In modern vineyards, you can find a variety of varieties of wine berries, they differ in fruit color, cluster size, ripening time, frost resistance and taste characteristics. Each owner has his favorite grape varieties, but there are also types of berries that almost everyone likes. One of these classic varieties is the Delight grape. This variety was bred by crossing Dawn of the North, Dolores and Early, resulting in a tasty, frost-resistant, completely unpretentious early ripening grape.

Grapes Delight muscat, black, red, white: description + photo

You can learn about the varieties of the variety, the characteristics of grapes and the rules for its cultivation from this article.

Variety description

Classic Delight grapes are large clusters with large rounded white berries. It is this variety that is most often grown by winegrowers on their plots.

Grapes Delight muscat, black, red, white: description + photo

The characteristics of the classic variety are as follows:

  • ripening time – 110-120 days;
  • purpose – dining room;
  • sugar content in berries – up to 26%;
  • clusters – large (up to two kilograms) conical in shape, may be shapeless;
  • berries are elongated, almost oval;
  • taste qualities – fruits are juicy, sweet;
  • frost resistance – high;
  • resistance to diseases (rot, fungus, mildew, oidium) – increased;
  • properties of berries – healing, due to the high content of iron and antioxidants;
  • bush care – ordinary (pruning, watering, fertilizing, pest control).

As can be seen from the characteristics, Delight grapes are indeed universal. This variety can be grown in any part of the country, due to its unpretentiousness, frost resistance and early ripening. You can also use berries for the production of juices, wine, making raisins, they are very tasty and fresh. Clusters have a good presentation, they are stored for a very long time, they tolerate transportation well.

Grapes Delight muscat, black, red, white: description + photo

Important! To grow Delight grapes in your garden, it is not necessary to be a professional. This variety is perfect for beginners, as well as for those who rarely visit the site (for example, summer residents), because this variety is very unpretentious.

What is true Delight?

Despite the great popularity of classic white grapes, other varieties of this variety are also in demand. Breeders obtained each of these species by crossing the classic Rapture with other valuable grape varieties, as a result endowing the new variety with the best qualities.

So, today such varieties of this grape are known.


The white grape variety Rapture is the leader in the content of vitamins and microelements in berries, it has the densest peel, therefore it is stored for a long time and is well transported, it is not damaged by wasps. Ripens, on average, in 115 days. Not afraid of frost, rarely needs shelter. Almost never gets sick. Valuable berries are used even in medicine and cosmetology.

Grapes Delight muscat, black, red, white: description + photo


Black Delight grapes are an excellent variety with a ripening period of 110 to 120 days. The plant is tall with spreading vines and strong roots. To get a good harvest, black grapes need to be carefully thinned out, then the clusters will be large and well stuffed. The taste of the berries is excellent, moderately sweet, juicy.

Grapes Delight muscat, black, red, white: description + photo


Red Delight grapes were obtained by crossing the standard Delight and the Original variety. You can recognize this hybrid by very large elongated berries of rich pink color. The grapes taste sweet and sour, very juicy, with a dense skin and a minimum number of seeds. It is the Rapture Red grapes that have the highest resistance to frost and increased resistance to the most dangerous, gray rot. In order for the berries of this variety to remain on the bushes as long as possible, you need to grow the vine on high supports. Growing Red Delight is very simple, because it is the most unpretentious of all varieties of the variety.

Grapes Delight muscat, black, red, white: description + photo


Grape Delight Muscat was bred by crossing the classic variety and the Frumoas Alba variety. Vine growers rank this variety among the ultra-early ones, because the clusters ripen by the 105th day: already in the first days of August, residents of the middle zone can feast on muscat grapes. Due to the increased yield, the vine needs careful thinning of the clusters, otherwise the bush may break.. The ideal load for Muscat vines is no more than 25 buds for plants on their own root system and up to 40 buds for grafted vines.


Ideal Rapture is also considered a classic, as it is very often grown in the vineyards of Our Country. Received this variety by crossing Rapture and Villars Blanc grapes. Often this species is simply called the Ideal hybrid. Clusters and berries are slightly smaller than the standard variety, but taste about the same. The stamina and unpretentiousness of the Ideal are on the same level as those of its progenitor. To increase the yield of the Delight Ideal grape variety, it must be watered abundantly in June – this will allow you to get up to 30% larger clusters and juicy berries. Otherwise, care is practically not required: the vine rarely gets sick, does not freeze even in harsh winters, the bushes need to be fertilized only once a year.

Grapes Delight muscat, black, red, white: description + photo


The original Delight grape variety is also called the White Miracle or the Song. This variety is characterized by more elongated conical clusters. They are also large – up to 1,5 kg in weight. The berries are round, whitish-green, large, fleshy. You can learn about the ripening of berries by the appearance of a light “blush” on the peel. The variety rarely gets sick, and is also highly resistant to frost and weather conditions.

Grapes Delight muscat, black, red, white: description + photo

Attention! Visually distinguishing some varieties of Rapture grapes is quite difficult, often only professional winegrowers can do it. Therefore, you should buy seedlings in good nurseries and pay attention to photos of bunches and berries.

Growing rules

Although the varieties of this variety have some differences, it is necessary to grow and care for plants of different species in the same way. Since this grape is unpretentious, it will not require special attention.

All the grower has to do is follow simple rules:

  1. Landing. The Delight grape variety is propagated by seedlings. Young plants should be planted either in autumn or spring. For planting, choose areas well-lit by the sun, protected from the wind. If the vine does not have enough sun, you even need to cut off the leaves that create the shade, otherwise the berries will not ripen. The soil should be well fertilized, it is better to use mineral complexes. Ideal for Rapture black soil or light loam. Seedlings are planted at a fairly large distance from each other and from other plants in the garden – with an interval of at least 4 meters. A hole for a seedling is dug deep – about 80 cm. An arch is necessary for the correct formation of the vine.

    Grapes Delight muscat, black, red, white: description + photo

  2. Grapes pruning. Like all table varieties, Rapture is cut short. Optimally – leave 4 eyes on the shoots (taking into account the lowest eye on the vine). It is recommended to prune the bushes in the spring.
  3. Watering and fertilizer. After planting seedlings, several buckets of water should be poured under each of them. Subsequently, you will not have to water the bush, because it perfectly tolerates even severe drought. You can feed the vine through drainage, for this I use mineral supplements during the formation of clusters. Although Rapture is able to resist most diseases, the grapes are susceptible to phylloxera infection. Therefore, twice a year, the bushes should be treated with fungicidal preparations.

    Grapes Delight muscat, black, red, white: description + photo

Advice! Although it is not necessary to cover the vine for the winter, some preparation for the winter is still done. The minimum preparation is shortening the shoots by 8-10 eyes and bending the vine to the ground (so that later it will be covered with snow).

Write Your Review

Viktor Ivanovich, Rostov-on-Don
They planted white Rapture on their site just a few years ago. My observations about this variety are as follows: it sings early – already at the end of July, you can pinch ripe berries; it can remain on the bush for a very long time, retaining its marketable appearance and taste – from August to October; these grapes are not eaten by wasps, because their peel is quite dense; my bush has never been sick, so I think the variety is very resistant; grapes survived winters in central Our Country without shelter; clusters are large, berries are large; The taste of the grapes is good, moderately sweet, the flesh is dense.

In general, our family is XNUMX% satisfied with Rapture. Next year we want to plant another black Rapture to diversify our vineyard.

Grapes Delight muscat, black, red, white: description + photo


Reviews about the Rapture variety are the most flattering: it is successfully cultivated by winegrowers from all over the country. This grape is suitable for both beginner farmers and professionals involved in the processing or sale of berries. Wine berry crops will be stable, regardless of whether the owner chose Black Delight grapes or planted Delight Ideal grapes on his plot – all varieties are equally good.

You can learn more about this grape from the video:


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