Grapes Kodryanka: variety description with photo

Beginners and even experienced growers are always interested in useful information regarding not only new, but also long-loved grape varieties. Kodryanka grapes are firmly entrenched in the top ten table varieties of this crop, as they have excellent taste and other characteristics. What are the features of its planting, cultivation and value for our body?

Characteristic grapes

This beautiful variety owes its appearance to such types of grapes as Marshall and Moldova. It was obtained by crossing these two varieties and is a wonderful hybrid, which is classified as a table variety. Its berries have a beautiful dark purple color, they are quite large in size, they are characterized by an oblong cone shape.

Grapes Kodryanka: variety description with photo

If we talk about the pulp, then it is of medium density, quite juicy and tasty. Berries have a thick, but soft to the touch skin, which is almost inaudible when consumed. Seeds are present in the grapes of this variety in a fairly small amount.

And those that are available are large in size and well separated from the middle. Continuing the description of the berries, it should be noted that they have an interesting taste, mild sweet with a slight sourness. The amount of sugars in berries is about 18 – 19%, and acids – about 6 – 8 grams. Each berry in such a bunch weighs about 6 – 8 grams.

Grapes Kodryanka: variety description with photo

The average weight of bunches is about 0 kg, but it is not uncommon for them to grow up to a kilogram. Grapes Kodryanka has a stable high yield, and ripe berries are able to stay on the bushes for a long time, without losing their excellent taste. The ripening period of this variety is quite early – the vegetative period usually lasts from 5 to 110 days. But the berries can be eaten before they are fully ripe. Grapes of this variety can bear fruit already in the second year from the moment of planting, growing by this time to an impressive size.

This tall variety is quite unpretentious in care, but it has a lot of advantages. As mentioned above, it has a beautiful presentable presentation (as evidenced by the description), excellent taste, good yield, which remains unchanged from season to season, and is also normally stored and tolerates transportation over long distances, has stable immunity to various kind of infections, has a high degree of frost resistance (even at a temperature of -23 degrees on the bushes, as practice shows, damage does not appear), shows good resistance to possible cracking of the skin of berries.

If you carry out proper care for this variety, then it will be impossible to name its shortcomings. Only under the condition of unfavorable weather can Codrianca grapes be prone to peas. But even such an insignificant minus can be turned into a plus if the vineyard is treated with special preparations – phytohormones, which have the complex name of gibberellins, the action of which is aimed at increasing plant growth. Thanks to this process, you can expect the appearance of not only a large size of berries, but also a seedless crop.

Grapes Kodryanka: variety description with photo

Video “Early variety Kodryanka”

Early grape variety Kodryanka

Cultivation and its features

Kodrianka grapes do not show special requirements for the soil, which facilitates the procedure for planting it. It quickly adapts to new conditions and is able to grow on almost any piece of land. This variety can be propagated using annual seedlings. But sometimes the method of grafting onto an existing shrub is also sometimes used. Experts consider late autumn to be the best time for planting this variety. You can graft a cutting at any time of the year. Before planting, a pit is prepared, the width of which should not be large, the soil mixed with fertilizers is placed there, the roots are carefully straightened at the seedling and planted. After planting, in order to grow a good bush, it is necessary to water the seedling abundantly and tie it to a support. When planting by grafting, the stalk is waxed, the lower part is kept in the Gumate solution, the trunk is split with an ax, where the stalk is placed, after which it is securely tightened with a cloth and coated with clay.

Grapes Kodryanka: variety description with photo

Proper care of the grapes of this variety is the key to obtaining a rich and high-quality harvest in the future. First of all, the plant needs sufficient watering. It must be carried out regularly, while expecting that a young bush needs about three buckets of water, and an adult about six. Also, in order for water to be well retained in the soil, the bushes should be mulched. For these purposes, peat or humus is used, and the procedure is carried out for this crop variety in autumn or early spring. If you do this in the summer, then there is a risk of rotting or decay of the root system of the grapes. In the first years after planting, despite good frost resistance, grape bushes are recommended not only to spud, but also to cover for the winter. It is best to make such protection for the cold season from straw or hay.

This variety does not need fertilizers, since it lacks those nutrients that will flow to the root system after mulching.

Only once a year, during the spring digging of the site, you can make mineral as well as organic top dressing. With their correct application, fertilizers should be distributed evenly throughout the near-stem circle of the bush. There is also no need to prune the bushes in the first years after planting, since it is quite capable of growing normally and fully developing without pruning. But with the beginning of the fruiting period, experts and experienced gardeners still advise pruning young shoots.

Grapes Kodryanka: variety description with photo

This is done so that they have the opportunity to winter normally. When the bushes become somewhat older, dry unnecessary cuttings are pruned, as well as those on which no fruit is observed. Pruning also gives the gardener a great chance to correctly direct the growth of the bush in the right direction. Among other things, the variety must be sprayed to protect against pests and diseases. But since it is sufficiently resistant to possible diseases, standard preparations are quite suitable for such a procedure. To prevent damage to the bushes by rodents, for the winter it is customary to tie the stem with a spruce forest and spud it with earth.

Useful Properties

Grapes of this variety are rich in various substances that are very useful for our body. It is not only saturated with vitamins C, B and P, but also with other vitamins that are part of their groups. The peel and pulp of berries are rich in carotenes and pectin. Grapes can positively influence the processes of cleansing the body of heavy substances, as well as increase the level of the immune system. It is an excellent antioxidant, necessary for those people who live in areas with a close location of chemical enterprises. Also in the composition of grapes there are substances that have an antiseptic effect on the human body, while also protecting it from all kinds of infections. These are phytoncides, nitrogen compounds, lipase, enzymes.

This grape variety is advised to use for those who are prone to chronic bronchitis, as well as problems with the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, liver, suffering from anemia or gout. Thus, by eating these wonderful berries fresh, you can give your body a huge portion of health, as well as quickly and effectively rid it of a number of ailments.

Video “A brief overview of the Codreanca grapes”

From the video you will learn what the ripe fruits of this type of grape look like and what needs to be done to get the maximum yield.

Kodryanka grapes

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