Grapes Moldova: description of the variety
The type of grapes “Moldova” is very popular among gardeners due to its high yield and taste of the berries. It can only be grown in the southern regions. But in order for the result of the efforts made to please for many years, you should study the information about this culture in more detail.
Description of the grape variety “Moldova”
The plant is classified as a table variety. Its shoots are vigorous with large, rounded leaves. The brown vine quickly recovers from damage. The cluster is of medium size, cylindrical-conical in shape. The oval berries are dark purple in color.
Wine and raisins are made from Moldova grapes
Digital characteristics of the variety:
- bunch weight – 600 g;
- fetal weight – 7 g;
- yield – 150 c / ha;
- ripening duration – 160 days.
The fruits retain their properties for five months. They perfectly tolerate transportation and long-term storage. They are dried, canned, frozen, or eaten fresh. Sugars in berries accumulate very slowly, so they ripen for a long time.
How to plant and care for Moldova grapes?
A sunny, windless place is suitable for this variety. For the plant to take root well, planting should be planned in the spring. It is necessary to maintain a distance of at least two meters between the bushes. Before the procedure, carefully inspect the roots of the seedling, they should not be dry and lethargic.
During landing, do the following:
- Prepare a hole about one meter deep.
- Build a drainage layer of rubble and sand.
- Add some soil mixed with organic fertilizers.
- Dip the root of the seedling into the hole.
- Fill the hole with the remaining soil and fertilizer mixture.
After the procedure, it is necessary to carry out abundant watering.
Caring for a grape variety includes the following components:
- moisturizing;
- pruning;
- top dressing.
Let’s take a closer look at each item.
The basis for proper care is regular hydration. Unlike other varieties that need watering only in the periods before and after flowering, Moldova requires constant control of the humidity level. Otherwise, a good harvest may not be expected. The grapes should be watered at least once a month. During dry periods, the number of waterings can be increased to three.
The plant needs to be pruned every year. The procedure is carried out in spring and autumn, while the grapes are not in the growing stage. In addition to removing dry and frozen twigs, it is necessary to control the number of brushes. There should not be more than two of them on one escape.
The variety needs regular feeding, which is combined with watering. The plant is fertilized every three months. The exception is the winter period. During the first feeding, formulations with nitrogen are used. In summer, grapes need phosphorus. Before the onset of cold weather, organic fertilizers are applied. Autumn feeding is carried out every two years.
If you live in the south, then the Moldova grape variety is perfect for your site. However, in order for the crop to really be rich, do not neglect the rules of planting and care.