Growers always expect the most comfortable variety from breeders – fruitful, beautiful, tasty, unpretentious. With such a plant, all costs pay off many times over. To plant a bush on the site that meets such requirements, opt for the Shakhtar grape. In some areas it is known as “Aphrodite’s Gift” or T-6-13. This is a Moldavian variety that has an amazing rich taste, high yield and bears fruit well in the regions of the middle lane. The appearance of the variety shows an introductory video:
How to grow the popular Shakhtar grapes correctly will tell you a description of the variety and a photo of the plant.
Main characteristics
Нужно сразу отметить, что даже минимальный уход за кустами винограда «Шахтер» приводит к увеличению урожайности. Конечно, не стоит оставлять виноград совсем без внимания. Но если нет возможности часто присутствовать на участке, то сорт все равно даст достойный урожай. Чтобы ориентироваться в качественных показателях винограда «Шахтер», перечислим основные характеристики.
Purpose – table grapes.
This means that it is consumed fresh. Table grape varieties react to soil fertility, climatic conditions, quality of care. However, they are the most popular among summer residents.
The ripening period of Shakhtar grapes is medium-late. 135 days after the start of the growing season, you can enjoy beautiful berries. Varieties of late ripening are less susceptible to diseases, are better stored, and have a rich taste.
Shakhtar’s bush is powerful and vigorous. The vine reaches a thickness of 3 cm, ripens perfectly. It is well formed on arbors. It gives up to 80% of fruitful shoots, the fruiting coefficient of the variety is 1,7-1,8. The cuttings take root easily, the Shakhtar variety has an excellent regenerative ability.
Gronas are cylindrical-conical, the mass of one reaches 1,2 kg or more. The size of the bunch is large. Although under unfavorable growing conditions, the size may decrease simultaneously with the mass. Depending on the strength of the bush and the quality of pollination, the clusters of the variety have a high density or medium.
The main advantage of Shakhtar grapes, according to consumers, is berries. They are a very beautiful dark blue (almost black) color. The mass of one berry is about 10 g. Grapes are found in a regular round shape or slightly oval, large up to 24 mm in diameter. When ripe, grapes taste like ripe cherries, while unripe berries have a tart, blackthorn flavor. The pulp is juicy and fleshy. Berries with good sugar content (18 g per 100 cm3). The peel is quite dense, but it saves the crop from the encroachment of wasps and protects the berries during transportation.
Shakhtar’s storage capacity is average. The berries are stored for a rather short time, but for a table variety this is already very good.
Устойчивость к заболеваниям винограда классифицируется как хорошая. Сорт «Шахтер» почти не поражается серой гнилью и оидиумом, а против милдью имеет стойкий иммунитет.
Frost resistance. Winters normally without shelter when the temperature drops to -26°C. If the vine is a little frozen, then recovery is fast.
The formation of a grape bush is carried out using an average pruning for 6-8 eyes.
The only drawback of Shakhtar, which is noted by the growers, is the short period of storage of grapes on the vine. For this reason, it is necessary to harvest immediately, without leaving it on the vines.
In the description of the Shakhtar grape variety, the following worthy characteristics should be noted:
- The plant needs pollinators due to the presence of female flowers. But in practice, gardeners testify that the grapes pollinate themselves perfectly.
- The variety has no pea.
- In some cases, it is required to thin out the grons, but Shakhtar does not suffer from overload. Therefore, it can give a high-quality crop even with a large number of clusters.
- The variety does not impose excessive requirements for watering and nutrition. This applies to soils with an average fertility index. On low-fertility lands, it is better to support grapes with high-quality watering and mineral dressings.
- If preventive treatments are carried out in a timely manner, there are no signs of diseases on Shakhtar’s bushes.
- The variety is not damaged by birds, leafworms and wasps.
The list of advantages of Shakhtar grapes can be continued, but we will get acquainted with the rest of the characteristics in the process of describing planting and care. And the main parameters are confirmed by a video about the variety:
Purchased grafted seedlings of Shakhtar grapes or self-grown own-rooted seedlings are suitable for planting the variety. It is better to buy in specialized nurseries or reliable companies. Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the root system and the entire seedling. It is good if the grape roots are soaked in a clay mash and well packaged. In this form, they will last 7 days or more.
To prepare planting material with your own hands, cut the chibouks and place them in water. As soon as the roots appear, planting material is transplanted into the ground and watered regularly. The Shakhtar grape variety should be planted in spring in March-April, and in autumn – in November.
The main recommendations for gardeners when planting Shakhtar grapes:
- When marking the vineyard, give preference to places without a close occurrence of groundwater. In the Shakhtar variety, the roots grow mainly in depth, so the depth of the water should not be less than 2,5 m. Otherwise, provide the bushes with good drainage.
- Shakhtar does not impose special requirements on the composition of the soil, but planting in black soil is very welcome.
- Choose seedlings with strong and moist roots. If the root is too dry, then there is a danger of death of the grape seedling after planting.
- Before planting, shorten the roots of the grapes, leaving no more than 10 cm. Leave 3 eyes on the stem, remove the rest with secateurs.
- For a medium-sized grape variety, leave at least 2 m between plants in a row, and mark row spacing at a distance of 2,5 m.
- Prepare landing pits with a diameter of 0,8 m and the same depth. Lay a layer of compost on the bottom, then fertile soil and mix them well. Now leave the hole for a week for the earth to sink.
- After a week, put the grape seedling in a hole, cover it with earth and water it abundantly. Then mulch.
- Чтобы обеспечить саженцам винограда «Шахтер» хорошую приживаемость, пролейте кустики укоренителем. Подойдет как порошкообразный, так и липкий препарат.
Фото молодого саженца винограда «Шахтер».
Seedlings planted in autumn are covered for the winter period from freezing. For the autumn planting of grapes, it is good to use layering. Select the bottom vine that lies on the ground. Dig a small depression under it (20 cm) about 0,5 m long. Add humus to it and lay the vine. Cover with earth, leaving the top and 3 leaves outside. Pour water (2-3 buckets). Tamp the earth, mulch it, cover the future bush before the onset of cold weather.
Variety “Shakhtar” perfectly bears fruit with minimal care. But the basic parameters of care must be met.
Watering. When planting grapes, many gardeners insert a plastic pipe into the hole for easy watering. If this is not possible, you can make a recess along the edges of the planting hole and pour out 2-3 buckets of water with each watering. In the spring, for the Shakhtar variety, be sure to carry out water-charging irrigation, especially after a snowy winter. During the hot, dry season, water the bushes weekly.
Feeding. Для «Шахтера» используйте минеральные комплексы в начале вегетации, до цветения и после плодоношения. Один раз в 2-3 года вносите органику при перекопке грунта в винограднике. Укрепить иммунитет виноградных саженцев помогает гранулированный «Аргумин», который вносите согласно инструкции.
Processing. To prevent diseases and pests, regularly inspect the Shakhtar bushes and do preventive spraying. Against the spread of fungal infections on the variety, use Ridomil Gold. Spend the first spraying when 3-4 leaves are formed, then several times after 10-12 days.
Pruning. The usual average for 7-8 eyes. In the southern regions, prune grapes in autumn. To keep the vines from sagging, tie them to the trellis or frame of the building.
In the northern regions, cover the vine from freezing.
The description of the Shakhtar grape variety will not be completely complete without photos and reviews from gardeners.