Grapes Senator: Pavlovsky, Burdak

In recent years, growers are increasingly talking about a new variety called “Senator”. This grape appeared relatively recently, but is already very popular in Our Country and some CIS countries. Just a couple of years ago, another hybrid with the same name was bred in a private Ukrainian nursery, which caused great confusion among gardeners and summer residents. One of these varieties produces large burgundy-pink berries, the other is white and produces greenish-yellow fruits. The two Senators have much in common, but these species also have significant differences.

Grapes Senator: Pavlovsky, Burdak

Grapes Senator: a description of each variety with photos and reviews of gardeners – this will be an article. Here we will talk about the characteristics of the two hybrids, list their strengths and weaknesses, and provide recommendations for planting and care.

The history of the origin of hybrids

The first Senator was bred by the breeder Pavlovsky about ten years ago. This grape is called Vitis Senator or Pavlovsky Senator. It was possible to get a new hybrid after crossing two popular varieties: Gift of Zaporozhye and Maradona.

Grapes Senator: Pavlovsky, Burdak

Just a couple of years ago, an amateur breeder from Ukraine crossed the Talisman and Arcadia varieties, the resulting hybrid, he also called the Senator. The surname of the breeder is Burdak, so his variety was popularly called Senator Burdak. This grape has not yet passed experimental studies, so its characteristics are very arbitrary. But this circumstance does not prevent winegrowers from actively acquiring seedlings of Senator Burdak and trying to grow this successful hybrid.

Grapes Senator: Pavlovsky, Burdak

Attention! If the cuttings you buy are called “Senator”, most likely this variety is Pavlovsky’s Senator. This must be clarified with the seller or asked what color the berries are (the Pavlovsky variety is considered pink-fruited, while Burdak brought out white grapes).

Senator Pavlovsky

Senator Pavlovsky is an early ripe table variety, the ripening time of which lies in the range of 115-120 days. This grape is widely used due to its good appearance, excellent taste of berries and resistance of the vine to various diseases and pests.

Grapes Senator: Pavlovsky, Burdak

Grape variety “Senator” Pavlovsky at Leonid Nechmilov

Description of the Pavlovsky variety:

  • the technical maturity of the grapes usually occurs by the end of August (in areas with a mild climate);
  • bushes have good growth power, the vine is long, powerful, well branched;
  • the survival rate of cuttings is excellent, there are no problems with the reproduction of hybrid grapes;
  • leaves are large, carved, with dark green veins;
  • Senator’s inflorescences are bisexual – Pavlovsky grapes do not need other varieties for pollination;
  • the berries are large, not subject to “pea”;
  • the fruits of the Senator are very large, oval in shape and burgundy in color (the color of the berries resemble ripe cherries);
  • the maximum weight of the berry can reach 18 grams;
  • usually there are 2-3 seeds in the pulp of the fruit (their number and size strongly depend on the growing conditions and climate in the region);
  • the peel on the fruit is thin, but quite strong – Senator grapes do not crack and tolerate transportation well;
  • clusters are very large, cone-shaped, densely stuffed;
  • the weight of the bunches depends on the nutritional value of the soil and weather conditions, usually varies from 700 to 1500 grams;
  • the taste of Senator Pavlovsky grapes is very pleasant, sweet, with well-marked nutmeg notes;
  • the structure of the pulp is tender, not too elastic, melting in the mouth;
  • the yield of the Senator variety is stable, with proper care – high;
  • the frost resistance of the Pavlovsky hybrid is high – the vine can withstand up to -24 degrees without shelter;
  • immunity to fungal and viral infections in Senator Pavlovsky is high – the vine rarely gets sick, is practically not attacked by insects;
  • sweet berries with a strong aroma do not attract wasps – this is another plus of the Pavlovsky hybrid;
  • grapes withstand storage and transportation well, densely packed bunches retain their presentation for a long time.

Grapes Senator: Pavlovsky, Burdak

Important! The Senator variety is recommended for cultivation in regions with a mild and temperate climate. In more severe climates, grapes must be covered for the winter.

Since Senator Sosnowski is a relatively new hybrid, care must be taken when buying cuttings – the risk of fraud by the seller is high.

Advantages and disadvantages

Grape variety Senator is very young, but already has a whole army of fans. Pavlovsky brought out very good hybrid with a lot of advantages:

  • good viability of cuttings and rapid growth of the vine;
  • frost resistance;
  • high and stable yield;
  • even large berries and large densely packed clusters;
  • suitability for storage and transportation (provided that the grapes are not grown in conditions of high humidity);
  • immunity to dangerous infections and pests;
  • unpretentiousness to growing conditions and care.
Attention! Senator Pavlovsky is an excellent grape for winemaking. Wines from this variety are very sweet, aromatic, with muscat motifs.

Grapes Senator: Pavlovsky, Burdak

However, the Pavlovsky hybrid has some minor flaws. But they are all associated with bad weather conditions or improper maintenance. So, The cons of the Senator revealed the following:

  • cracking of fruits and their rotting due to contact with water (rainy period);
  • a certain friability of the pulp – some tasters lack the characteristic “crunch”;
  • poor frost resistance for growers from the northern regions.

As you can see, it is quite possible to put up with such shortcomings: the pros definitely outweigh the cons.

Senator Burdaka

Only in the last year, reviews began to appear about a completely new hybrid – Senator Burdak. While this variety has not passed the stage of experimental cultivation and is not included in any register, however, it has already managed to win the love of many private growers.

Grapes Senator: Pavlovsky, Burdak

The description of the variety and its characteristics have a strong resemblance to the Pavlovsky hybrid:

  • the vine of Senator Burdak is vigorous;
  • the crown is large, grows rapidly;
  • berries are aligned, oval, painted in yellowish-green color;
  • there is no tendency to “pea” – all fruits are the same size and shape;
  • clusters are cone-shaped, the fruits fit tightly to each other;
  • the average weight of a bunch of grapes is 1000-1200 grams;
  • Senator Burdak has good frost resistance;
  • immunity to fungal and infectious diseases in a hybrid is high;
  • taste characteristics are excellent – the pulp is tender, sweet, with subtle notes of nutmeg;
  • the crop of Burdak is transported and stored well;
  • the commercial value of the fruit is high;
  • yield – medium and high (depending on growing conditions);
  • the ripening period of Senator Burdak grapes is early – the vegetation takes from 115 to 120 days.
Important! The main distinguishing feature of the two senators is the different sizes of fruits and different shades of berries. Burdak has white grapes, its yellowish berries shimmer favorably in the sun, have smaller sizes and a rounded shape.

Grapes Senator: Pavlovsky, Burdak

The pros and cons of these hybrids are the same. Senator Burdaka is also prone to rotting and cracking of berries in conditions of high humidity, so you need to follow the growing technology and harvest on time.


The reviews of growers about both Senators are positive: everyone likes the unpretentiousness of these hybrids, their rapid growth and ease of reproduction. Given the same ripening time and similar characteristics, Senators Burdak and Pavlovsky need similar agricultural practices.

Planting cuttings

Grape Senator prefers light and nutritious soils that can pass air well. It is better to choose a landing site on the south or south-west side of the site, a small slope is perfect. Like any grape, Senator needs protection from the north and through wind, so planting chibouks along a wall or fence is welcome.

Grapes Senator: Pavlovsky, Burdak

Recommendations for planting grapes are as follows:

  1. You can plant the Senator both in pits and in trenches. The dimensions of the landing pits are usual: 60×60 cm. The depth of the trench should also be the same.
  2. It is advisable to prepare the landing site in advance. If it is planned to plant cuttings in the spring, then the pit is prepared in the fall. In extreme cases, at least two weeks must pass from the moment the pit is created to the planting of the grapes.
  3. If the groundwater on the site lies high, drainage is required. The bottom of the pit or trench is covered with a thick layer of broken brick, expanded clay, crushed stone. A little coarse sand is poured on top.
  4. After drainage, a fertile layer should go (at the level of 40-50 cm). To do this, the fertile soil extracted from the pit is mixed with organic or mineral fertilizers.
  5. It is recommended to soak the roots of grape seedlings before planting. For a day or two they are soaked in ordinary water with a small content of potassium permanganate or in a special growth stimulator.
  6. Immediately before planting, you need to cut the roots of the cuttings, remove damaged shoots.
  7. The seedling is placed in the center of the pit and its roots are gradually covered with earth. The soil after planting must be compacted and watered well.

Grapes Senator: Pavlovsky, Burdak

Advice! It would be nice to preserve the roots of the grape cuttings with a clay masher before planting.

Care instructions

Raising either of the two Senators is a simple matter. That’s why these varieties are great even for beginner growers.

Grapes Senator: Pavlovsky, Burdak

All grape care will be as follows:

  1. Regular watering until the cutting is completely engrafted. Subsequently, the vine needs to be watered during periods of drought when the soil is severely cracked. It is very important not to overwater with watering, as excessive moisture can cause cracking and rotting of grapes.
  2. The soil around the vine is better to mulch. This will help protect the roots from overheating in summer and freezing in winter, and additionally fertilize the soil.
  3. You can feed the Senator with slurry, bird droppings, mineral complexes for grapes. Like all hybrids, the Senator takes fertilizer dissolved in water well.
  4. It is better to prune grapes in spring. For Senator varieties, long (for 7-8 eyes) or medium (for 5-6 eyes) pruning is suitable. The first time the vine is pruned immediately after planting or next spring.
  5. Despite the persistence of the grapes, it must be sprayed several times per season. To do this, you can use Bordeaux liquid, Topaz or Ridomil Gold preparations.
  6. In the northern regions, the Senator variety must be covered for the winter.

Grapes Senator: Pavlovsky, Burdak

Advice! Do not forget about the rationing of the bush. Large and heavy clusters can break off the vine if their number and location are not controlled. On each shoot, no more than 1-2 clusters are left.


Ivan Pavlovich
This year, my Senator Pavlovsky fruited for the first time (three years have passed since planting). I can say that the variety is very tall, I lead it in two shoulders, each with ten sleeves. For the year, the growth of the vine turned out to be twenty centimeters. I really liked the taste of grapes, sweet with a pronounced nutmeg. The only drawback that I have identified for myself so far is that the clusters are too dense. But I think this situation will improve when the load on the bush increases.
A lot of varieties and hybrids grow in my vineyard, and last year Senator Burdaka also brought in a new grape. The most difficult thing was to find a seedling, because the variety has just appeared, there is not even an exact description of it yet. So far, I like this hybrid: the stalk took root quickly and well, immediately began to grow, and gave side shoots in the spring. I will wait for the harvest and hope that all my labors are not in vain.


Photos of the white and pink bunches of the Senator variety are equally good: the grapes are aligned, the same in size, with a beautiful color and large sizes. Both varieties were bred relatively recently, both of them are characterized by strong growth and good resistance to external factors.

Grapes Senator: Pavlovsky, Burdak

Definitely, Senators Pavlovsky and Burdak are worthy competitors, each of them deserves the closest attention.

Grape variety “Senator” – season 2017

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