Grapes Laura

Unpretentiousness, excellent taste and excellent presentation are distinguished by Lora grapes, which combine the best characteristics of Western and Eastern grape varieties. This table variety has long been popular with winegrowers – for three years it was among the five most fruitful and delicious.

Grapes Laura

The Laura grape is listed in the variety register under the name Flora, but among gardeners it is known as Laura.

Characteristic of the variety

The Lora grape was cultivated by crossing different grape varieties and retained their best qualities. A detailed description of the variety characterizes it:

  • early ripening – no more than 120 days;
  • high sugar content and low acidity – their balance gives a unique taste with a slight aroma of nutmeg;
  • the formation of beautiful conical clusters of the same size and weight;
  • large light berries with a wax coating.

grape bushes

Strong vine bushes of medium height Laura grow very quickly and bring a harvest in the second or third year after planting. Bushes have a female type of flowering and require hand pollination. The leaves are palmately lobed, bordered by small teeth, the photo shows a grape bush of the Laura variety.

Grapes Laura

Too many fruitful shoots are formed on the bushes, which can give it too much load, so you should leave no more than 50. With an optimal load on the bush, it produces large brushes up to 40 cm long and weighing up to 1 kg and holds them until frost. During the ripening period of the grapes, you need to cut off those leaves that shade the clusters.

Grapes Laura

If there are too few clusters on a grape bush, their size increases, and the ripening time is reduced. The consequence may be the reappearance of shoots before wintering and the depletion of the vineyard, which will lead to its death.


Crispy juicy berries with a thin skin are oval in shape and weigh 8-10 g. Due to their strong attachment to the stem, they do not crumble when harvesting grapes. The color of the berries is light green, amber on the sunny side.

Grapes Laura

The sugar content reaches 20%. Due to its high sugar accumulation, the Laura grape variety is used to make a sweet dessert wine. The fruits have good keeping quality after removal from the bush and are excellent for transportation. The density of placement of berries on bunches is medium.

A description of the variety can be seen in the video:

Harvest grapes. Variety Laura (Flora).


The Laura grape variety is unpretentious to growing conditions and has good winter hardiness, withstanding sub-zero temperatures up to 23-26 degrees. With proper care, it matures well in all regions and is highly resistant to many common pathologies, such as gray and white rot.

Grapes Laura


Variety Laura also has certain disadvantages:

  • deterioration of weather conditions leads to a decrease in its taste;
  • too thin skin attracts wasps, grape harvests do not differ in annual stability;
  • with improper formation of bushes, the size of the berries decreases, and the sugar content in them decreases;
  • the Laura variety does not have immunity to some fungal diseases;
  • excessive loading of the bush with bunches lengthens the ripening period and depletes the vine.


For Laura grapes, any propagation options are comfortable: cuttings or seedlings.

Grapes Laura

Growing a seedling

You can grow a seedling of the Laura variety in different ways.

  1. Bend the shoot of the vine next to the bush and lay it in the soil to a depth of 20 cm. When young grape roots appear, cut the bush and transplant it.
  2. Prepare a plastic bag with peat. Tie it to the shoot of the vine, placing the base of the shoot there. After the formation of the root system, the shoot is cut off and transplanted.

    Grapes Laura

  3. When pruning Laura grapes, healthier shoots should be selected. Prepare a container with peat or fertile soil and plant shoots in it for the winter. During this time, it will have roots, and in the spring the grape seedling can be transplanted to the site.


Signs of aging of the grape bush are manifested in a decrease in yield, a decrease in the number of eyes on the shoot. Berries become small. But although the grape vine is aging, its powerful root system is able to provide the bush with food for a long time. Therefore, the vine is updated using cuttings:

Grapes Laura

  • when pruning, several shoots are selected and placed in a cool place;
  • then the grape cuttings are brought into a warm room and kept for several hours at room temperature;
  • further, the cuttings are immersed in warm water, where they are kept for about an hour;
  • the end of the cutting is cut at an angle at a distance of 1 cm from the lower eye;
  • before the grafting procedure itself, the grape stalk is dipped into the Humat nutrient solution and carefully inserted into the pre-split and parted bole with a pointed end – one stalk on each side;
  • the place of the stem split must be wrapped with a cotton flap;
  • joints should be lubricated with garden pitch;
  • during autumn grafting, the trunk is sprinkled with earth, and the stalk is sprinkled with sawdust and soil.
Important! When cuttings, the development of young shoots is much faster due to the powerful root system.

Grapes Laura

Planting Laura grapes

Proper planting of grape bushes ensures sustainable development and high productivity of the plant.

On the video you can see the rules for planting grapes:


Proven way to plant grapes. ERRORS IN PLANTING SEEDLINGS

Site Selection

To grow Laura grapes, you need to choose the right place and soil:

Grapes Laura

  • the site should be on a hill so that groundwater does not come close to it;
  • if vines are planted on a slope, it should be on the south side;
  • for planting grape bushes, any soil is suitable, except for heavy ones;
  • bushes should receive enough sunlight and heat;
  • as a natural protection for grapes from wind and cold, you can use the walls of outbuildings or a dense crown of trees growing near.

Planting seedlings

For planting grape seedlings, holes should be prepared in advance at a distance of one and a half meters from each other. From the wall you need to retreat half a meter. A gap of 2 m is left between the rows of bushes. The depth of the pits should be 2 times greater than the height of the roots. Fertilizers are laid out in the wells and watered for 15 days so that the soil is saturated with minerals.

Grapes Laura

Laura grape seedlings are placed in water the day before planting. A day later, their roots are slightly cut, leaving the strongest. Next, they proceed to planting: the seedling is lowered into the hole at an angle, the roots are carefully straightened and sprinkled with earth. Well compact the soil around the shoot and water.

Important! If the soil settles, it is necessary to sprinkle the shoot again with earth.


The rules for caring for Laura grapes are quite simple. It is necessary to organize regular watering and timely pruning of the vineyard. No pruning is done in the first year.

Grapes Laura

Organization watering

For regular watering, holes are dug around the bushes for drainage at a distance of up to 50 cm. Watering should be regular, but in damp and cool weather it should be stopped. If the heat is established, increase the frequency of watering the bushes.

Grapes Laura

In spring and autumn, to preserve moisture, the soil under the seedlings must be mulched, and removed in summer. You can not use humus as a mulch, as it is inhabited by bears or pathogens. Regular feeding of grape bushes with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus compounds is also necessary.

Diseases and pests

Despite the resistance of Laura grapes to many fungal diseases, oidium gives growers a lot of trouble. Against this disease, large plantations are treated with chemicals, and home plantings are sprayed with solutions of potassium permanganate and sulfur.

Black rot hides in the soil. The bushes of the Laura variety are protected from it by treating it with fungicides before wintering.

Grapes Laura

Pruning and sheltering for the winter

Laura grapes take shelter for the winter if winter temperatures in the region fall below 15 degrees. Pre-wintering involves medium pruning, which removes any damaged or diseased branches. The stem is coated with a thick lime mortar. The grape vine is bent to the ground and fixed in it with metal hooks. It is sprinkled on top with soil 25-30 cm thick. Mature bushes can additionally be covered with straw or sawdust.

Grapes Laura


Rave reviews testify to the high resistance of the Laura variety.

Nina Vasilievna Polyakova, 55 years old, Volgograd
I have been growing the Laura grape variety for over 10 years and am very pleased with its presentation and keeping quality.
Nikolai Petrovich Kazakov, 60 years old, Pyatigorsk
Laura grapes are more resistant to diseases than varieties bred later.
Antipov Oleg Nikolaevich, 40 years old, Krasnodar city
I consider the Laura grape to be a sugar champion.
Yuri, 42 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
I am very pleased with the Laura variety, even in rainy seasons it pleases with a wonderful taste and an abundance of clusters.
Alexey Ermolaevich, 39 years old, Tver region
Variety Laura is excellent for commercial viticulture, as it has a beautiful appearance, excellent taste and high keeping quality.
Galina Konstantinovna, 57 years old, Klin
I like this variety for its great taste and good yield, and the magnificent clusters with amber berries are a decoration for any table.


Grapes Laura for many years has occupied a leading position among many other varieties. With proper care, it will delight for a long time with a beautiful appearance and unique taste.

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