Grapes Nadezhda AZOS

Despite the almost annual appearance of new promising hybrid forms of grapes, the old time-tested varieties are in no hurry to disappear from vineyards, and simply from gardeners’ summer cottages throughout Our Country. Grapes Nadezhda Azos, which at one time became one of the most promising innovations in viticulture, still does not lose its leadership position. It continues to stand firm in the top ten of the most popular grape varieties throughout Our Country.

Grapes Nadezhda AZOS

And even despite the borderline ripening of berries for the areas of the so-called northern viticulture, its distribution in regions far from traditional grape cultivation is a real surprise. Apparently, this is due to the very late awakening of the buds and the flowering of grape bushes, which allows in relatively northern regions to escape damage to grapes by return spring frosts. The description of the Nadezhda Azos grape variety and the accompanying photographs will help you decide whether it is worth planting this variety in your area. But, according to the reviews of those who have been growing this grape for many years, every year it only becomes more stable and more beautiful.

History of creation

In the 70s of the twentieth century, scientists from the Anapa Zonal Horticulture and Viticulture Station developed a new hybrid form of table grapes, which later received the name Nadezhda AZOS at the place of its origin.

The variety arose as a result of hybrid crossing between two famous and beloved grape varieties: Moldova and Cardinal. Cardinal had to leave the vineyards by now due to a very weak resistance to various fungal diseases, but he was able to transfer part of his amazing taste to his offspring and shifted the ripening dates to earlier ones. Since Moldova, with all its positive qualities – a huge yield, resistance to diseases and stability of fruiting – has a very late ripening period, unacceptable for most regions of Our Country, except for the most southern ones.

Grapes Nadezhda AZOS

After many years of testing, only in 1991 the Nadezhda AZOS grape was submitted as a contender for registration in the State Register of Our Country. But the times were difficult and difficult, therefore, only in 1998, this grape, finally, deservedly received the full right to be called a variety and was entered in the State Register with limited cultivation in the North Caucasus region.

Comment! The North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture, Viticulture and Winemaking, located in Krasnodar, acted as the patent holder.

However, lovers of this variety, of course, were not stopped by territorial restrictions in cultivation, and Nadezhda AZOS grapes began to spread every year to the north, until they reached the Moscow region and Belarus, where they successfully ripen for many years and only in the most unfavorable summer seasons need in additional shelters with non-woven materials.

Variety description

The Nadezhda Azos grape bushes obviously belong to a vigorous group and have such a powerful growth energy that they need mandatory annual shaping and pruning. Dark green leaves are characterized by very large size, have three or five lobes and dense cobweb pubescence. The clusters are firmly attached to the shoots with thick stalks.

Grapes Nadezhda AZOS

Flowers are bisexual, which means that Azos grapes do not need additional pollinators. True, this grape variety is not characterized by the best pollination of flowers in rainy weather. In this regard, the opinions of winegrowers differ: some complain about poor pollination and, as a result, knotting of brushes, others admire the fact that Nadezhda Azos shows good knotting even during week-long heavy rains. Apparently, much depends on the characteristics of caring for grape bushes – this variety, due to its high growth energy, has a tendency to thicken shoots. All weak shoots must be removed either during the autumn pruning period or in the spring, otherwise, due to excessive thickening, the ovaries may fall off.

Advice! It is advisable to observe the average load on an adult Azos grape bush in the region of 25-30 shoots.

The fruitfulness of the shoots is quite high – on average it is 80-90%. The maturity of the shoots is good along their entire length.

From three to five brushes can form on the vine, the bush will strive to endure the entire crop, and in order not to overstrain its strength, it is necessary to leave no more than one or two clusters on each shoot.

Rooting of cuttings of this variety is rather weak and unstable. For example, roots may form, but the eyes will not wake up. On average, judging by the reviews of gardeners, only 50-70% of Nadezhda Azos grape cuttings turn into full-fledged healthy bushes.

Grapes Nadezhda AZOS

Grape bushes Nadezhda Azos quite quickly form fruits. The first small, so-called signal bunches, are usually removed already the next year after planting the seedlings. Every year, the yield itself, and the size of the brushes, and the stability of fruiting only increase. In general, the yield indicators of this variety are at a very high level, from one adult bush you can easily get up to 30 kg of grapes.

In terms of ripening, the originators attribute Nadezhda Azos grapes to early ones, but according to the experience of growing in most regions, it should rather be attributed to medium-early varieties. From the swelling of the kidneys to the ripening of the berries, about 120-130 days pass. It should also be borne in mind that the budding and flowering of Nadezhda Azos is very late. In terms of flowering time, this variety is one of the latest, which is a great advantage for all regions with unstable weather conditions during the spring. But subsequently, the shoots of grapes grow and develop so quickly that they overtake and even overtake some of their comrades. Ripening of bunches begins from the second half of August (in the south) and until the end of September (in the conditions of the middle zone), where this grape ripens one of the last.

The berries are well preserved on the bushes and are damaged by wasps to a lesser extent than other varieties. Apparently, this is due to the relatively dense skin of the berries.

Grapes Nadezhda AZOS

The frost resistance of the bushes is average – the buds are able to withstand frosts up to -22 ° C without shelter. In most regions, this variety requires mandatory shelter for the winter.

Nadezhda Azos finds good resistance to most fungal diseases. To mildew and oidium – good resistance, about 4 points. To gray rot – medium, about three points.

Characteristics of grapes and berries

Among chokeberry grape varieties, Nadezhda Azos is distinguished by stable and high yields and good harmonious taste.

The video below illustrates well all the main characteristics of Nadezhda Azos grapes.

🍇Grape variety Nadezhda Azos. #TableVarietyGrapes.

The variety has the following characteristics:

  • The clusters are predominantly conical in shape, with a variety of processes and “tongues”. You can’t call them especially dense, on the contrary, they are rather loose.
  • The older the grape bush becomes, the larger the brushes on it are able to ripen under favorable conditions. On average, the weight of one brush is 500-700 grams. But record brushes weighing from 1,7 to 2,3 kg are known.
  • Berries have a fairly standard oval shape, large sizes, about 24 by 28 mm, weighing from 6 to 9 grams.
  • The flesh is firm, fleshy and crispy. The skin is quite thick, but quite edible.

    Grapes Nadezhda AZOS

  • The grape berries are so dark blue that they seem almost black, covered with a slight wax coating.
  • Seeds are not found in all berries, they are medium in size, not very noticeable when eating.
  • The taste of the berries of this variety is dessert, sweet, with a slight sourness, simple but harmonious. Tasters rate it at 8,2 points out of 10.
  • With incomplete ripeness of the berries, their slight astringency can be noted.
  • Sugar gains up to 14-15%, acidity is about 10%.
  • The safety of the berries is very good, on average they can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month. But, according to some gardeners, they manage to keep Nadezhda Azos grapes until the New Year.
  • Naturally, the berries are also distinguished by excellent transportability.
  • Grapes of this variety are classified as table grapes. Indeed, it is quite rarely used for winemaking. But from it wonderful juices, compotes, marshmallows and other blanks are obtained.

As for the stability of the berries themselves, it is at an average level. On the one hand, pea is observed much less frequently than in other varieties, for example, Kodryanka. On the other hand, it directly depends on the loading of grape bushes with inflorescences, and the total load on the shoots. Try not to overload the bushes of Nadezhda Azos and she will thank you with a quality and timely harvest.

Grapes Nadezhda AZOS

Attention! It is also noted that grapes of this variety may be prone to cracking in very rainy and cold weather. But even here, much depends on the general condition and health of the bushes.

Reviews of gardeners

Gardeners have long appreciated and loved the Nadezhda Azos grape variety and even affectionately call it Nadyushka. The vast majority of those who grow it are not going to part with it in the coming years.

Mikhail, 52 years old, city ​​of Saratov
The variety is really standing, very reliable and resistant to diseases. For him, two preventive treatments per season are enough: before flowering and immediately after. Wasps don’t like him very much either, maybe because of the lack of sugar, or maybe because of the dense skin. First of all, I like its taste. One of those varieties that you should definitely have on the site. It takes root, really worse than other grape varieties, but growing it from cuttings is still quite realistic. It is quite unpretentious in care – it can grow on almost any soil and tolerates drought without any problems. Although when using drip irrigation it will show itself one hundred percent. Nadezhda has functionally female flowers – and this, in my opinion, is the main reason for the possible pea. Therefore, remove unnecessary inflorescences, do not be greedy and you will always have large and beautiful clusters. I think that with Nadezhda it is better to undershoot than to sort out, so I always leave a few empty shoots to strengthen the bush.
Artem, 34 years old, Lipetsk region
I am very pleased with my Nadya. As for reliability and stability, it can be safely put in the first place. The bushes are already more than seven years old and I harvest regularly. And this summer, it started well even in conditions of cold and heavy rain, ripened almost on time, with a slight delay, and the berries did not even burst during the rain, which poured in an endless stream for several days. The quality of the berries, as always, is decent, and she even managed to gain sugar in such conditions. It is only necessary to note that in my conditions I would not call her vigorous. In the first two or three years, he gave the grape bushes a minimal load so as not to ruin the bush, since Nadyushka will pull any crop even to the detriment of his health.
Svetlana, 42 years old, Rostov region
We planted the Nadezhda Azos variety last year. The seedlings were, to be honest, rather frail. In the spring, she could hardly wait for life to wake up in her. I thought that I would have to say goodbye to her, since all the other varieties had unfolded their leaves for a long time. But by May, nevertheless, the buds began to come to life and the bush grew very quickly. As a result, over the summer it grew by several meters.
Igor, 41 years old, Belgorod
I have been growing Nadezhda Azos for more than 10 years. It seems that the yield and stability of the bushes is increasing year by year. The years were very different, but I have never been left without a harvest. This spring, watching his inflorescences, I decided that he finally decided to rest. There was practically nothing on the bushes. But some time passed and soon the shoots were covered with good-sized brushes that ripened in the usual time.


Grape Nadezhda Azos is a variety showing stability and reliability in almost all weather conditions. He only needs normalization of inflorescences, especially in the first years of life. Otherwise, he will delight you with a good harvest and dessert taste of berries with easy care.

Grapes Nadezhda AZOS, to plant or not.

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