Grapes Long-awaited

Early grape varieties always seem very tasty. In the early ripening grapes Long-awaited, similar to sultanas, an exquisite taste is combined with an appetizing appearance. Fans of large and juicy green-cream berries forgive him from time to time coming across hard seeds.

Grapes Long-awaited


The hybrid Dolgozhadny, 4 classes of seedlessness, was bred recently by a well-known amateur breeder from Novocherkassk V.N. Krainov based on the famous varieties Talisman and Kishmish Radiant. Large-fruited, early maturity, versatility – the Dolgozhadny grape variety is considered not only a table delicacy form, but also suitable for making wine – provide it with particular popularity in home gardens.

Grapes can be grown not only in the southern regions of the country, but also in the areas of the middle zone. Although the Long-awaited variety is not very frost-resistant, it can withstand only -23 degrees, the vine does not need a lot of sunlight to ripen. Satisfied with the usual norm that falls on the central regions, grapes please gardeners with beautiful impressive clusters of sweet berries and ripened shoots. And in the conditions of a short summer, the tops of the vine become woody. The grapes are drought-resistant, do not like waterlogging.

Grapes Long-awaited

Features of fruiting

According to the description of the variety, the long-awaited white grape after planting rewards the gardener for his care with the first harvest in 3 years. The vine blooms in mid-June, is characterized by good pollination, belongs to the bisexual type of inflorescence. The Long-awaited variety is valued for a stable harvest and large berries of an elegant shape, seedless or with 1-2 grains, sometimes rudimentary. The long-awaited early ripening period gives special appeal. Grapes, according to the descriptions of gardeners, are very early. Sings in 100 or 105-120 days from the beginning of the growing season, by August.

From one adult vine, from 6 to 10 kg of delicious berries are harvested. The Long-awaited grape has a partial pea, but even small berries ripen completely. Picked bunches are stored in a cool place. In favorable weather, they stay on the bushes for a long time. Ripe grapes Long-awaited should be protected from rain and covered with foil during irrigation. If they get caught in the rain, they crack and rot, and during transportation they can crumble. In sunny, dry weather, overripe berries dry out and become very sweet.

Warning! Growers often treat soft-seeded grape varieties with gibberellin to increase the number of seedless berries. But the ovaries of the long-awaited hybrid crumble after such processing.

Grapes Long-awaited

Vine properties

For sufficient nutrition, the Long-awaited variety needs 4-6 square meters of area. If several cuttings of grapes are planted nearby, the distance between them is standard: one and a half or two meters. The hybrid is well combined with various rootstocks, and itself can successfully serve in this capacity. Grapes are easily propagated by cuttings. Chubuki quickly take root and take root in a new place. The development of the vine does not depend on whether it grows on a stock or its own root form.

For grapes Dolgozhadny, as indicated in the description of the variety, is characterized by an average sensitivity to pathogens of fungal diseases – 3,5 points. Quite often it is affected by oidium, but is resistant to grape mites. Wasps usually do not attack the berries of this variety.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Long-awaited grape, as evidenced by the reviews of gardeners, has many advantages, for which the vine is grown even on a commercial scale.

  • Super early maturation;
  • High commodity indicators: tempting appearance, excellent taste, lack of seeds in the prevailing number of berries, good yield;
  • Transportability and duration of storage;
  • High-quality properties of the vine: cuttings quickly take root and are combined with rootstocks, shoots ripen well, male and female flowers are presented together.

The disadvantages of Dolgozhadny grape varieties include:

  • Medium susceptibility to fungal diseases;
  • Crop damage in case of prolonged rains;
  • The presence of seeds in the part of the berries.
Attention! A stable yield of Long-awaited grapes is provided with proper care and vine formation.

Grapes Long-awaited


Medium-sized bushes of grapes Long-awaited have powerful vines. They carry large conical clusters. The minimum weight of the bunch is 500 g, on average they weigh 700-800 g. Subject to the requirements of agricultural technology, they reach a weight of 1,5-1,7 kg. The declared mass of the bunch is noted on the vines from the second year of fruiting. The structure of the bunch is medium-dense, partially loose.

The average weight of long-awaited grape berries is 12 g, length 3,5 cm. Smaller ones weigh from 7 g. Berries of an elongated papillary shape of a warm greenish-white hue, when fully ripe, acquire a transparent amber depth. The skin is thin or medium dense, easily eaten.

The pulp is juicy, fleshy, pleasant, delicate taste, harmoniously combines the light acidity of grapes and sweetness. Sometimes sunny berries of the Long-awaited grape are very sweet. Hard grains are rare. Most of the berries are soft-seeded. Sugar content from 17 to 22%, acidity 7-8 g/l. The tasting assessment of the taste of the berries of the Dolgozhadny grape variety is high: 4,5 points.


Dessert grapes The long-awaited in the middle lane is best planted in the spring, at the end of April. In the south, the culture is planted in October, with good shelter. Sunny, cozy areas that are not blown by the north winds meet the requirements of a tender vine. For grapes, you need to prepare light soil in the planting hole. It is only necessary to avoid places where groundwater lies close to the surface.

Grapes Long-awaited

Site Preparation

A powerful vine of the Long-awaited variety is required for development up to 6 square meters. m of nutritional area. In the fall, the territory is dug up with the introduction of a bucket of humus and 30 g of superphosphate per square meter. Fertilizers are laid, since the roots of the grapes, spreading, will feed on them for several years. On clay soils, the soil is mixed with sand. For the autumn planting of grapes, the holes are harvested from the beginning of summer.

  • They dig a landing hole, 1 m in diameter, 0,7-0,8 m deep;
  • The upper fertile soil layer is poured separately to prepare the nutrient mixture;
  • Drainage material is laid below;
  • The next layer is a mixture of fertile soil with humus or compost, to which half a bucket of wood ash and 0,5 kg of azofoska are added.
Important! In the south, in dry places, an inch diameter pipe is inserted into the hole to water the roots of the grapes.


In the spring, a layer of loose top soil is applied to the hole and the seedling is carefully installed. The grapes are watered and the trunk circle is mulched;

  • In autumn, the seedling of the Long-awaited variety must first be spudded to protect it from frost;
  • Nursery seedlings are soaked for a day in water, and before planting they are dipped in a mash of water, mullein and clay;
  • Long-awaited grapes are deepened into the ground so that only two eyes remain on the surface.

Grapes Long-awaited


The author of the hybrid emphasized that individual vines require careful agricultural technology, like the Dolgozhadny variety. Grapes reveal their fruiting potential on strong wood, using organic and mineral fertilizers for nutrition.

  • The variety is watered infrequently, except for the phase of pouring berries;
  • On the 4th year after planting, a trench is dug along the hole, where 10-20 kg of humus are poured. The following year, they dig a trench on the other side of the bush;
  • Carry out foliar top dressing with complex fertilizers before and after flowering;
  • Before winter, young vines are sprayed with a 3% solution of iron or copper sulfate and covered with earth. Adults – straw, spruce branches, agrofibre;
  • Vines 2-3 times per season are sprayed with fungicides for prevention.
Comment! For the variety Long-awaited, top dressing with wood ash, 1-2 liter jars, is useful. In the spring, the fertilizer strengthens the roots, in the summer it increases the sugar content. The ash is buried in the soil.

Grapes Long-awaited


The quality of the crop of the Long-awaited variety depends on the correct pruning. The bush is created for 30-35 eyes.

  • The variety is formed with a 4-sleeve fan;
  • For grapes Long-awaited, the properties of raisins are not regulated by anything. But the annual autumn long pruning is important, at which 8-10 buds are left on each of the 20-25 shoots;
  • In the spring, damaged branches are removed;
  • In the summer, shoots thickening the bush are constantly broken out to allow sunlight to access the berries. Part of the leaves is also removed, which contributes to ventilation and eliminates the oidium;
  • Cut off the extra clusters so that the shoot does not break off, after which the vine does not bear fruit.

A wonderful vine will decorate the garden and give early berries with a rich and harmonious taste.

The long-awaited.


Dmitry, 49 years old, Belgorod region
Grapes Long-awaited planted a seedling from the nursery a few years ago for testing. The vine is great. The berries are high quality. Now about ten bushes are growing from my cuttings. It is necessary to take care of the shelter, but the harvest is of high quality.
Alla, 42 years old, Stavropol region
We planted the long-awaited grape variety in the yard. In spring, it spreads along the trellis, creating a real green screen. In some years it suffers a lot from powdery mildew, and the wasps do not bother.
Nadia, 35 years old, Volgograd
Our long-awaited grapes also grow in the yard. Everyone loves berries. Only the husband is unhappy. After all, during the sale, they told him that it was sultanas. And the bones are in one year more often, in another almost completely invisible. But everyone liked the variety, we will not change.

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