Grapes Taiga

One can only sympathize with gardeners and summer residents from the northern regions of Our Country: they have to invest much more time and effort in the future harvest. But the most difficult thing is to find a suitable variety that can survive in the difficult climate of the North. To a greater extent, this applies to fruits and berries, especially such thermophilic ones as grapes. A godsend for summer residents and winegrowers from cold regions is the Taiga variety. This grape ripens very quickly, practically does not get sick and, most importantly, tolerates low temperatures very well.

Grapes Taiga

This article provides a complete description of the Taezhny grape variety, with photos and reviews from real gardeners. Beginning growers will be able to learn how to plant cuttings and how to subsequently care for an adult vine.

Features & Features

Taiga grapes are not a breeding crop; nothing is known about the origin of this variety. Quite often, this variety is confused with the more famous Taiga Emerald hybrid, but these are two completely different grapes.

It is known that at first the Taiga variety was grown in the very south of the country – in Primorsky Krai. Gradually, gardeners began to try to plant this grape in other parts of Our Country: in the east, in the west, and then in the north. And then it turned out that the frost resistance of the Taiga is quite enough even for harsh winters – the vine tolerates cold very well. Today, the Taezhny variety is one of the most popular and in demand among summer residents and farmers in the northern regions of the country.

Full description of the Taiga grape variety:

  • a culture with very early ripening – 90-95 days should pass from bud break to technical ripeness of berries;
  • bushes are powerful, vigorous, sprawling;
  • the survival rate of cuttings is high, Taiga reproduces very easily;
  • the flowers of the grapes are female, so it is often used in pollination of other super-early varieties;
  • clusters of this variety are small, have the shape of a regular cone;
  • the average weight of one bunch is 150-200 grams, there are specimens weighing up to 400 grams;
  • the fullness of the bunch is average, it is rather loose;
  • berries are round, small – about 2 cm in diameter, 3-4 grams in weight;
  • the fruits are painted in dark blue, almost black;
  • the sugar content of the berry is high – at the level of 20%, but there is a lot of acid in the berries of Taiga grapes;
  • the taste of Taiga grapes is pleasant, with light notes of nutmeg and not sugary sourness;
  • it is necessary to normalize the load on the vine so that there are 2-3 clusters on each shoot;
  • the yield of Taiga is very high – about 100 kg from one bush (manifests itself 7-8 years after planting, with proper and sufficient care);
  • ripe bunches can not be cut immediately, they are left on the vine until frost sets in – the berries do not rot in the rain and perfectly retain their presentation and taste;
  • the variety is able to withstand frosts down to -32 degrees, in regions with colder or snowless winters, the vine will have to be covered;
  • Taiga grapes practically do not get sick, only in the first year of life the vine can become infected with mildew, but this does not affect the general condition of the seedling and does not affect the quality of the crop.

Grapes Taiga

The purpose of the variety is table, Taiga grapes are eaten fresh, used for the production of wine and juice, marmalades, jams, marshmallows and other sweets are prepared from berries.

Fresh fruits of this variety are very useful for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. Pectins have a therapeutic effect – the fruits of Taiga have a high content of these substances.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Taiga grape variety is indeed very popular with gardeners and summer residents from the central and northern regions. This culture is loved for such qualities as:

  • excellent winter hardiness;
  • fast and strong bush growth;
  • ease of reproduction;
  • very high productivity;
  • pleasant nutmeg taste of berries;
  • early maturation;
  • immunity to fungal diseases and other infections.

Grapes Taiga

The indisputable advantage of Taiga grapes is its unpretentiousness, because it can be successfully grown in a variety of climatic conditions and on almost any soil.

Attention! The variety in question does not have serious shortcomings, however, growers should take into account that the taste of Taiga is the most ordinary, without frills. This grape is more suitable for processing, although it is quite possible to make up for vitamin deficiency in the body with its fruits.

Landing conditions

In a cold climate, grapes need to be grown according to a special technology, adhering to special planting and care rules. Firstly, planting cuttings is necessary only in the spring, since the autumn seedlings will not have time to get strong enough and take root before the onset of winter frosts.

Grapes Taiga

Second, the for Taiga grapes, you need to choose the warmest place on the site. This should be the southern slope or southern wall of the house, a building that can protect the vine from the icy north wind.

Important! In the warm season, the grape vine must be constantly in the sun. Therefore, when choosing a place for the cutting, shade should be avoided.

Grapes Taiga

The technology for planting Taiga cuttings should be as follows:

  1. First you need to dig holes for seedlings. Since Taiga grapes are distinguished by strong vine growth and deep roots, the pit for it should be large. You will have to dig a lot, because the optimal dimensions of the landing pit are 100x100x100 cm.
  2. At the bottom of the pit, 20 centimeters of river sand, crushed stone or broken brick should be poured. From above it is recommended to pour another 10 cm of wood chips. Then it is desirable to cover the drainage layer with a black polyethylene film – this way the substrate warms up well.
  3. Fertilizers must be added to the soil that was removed from the pit during the digging process. For grapes, the Taiga fertilizer complex should be as follows: a bucket of humus, a liter can of wood ash and a glass of oats or wheat. The soil mixed with fertilizers is folded into a mound and covered with polyethylene so that the earth warms up.
  4. The heated soil is poured into the pit on the eve of planting the cutting. They make a small depression in the middle (about 30 cm) and plant grapes there.
  5. The roots are sprinkled with earth, the Taiga is abundantly watered and a support or trellis is installed near it.

Grapes Taiga

Advice! If it is planned to plant several bushes of the Taiga variety, an interval of 1,5-2 meters should be left between them. Between rows for mass plantings leave 3 meters.

Proper care

It is possible to expect large yields from Taiga grapes only if all the rules for care are observed. It is important to take into account the already difficult growing conditions of the culture (cold climate with a short summer), constantly monitor the bushes and provide them with regular care.

Important! Reviews of gardeners about Taiga grapes are the most positive – problems very rarely arise with this variety. Even in a bad year with rainy and cold summers, the harvest will be normal.

Grapes Taiga

You need to take care of this variety like this:

  1. After planting pour stalk every other day until it is fully rooted and rooted. Of course, if the weather is rainy, the number of waterings is reduced, but they make sure that the soil moisture is sufficient. In the second year, the vine is watered less often – only once a week, and then, subject to drought. Adult grapes can not be watered at all, since waterlogging is also dangerous for Taiga.

    Grapes Taiga

  2. crop bushes are needed in spring and autumn. In the northern regions, autumn pruning should be limited to the removal of damaged and dry shoots. Before frost, it is better not to injure the vine, because of this, the bush may freeze. Therefore, in the fall, it is recommended to cut the grapes only if its subsequent shelter is expected. In the spring, Taiga grapes are pruned already, as expected: they form bushes, produce fruit-bearing shoots, shorten them by 4-5 buds. During the summer, emerging green shoots are cut off on all bushes. The number of bunches is normalized – no more than four on one shoot.
  3. The Taiga variety can get sick only in the first year after planting. During this period, the vine is attacked by mildew, but due to the acid of the berries, the disease develops poorly. As a prevention of fungal infections, it is recommended in early spring. spray the bushes with Bordeaux liquid.

    Grapes Taiga

  4. Fertilize Taiga grapes are rare. Two top dressings per year will be quite enough: in the fall, organic matter is preferable (cow dung, bird droppings, humus, compost, wood ash), and in the spring the vine is fed exclusively with mineral complexes (emphasis should be placed on phosphorus-potassium fertilizers).
  5. In a harsh climate, the vine of the Taiga must be shelter for the winter. Boards or other material are laid on the ground near the grapes. The laid vine is pinned with metal arcs or tied. Now you need to cover the shoots with agrofibre, roofing felt or tarpaulin, from above the shelter is covered with earth.

    Grapes Taiga

Advice! Best of all grapes hibernate under the snow. Therefore, as soon as the first serious snow falls, it is collected and snowdrifts are created on the laid vine.

If you do everything as recommended, the grapes will grow the same as in the photo, they will delight you with good taste and a bountiful harvest.


Olga Ivanovna, Bratsk
I live in the Irkutsk region. When she retired, she wanted to take up gardening, vegetable gardening and vineyards. I didn’t particularly suffer with the choice of variety – I settled on Taiga (it is this grape that grows in almost all neighbors in the dacha cooperative). Eight years have passed, and I have never regretted my choice! The grapes are very productive, I have never been sick, although I only process Bordeaux liquid. Of course, I don’t risk it, and I cover the vine for the winter, as winters become more severe every year. The taste of Taiga is the most ordinary, but pleasant. I consider the absence of “chemistry” a big plus – after all, I would like to receive only environmentally friendly products from my own dacha.


Grapes Taiga

The grape variety with the characteristic name “Taiga” can be grown in almost any climatic conditions. This species is universal, very resistant, almost never sick. Taiga is one of the few varieties that are successfully grown in the North. In a milder climate, the culture hibernates without shelter, withstanding even 30-degree frosts. The surprisingly high yield of grapes cannot but rejoice – 100 kg per bush is not the limit for Taiga!

Grape variety Taiga.

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