Today, many s grow grapes on their plots. When choosing a vine, you need to take into account the climatic features of the region and the ripening time of the variety. Grapes of the Memory of the Teacher are a relatively young hybrid form, which gardeners know little about.
It should be noted that the variety is still being tested, but, according to gardeners who already grow this grape, the Memory of the Teacher has a great future. Description of the variety, main characteristics and interesting photos will be presented in the article.
A little history
The author of the new grape variety is an amateur breeder E. G. Pavlovsky. To create a hybrid, the well-known varieties Talisman and Cardinal were used. Pavlovsky grapes have absorbed all the best qualities of their parents: frost resistance, the ability to resist certain diseases. The variety is mainly grown so far in the Black Sea region, since the testing of the vine is still ongoing.
Hybrid Features
Grapes of the Memory of the Teacher, according to the description, belong to table varieties, they are distinguished by super early maturity. The first bunches, according to gardeners involved in culture, are cut off in late July or early August.
When growing a hybrid on a large scale, farmers prefer not to break the grape harvest early, leaving the bunches until autumn. In this case, the berries gain sugar and nutmeg taste.
Description of bushes
Grapevine varieties are characterized by strong growth. Mature shoots become light brown with red streaks. The leaves of the Memory of the Teacher vine are dark green, located on reddish petioles. The shape of the plate is five-lobed, with good corrugation.
Grape varieties are grown not only because of the fruits. The fact is that at any time of the year the plant can decorate the garden.
It is difficult to find a variety with such huge clusters, the weight of which reaches two kilograms! The size of the brush is also impressive, they can be 40-60 cm long.
The shape of the bunch of the Memory of the Teacher variety is symmetrical cylindrical-conical, sometimes wingedness can be observed. Medium density brushes. Since there are both male and female flowers on the varieties of the Memory of the Teacher, the plant does not require an additional pollinator, the set rate is 100%. Consequently, under favorable conditions, peas for grape varieties are not observed.
By the end of ripening, the clusters are painted in all shades of pink or cherry with a purple tint. This parameter of a variety’s grape berry often depends on how the variety propagated. Different rootstocks in their own way affect the color of the fruit.
The berries are oval in shape, rather large in size – from 10 to 15 grams. This feature of the fruits of the Teacher’s Memory variety can be seen in the photo below.
The grape variety from the breeder Pavlovsky has medium density berries. They are crispy, juicy, but not watery. Each berry contains 2-3 seeds. The peel is also dense, but when eating it is not felt. In addition, this property allows the fruits to maintain their marketable appearance, not to crack even in rainy summers.
The grapes are tasty, with a lot of sugar (18-20%), which increases from the long hanging of the bunches on the vine. The fruits of the Memory Teacher variety are fragrant with delicate notes of nutmeg. Some gardeners who have taken up culture for the first time note in their reviews that there is no nutmeg flavor in the berries. This may be due to various reasons, but most likely, the bunches of the variety are not allowed to ripen well on the bush.
Interesting Facts
Grape variety has a universal application. The fruits are tasty fresh, in compotes. And the presence of tannins allows the use of berries in home winemaking. Drinks are fragrant, red-burgundy in color with a pleasant aftertaste of nutmeg.
The variety already has the first awards. When the competition (2015) “Solar Bunch” was held, the grapes became the winner in the nomination “Consumer Choices”.
The description of the variety, reviews and photos of the Memory of the Teacher grape will be incomplete if important characteristics are not indicated: advantages and disadvantages.
Let’s dwell on the advantages of the new hybrid:
- The grapes of the Memory of the Teacher have a stable yield, long-term fruiting.
- Excellent taste and culinary properties.
- High transportability and keeping quality of bunches, which makes the grape variety attractive for large-scale cultivation.
- Ripening of the vine along the entire length.
- Resistance of grapes to gray rot and many other crop diseases.
- Possibility to grow on various rootstocks, as the Memory of the Teacher variety is well combined with them.
- Frost resistance is also not bad, the plant can withstand temperatures down to -23 degrees.
The bad points
It should be noted that work on the variety has not yet been completed, it continues to be tested. But gardeners who grow grapes, along with the advantages in the reviews, note some disadvantages:
- plants do not like too wet soil;
- for cultivation, you need to use nutritious and fertile soil;
- late frosts in autumn or spring can kill vines;
- fruiting, and, consequently, the yield decreases at high temperatures;
- when grown in a harsh climate, shelter of the bushes of the variety is required for the winter;
- if you do not normalize the formation of brushes, there is an overload, therefore, the next season, the yield will decrease.
Grapes of the Memory of the Teacher on different rootstocks:
Planting of grapes
When planting a vine on a site, it is necessary to take into account the fact that grapes will have to grow in one place for more than a dozen years. That is why it is necessary to fulfill the requirements for culture. Even one mistake can become a reason that requires you to do the work again.
Site Selection
When growing vine bushes of the Memory of the Teacher on the site, a comfortable place should be allocated to it:
- The site should be well lit and protected from cold northern winds, in extreme cases, special protection can be built. The best option is to plant seedlings near the wall of the building, on the south side. Near the grapes of any variety, including the Memory of the Teacher, tall trees should not grow, as they will shade the plantings.
- Grapes love elevated places, and lowlands can be fatal for him: the roots are affected by fungal diseases.
- When choosing a soil, you can not bother much, most importantly, when planting, it is good to fill it with nutrients. But so that phylloxera does not settle on a plantation with a variety of Memory of the Teacher, clay or silty soil is better.
Pit preparation
Landing sites are prepared in advance. In autumn, the ridges need to be dug up, remove all plant debris. A pit for grapes of the Memory of the Teacher variety should have the following parameters: depth – 80 cm, diameter at least 50 cm.
The bottom of the seat is covered with drainage, and the soil is well fertilized with humus or compote on top. You need to water the hole abundantly. Nothing more needs to be done. In the spring, you will have to install an irrigation pipe, as in the photo below.
Terms of planting
Experienced gardeners do not recommend planting grape seedlings in Memory of the Teacher in the fall. It is better to postpone planting until spring. In this case, the variety will have the opportunity to take root, and in the future – to winter well.
When exactly to plant grapes in a permanent place, no one will say, because the timing depends on the climatic features of the region. You need to focus on mid-April or early May. The air should warm up to +15 degrees.
With the onset of favorable climatic conditions, they begin to plant a vine. In the center of the pit or trench, mounds are made and bushes are placed on them, the roots are carefully straightened. They must look straight down!
The plantings are covered with fertile soil, they are shed and the soil is well pressed around the plantings to ensure reliable adhesion of the roots to the soil and squeeze the air out of the “pockets”.
Features of care
Planted grapes in the first year of life are watered first weekly, after 30 days once a month. In August, watering ends.
For watering adult bushes use the following scheme:
- in spring, if there was little precipitation in winter;
- then once before flowering and after it. During the ripening of the clusters, watering is not carried out;
- after harvest in autumn.
It is better to feed the grapes with organic fertilizers at least 4 times during the growing season. If you like mineral supplements, then at the beginning of growth, two nitrogen supplements are carried out, then potassium and phosphorus.
The variety of the Memory of the Teacher is cut off for 6-8 eyes, in the summer the stepsons that grow from the axils of the leaves must be broken out.
Diseases and pests
To save the sweet berries of the variety from feathered sweet teeth, you need to stretch a strong rigid net over the plantings.
Since the resistance of the grapes of the Memory of the Teacher to diseases is average, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures:
- From a felt mite, plantings are sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate, Kaptan.
- You can get rid of the bunch leafworm with the help of Keltan, Fozalon, DNOC.
- The grape variety is most affected by phylloxera. At the initial stage of the disease, you can use chemicals. Heavily infected bushes can rarely be saved. To prevent spread to the entire plantation, the affected bushes are uprooted and burned. There is another option: after harvesting, the plantation is flooded for a month and a half.
The Grape of the Memory of the Teacher is an excellent hybrid form that can be grown not only in the open, but also in protected ground. That is why the popularity of the variety will increase.