Grapes Super Extra

Many gardeners are engaged in viticulture. Moreover, every year grapes occupy areas not only in the south, but also in areas of risky farming. Some growers grow it on a large scale to please the s with a sweet fragrant berry. Others plant grapes for their own needs. Today, grapes can be grown even in the north, which our readers often write about in reviews.

There is nothing to be surprised here, because breeders are breeding more and more early ripe grape varieties. One of these new products that delight gardeners with delicious berries is Super Extra grapes. It is he who is most often grown by residents of the northern regions. This hybrid grape is short-lived due to early ripeness. The narration will go about the features of the variety, the rules of care and cultivation.

Grapes Super Extra

General information

The creation of Super Extra table grapes was carried out by an amateur culture gardener E. G. Pavlovsky. He crossed the varieties Cardinal and Talisman, mixing their pollen. Super Extra is called Citrine by many gardeners.

The uniqueness of the variety is that it can be grown in any climatic conditions, both in the south and in the north. In any region, clusters of early ripening grapes ripen.

The appearance of the variety

It is impossible to imagine the features of Super Extra grapes without a description of the photo variety and reviews about it.

Grapes Super Extra

It is with the description and characteristics that we will begin the conversation:

  1. Bushes of early ripening grapes are vigorous. Young shoots are light green, older shoots are light brown. Growing grapes can be recognized by rich green leaves. They are with five blades, strong dissection is not observed.
  2. The clusters are large, the usual weight of berries in the brush is 500-800 grams. But Extras also have record holders, growing up to one and a half kilograms. In the photo below, the grape brush of the Super Extra variety is medium in size.

    Grapes Super Extra

  3. Super Extra grape berries, according to the description of the variety, are similar to Arcadia in color and size. They have an ovoid elongated shape. The length of the berry reaches 3,5 cm, and the width is about 2,5. One white grape with a golden sheen weighs 7-10 grams.

    Grapes Super Extra

  4. The skin is hard, but when eating it is not very noticeable. This characteristic (hardness) is very good for transportation.
  5. Super Extra grapes are distinguished by their fleshy pulp. The taste is simple, the berries are surprisingly sweet. It is by taste that the variety can be distinguished from Arcadia.
Attention! Outwardly attractive bulk berries with a sweet taste and fast ripening make the Super Extra grape variety attractive to gardeners in any region of Our Country.


Judging by the characteristics and reviews given by gardeners, Extra grapes are distinguished by the following parameters:

  1. Technical ripeness occurs in 95-100 days, depending on the climatic conditions of the region and the summer itself. As a rule, the first harvest is taken in late July or early August.
  2. The flowers are bisexual with an average degree of pollination, firmly attached to the pedicels. High air humidity adversely affects the setting of Super Extra grapes.

    Grapes Super Extra

  3. The variety is characterized by high and stable yields, but they need to be supported by the normalization of inflorescences. Fruiting occurs in the second year after planting Extra grapes.
  4. The bunch of grapes ripens evenly along the entire length.
  5. The variety is frost-resistant, withstands temperatures up to 24 degrees. At lower rates, it is necessary to cover.
  6. The berries contain up to 18 percent of sugar, the acidity is not too pronounced, it is 5-8 g/dm3. Super Extra is practically immune to diseases such as mildew and oidium, but it has to be treated from phylloxera.
  7. Excellent grade for transportation. Even when transported over long distances, the berries do not crumple, the presentation is not lost.

Speaking about the positive aspects regarding Extra grapes, it is not necessary to remain silent about some of the shortcomings. They are few, but still there:

  1. The berries on the brush differ in different sizes: the lower, the smaller. There is a slight pea. It doesn’t make the taste worse though.
  2. Not everyone likes the hardness of the skin.
  3. A constant preventive fight against such a disease as phylloxera is necessary. Immunity to it is not developed by grapes.

What a handsome man

Grapes Super Extra

Cultivation and care

General Principles

Judging by the characteristics, the Super Extra variety is unpretentious. Grapes can be grown not only in different climatic zones, but also on almost any soil. In clayey, heavy soil, sand and humus must be added.

It is necessary to choose a sunny place for planting seedlings, especially if grapes are grown in Siberia, in order to provide optimal conditions in a short summer.

It is advisable to plant on the southeast side of the house or fence. In this case, the plants will be protected from the winds. In addition, the wall of the house or the fence that has heated up during the day will give heat to Extra at night.

Grapes Super Extra

In regions with extreme climatic conditions, drought alternates with rain. These are excellent conditions for the defeat of the vineyard by fungi and pests. To protect grape plantings from fungal diseases, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatments with chemicals.

Advice! It is necessary to make it a rule to use Bordeaux liquid for spraying grapes before flowering.

Features of watering

Super Extra grapes, judging by the description, need competent watering. You should not fill it with water to the state of a swamp, but it is also not recommended to overdry it. Any deviation from the norm leads to a sharp decrease in the productivity and quality of berries. Abundant irrigation leads to the same cracking of the berries, as they overflow with liquid.

Attention! Watering the grapes, if there is no rain, is necessary once every 14 days, no more than 15 liters of water are poured under one bush.

What to feed

If you decide to seriously engage in the Super Extra variety, you need to study the features of feeding grapes. Fertilizers are applied without fail, without them the bush weakens and ceases to produce a crop worthy of the variety. The vineyard is fed both under the root and on the leaves. Both types of work are carried out several times per season. It is desirable to combine foliar feeding with disease prevention. Thanks to foliar feeding, plants absorb the resulting microelements and nutrients more efficiently.

Comment! Rationing of fertilizers depends on the condition of the soil, climatic features and the condition of the vineyard.

A useful video for gardeners about the rules for foliar feeding of grapes and protection from pests and diseases:

Carrying out foliar feeding of grapes.


To form the correct bush of grapes, it is necessary to carry out timely pruning. The fact is that Extra grows very strongly. A large number of stepchildren are formed on the shoots, which reduce the yield. In addition, at the time of formation of the ovaries, overload may occur. Extra inflorescences also need to be plucked.

During spring or autumn pruning, no more than 8 eyes are left on the shoots.

Grapes Super Extra

How to propagate Super Extra

Grapes of this variety propagate in the usual ways: seedlings, cuttings and grafting. When planting new plants, you need to take into account the distance between the bushes and row spacing. Since the bush grows strongly, it needs a large area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbnutrition.

Reviews of gardeners

Valery, 56 years old, Ekaterinburg
Super Extra grapes have been grown for a long time. Every year with a rich harvest of early and tasty berries. The berries in the brush are large, juicy. My dacha is far from the city, but there was no damage during transportation. The clusters remain intact, the berries do not crumple. I do not strive to get a large number of bunches, as a rule, I leave only one on the shoot. But its weight is worthy of the word super. The grandchildren can’t wait until the end of July to eat homemade grapes.
Svetlana, 39 years old, Leningrad Region
Talking with friends who grow Super Extra grapes, I learned that not all the flowers on the bunch are pollinated. In addition, there is pea. I used to have this problem too. It is solved easily and quickly: in the evening I fill the sprayer with ordinary (not chlorinated!) Water and moisten the inflorescences. Try it, it really helps.
Vladislava, 41 years old, Krasnoperekopsk
Excellent grapes. The only drawback is that the berries are different in size. But that’s nothing compared to the amazing taste.
Elena, 65 years old, Klimov
Grapes Extra fully justifies its name: really, super! After ripening (I was on a business trip), the bunches hung for almost a month. Taste and presentation have not changed. Not even a single cracked berry. I recommend this variety to all gardeners.

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