variety by the appearance of the vines and bunches, tell about the preferences and requirements of a particular grape.

Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

Those who are just starting to engage in viticulture should answer a few questions:

  1. For what purposes will the vine be grown. After all, all varieties are divided into two large groups: table and technical grapes. The former is eaten fresh, its clusters are usually heavy, and the berries are large and tasty. Technical varieties are intended for processing, the berries contain a lot of sugars, which is very important in the production of wine or juice.
  2. What are the climatic conditions of the region and the composition of the soil on the site. For different varieties, a special climate is needed, because there are frost-resistant varieties and those grapes that can only grow at positive temperatures. In such cases, the vine will have to be covered for the winter, cut in a special way. With regard to the composition of the soil, everything is simpler: you can always replace the soil or enrich it with the necessary components.
  3. How quickly the vine is formed and the shoots ripen. It directly depends on this factor when young grapes begin to bear fruit. This can also include the yield of a particular variety.
  4. Fruit quality and taste – those indicators that are especially important for each grower.

Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo


Advice! Beautiful large berries will seduce any owner. But you should not pay attention only to external characteristics: first of all, the variety must be suitable for the climate of the region.

Description of grape varieties alphabetically

Brief description and photo of each variety from the alphabetical classifier:


Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

Grapes of this variety are characterized by early ripening, it is thermophilic, therefore it is recommended to plant such a vine in the southern regions of the country. It is a table variety, has large yellow-green berries. The yield is very high, with good care it can reach record levels. The berries are moderately sweet, have a nutmeg flavor, suitable for making homemade wine. “Arcadia” needs careful care, moderate watering, mineral-rich soil.


Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

It is a table variety with elongated light berries of a fairly large size. Clusters ripen very quickly (in 3,5 months), yields are high. Yellow grapes have a sweet, very pleasant taste. The pulp of the grapes is fleshy, moderately juicy. It is necessary to properly cut the vine, leaving six eyes, water and fertilize the grapes regularly.


Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

Refers to hybrid table grapes. The bushes of this variety develop very rapidly, the ripening time of the clusters is medium (usually harvesting occurs in August). Yields are stable and very high. The berries are large, yellowish-white in color, with dense juicy pulp. The vine needs to be pollinated, cut out diseased and weak shoots, regularly watered and fed at least twice a year.


Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

It is considered one of the most unpretentious and very productive varieties. Grapes are suitable for growing in any climatic conditions, it is often chosen by growers of the North. After the spring awakening, the clusters ripen in record time – in just 3 months. Due to high fecundity, shoots often break off, so it is important to thin out the clusters to prevent overloading the vine. The grapes are large, greenish-white in color, with a delicate, slightly nutmeg taste. The berries are quite sweet, have seeds, suitable for home winemaking. The vine needs to be tied up; during pruning, no more than twenty inflorescences should be left on the shoot.


Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

Most experienced growers consider the best of the best varieties. The grapes are medium-early in terms of ripening – the berries are ripened 3,5-4 months after the appearance of the first spring buds. The yield of the variety is average, the berries have a white or amber hue, the taste is sweet, natural. At the pruning stage, it is necessary to regulate the number of clusters, since Demeter vines often break off under the weight of ripe grapes.


Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

It is the variety that will give the first fruits in the second year after planting. Grapes this table, with average terms of maturing. A feature of the variety is that wasps do not eat it, so all clusters have a presentation. Harvests are plentiful, berries of a light shade with a pink undertone, large and sweet. It is necessary to form a bush in such a way that as many lignified vines as possible are obtained, because most of the crop ripens on them.

“Pearl Saba”

Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

It is a Hungarian table grape. The fertility of the variety is average, crops ripen in mid-August. The berries are small, round in shape and greenish-yellow in color. The taste is sweet, slightly muscat. The clusters should not be allowed to overripe, as the taste of the berries from this greatly deteriorates. You need to cut the vine shortly (up to a maximum of eight buds), for the winter the vine needs shelter, as the variety does not tolerate cold well.


Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

The same applies to table varieties. The grapes are distinguished by large clusters with beautiful round dark blue berries. Early maturity, high yield. There is a lot of sugar in grapes, the taste is very pleasant, the peel is thin. For this variety, it is important that the soil passes air well, so the soil is chosen loose, the ground around the vine is regularly fluffed with a chopper.


Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

A very common late ripening grape. Harvests are stable and quite plentiful. Most mature grapes have a strawberry flavor, but sour berries are also found in bunches. The shade of the fruit is dark blue, almost black. There is enough sugar in the grapes, each berry is completely covered with a white bloom, so Isabella is great for home winemaking. You can plant a variety in any region, the main thing is that the clusters have time to ripen. Morozov is not afraid, there is no need to cover. They are rarely fed – with mineral components once every three years, with manure twice a year.


Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

Came to Our Country from America, is considered a table variety. A distinctive feature is tall and long vines. Can give high yields, but they are unstable. Clusters ripen early – in 3,5 months. The grapes are round, dark purple, juicy, with a slight taste of nutmeg. It is recommended to grow a variety on the southern slopes, as it loves warmth. Before winter, the vine needs to be covered. Due to the susceptibility of grapes to various diseases, it must be constantly treated with special preparations for the purpose of prevention.


Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

It is one of the few universal varieties. The grapes are very productive, ripen at the end of summer. Grapes are rounded, light lilac or dark pink. They have a strawberry flavor, they become tastier if they lie down in a plucked form. For the winter, the vine is not covered, it is advised to treat it with Bordeaux liquid, carefully thin out, cut long.

Attention! Before planting, it is recommended to soak the roots of the seedling in water with honey.


Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

It belongs to the late grape varieties, it is considered a table variety, although the wine from it turns out to be very tasty. The yield is good. The berries are dark, round, fleshy, and the peel is crisp. It is better to plant a vine on the south side of the site, you do not need to cover it, it is recommended to water it regularly.


Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

It belongs to table species, has a good yield, ripens within 3,5 months. The grapes are large, pink, with a slight acidity. Care is needed the simplest, on rich soils the vine grows intensively, so it needs to be tied up. “Nina” does not like the neighborhood, so it is better to plant it separately from other varieties.


Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

It grows quickly and very intensively, it is considered a table species. Every year you can get a stable and fairly good harvest from the vine. Ripens in medium terms. The grapes are elongated, pink, have a normal taste and thin skin. Water the “Original” should be regularly: at least once a month.

“In Memory of Negrul”

Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

Very beautiful and tasty table grapes. Ripens quickly, yields good. Grapes ripen large, have an elongated shape and dark blue color. The taste of the berries is sweet and sour, fragrant, with seeds. In winter, the vine should be covered, as the grapes are afraid of severe frosts. You need to cut the vine so that about 40 buds remain on one bush.


Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

Refers to early ripe varieties of table destination. Productivity though not very high, but stable. The taste of pink berries is quite pleasant, sweet, with a hint of nutmeg. The soil for planting should be nutritious, it constantly needs to be loosened, it is recommended to mulch to better retain moisture.

Important! In late autumn, the vine must be treated with copper sulphate, and with the onset of spring, feed with nitrogen components.


Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

Considered an early ripening table grape. For pollination, the vine needs a partner, which is the most suitable variety “Arcadia”. Harvests are plentiful and constant. The aroma of the berries is very delicate, with slight notes of nutmeg, the peel is thin, and the pulp is sweet. The vine is cut to 4-6 eyes, rarely fertilized with nitrogen, otherwise the bush will grow.


Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

Appetizing table grapes with early ripening. The yield is high, clusters can appear even on the stepchildren of the vine. The berries are very tasty and sweet, their flesh is crispy, juicy. In planting unpretentious, loves frequent watering and good drainage. To increase yields, you need to fertilize the bushes and pull out the weeds near the vines.


Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

It is another table variety. The ripening speed is average, the yield is sufficient and stable. The taste of berries is nutmeg, sweet – they are well suited for winemaking. The color of the grapes is dark pink, the shape is rounded. The soil should be loosened regularly, the vine should be treated from pests, often fed.


Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

Belongs to medium-early grapes, gives good yields. Pink berries are distinguished by juiciness, pleasant taste, moderate sweetness. The soil near the vine needs to be mulched, the plant itself should be treated with magnesium sulfate once a year.


Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

Ripens early, yields consistently high. The clusters are large, the berries are medium-sized, dark blue. The taste is good, but the bunch must ripen on the vine. You need to plant “Charlie” in a well-lit area, observing a sufficient interval between plants. Every month the vine is fertilized; in winter it is not necessary to cover it.

“Anniversary of Kherson “Dachnik”

Grapes: varieties in alphabetical order with a photo

It ripens quickly and pleases with stable yields. Grapes are elongated, large, pink. The taste is excellent, unique, sweet. You need to cut the shoots short – up to two or four buds.


All presented varieties deserve the attention of novice growers. It remains to compare your capabilities and the requirements of each variety in order to choose the most suitable grapes for your site.

Characteristics of grape varieties

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