Grapes: medicinal (medicinal) properties. Video
Grapes are one of the oldest cultivated plants on earth. There are many types and varieties of grapes, the coloring matter is concentrated in the skin, the pulp is almost colorless. This berry has a healing effect on the human body, is a source of strength and health. And in this respect, grapes have no equal among other berries.
Grapes: medicinal (medicinal) properties
Useful properties of grapes
The grapes contain:
- organic acids (malic, tartaric)
- easily digestible sugars
- pektinovыe substances
- minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus)
- dyes
- water
- aromatic substances
Grapes have medicinal and phytoncidal properties that have a beneficial effect on the body. Easily absorbed sugars are an excellent nutrient, which is especially beneficial for the heart muscle. Glucose promotes the absorption of oxygen by tissues, phosphorus and calcium are of particular importance for the health of the skeletal system. Iron has a positive effect on oxidative processes and hematopoietic organs. Organic acids normalize the acid-base balance in the body.
The grapes have high taste and nutritional qualities. The grapes are not particularly rich in vitamins, as the leaves contain thirty times more vitamin C than the berries themselves.
The potassium salt found in grapes has a mild laxative and diuretic effect. Alkali reduces the acidity of urine. The healing effect of berries on the body consists of the combined action of the constituent parts of grapes. Thanks to this, metabolic processes are revived, the whole body is strengthened, many diseases of the liver, lungs, and stomach are cured.
The most useful varieties in which there is practically no fiber and pulp (Semillon, Chasselas and Riesling), aromatic fragrant varieties (Muscat and Isabella), fleshy varieties with coarse fiber (Catalon, Chaush)
The indications for the treatment of grapes are very diverse:
- digestive disorders
- digestive tract diseases
- Chronical bronchitis
- bronchial asthma
- initial stage of tuberculosis
- functional disorders of the stomach (at different degrees of acidity)
- some liver diseases
- chronic constipation
- metabolic diseases
- neuroses
The course of grape treatment is prescribed by a specialist. The best time for grape treatment is September and October. The course usually does not exceed four weeks.
Special recommendations have been developed for grape treatment, so it should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor.
Contraindications for grape treatment:
- diabetes
- any acute illness
- gastric ulcers
- intestinal ulcers
- oral ulcers
- chronic diarrhea
- severe tuberculosis
- decompensation of the heart
- obesity
- hypertension
- allergic reactions to grapes
- idiosyncrasy