Grapes Dashunya, Daria, Dashenka

When mentioning grapes with the name Daria, Dashenka and Dashunya, it may seem that the same variety is named as variations of this female name, but in fact this is not so. it 3 different hybrid forms of grapes different origins, the authors of which are different people. Basically, they differ from each other in the color of the berries, to a lesser extent – in other characteristics. According to the descriptions and photos of these grapes, this is easy to notice.

Inference history

What is the reason for such a variety of varieties with similar names? It’s all about the process of breeding plants with stable varietal characteristics. It cannot be fast by default and takes quite a long time. Over the years of breeding, a team of breeders selects the best specimens of hybrid forms, studies their new characteristics and the degree of their inheritance, and conducts practical tests. Moreover, prototypes can also end up in the gardens of amateur winegrowers, who also contribute to the work on the creation of a new variety of grapevine.

By the time a variety is entered into the State Register of Breeding Achievements, it may happen that several hybrid forms will be bred that differ from each other in many ways. Up to this point, they may exist under similar names for many years.

Grapes Daria

The grape variety Daria is a product of the selection work of Krainov V.N. In fact, this grape cannot yet be called a variety, it is a hybrid form, as it is being tested. Grapes Daria belongs to the early varieties. Its berries ripen at 105-115 days from bud break. Varieties were chosen as parental forms for it. Kesha and Friendship.

Description of the grape variety Daria and his photo:

  • bush with strong growth, reaches a height of 2,5 m;
  • forms long shoots for 6-8 eyes;
  • the vine ripens well;
  • the leaf is dark green, with deep grooves along the edges;
  • flowers bisexual;
  • the bunch is large, reaches a mass of 0,7 to 1 kg, medium density, on a medium-sized comb, the shape of the brush is conical;
  • berries are ovoid, from large to very large, uniform in size, weight of one berry is 12-14 g;
  • the skin is light, with a slight wax coating, green-yellow in color, in fully ripe berries – amber;
  • the skin is medium dense;
  • the pulp is juicy, fleshy, there is a pronounced nutmeg taste;
  • there are few seeds in the berry – 1-3 pcs. and they are small.

Daria grape berries, according to practicing gardeners, are not prone to cracking, are not subject to peas and wasp attacks. Due to the dense skin of the berries, the brushes perfectly tolerate transportation and can withstand storage for up to 1 month.

Grapes Dashunya, Daria, Dashenka

Important! Plants of this grape are characterized by increased resistance to mildew and gray rot, good – to oidium (the degree of stability reaches 3 points).

This only confirms the excellent selection work of the originator V. N. Krainov, who set himself such a task.

The resistance of the vine to these formidable fungal diseases is determined on a 5-point scale. If a variety gets 5 points, it means that it has the lowest degree of immunity against diseases. The ideal score is 1 point, but so far the breeders have not been able to achieve such “health” of the vine, so 2-2,5 points is considered a normal indicator.

Daria grapes received resistance to fungal diseases from both of their parents – the Kesha and Druzhba varieties. In addition, from the first of them, he inherited early ripeness in combination with productivity, a large brush and berries, outstanding taste characteristics of this famous nutmeg variety (tasting score – above 9 points), increased sugar content, skin density, frost resistance of the vine.

From the Druzhba variety, Darya got early ripeness, powerful growth of the bush, high consumer qualities (the suitability of berries for fresh consumption and the production of sparkling wine from them), frost resistance (above the average, bushes without shelter can withstand temperatures down to -23 ° C).

Write Your Review

Sergei Anatolievich, Krasnodar
I have been growing Daria grapes for several seasons. The bushes grew strong, powerful, with long shoots. Inflorescences are pollinated almost completely, there is no pea. The brushes are dense, voluminous, hang on the bush for a long time. The taste of the berries is pronounced, nutmeg is clearly felt, the aroma is pleasant, delicate. I recommend this grape to everyone for planting.

Grapes Dashunya, Daria, Dashenka


Dashenka grapes

Dashenka was obtained on the site of an amateur breeder Kapelyushny V. U. It is distinguished by an extremely early (100-105 days) ripening period. Ripe brushes can be cut already in August.

Description of the Dashenka grape variety and its photo:

  • vigorous bush;
  • a bunch of heavy and dense, weighing from 0 to 1 kg, with numerous berries;
  • the berries are large, the weight of one reaches 12-16 g;
  • the color of their skin is yellow-pink;
  • the pulp is juicy, dense, pleasantly crunchy;
  • nutmeg taste is harmonious, the aroma is pronounced.

The Dashenka grape vine is characterized by early maturation and good resistance to freezing (up to -24°C). You don’t need to cover it.

Grapes Dashunya, Daria, Dashenka

Write Your Review

Valentina Petrovna, Rostov region
Dashenka grapes are one of my favorites. It suits me in every way. I have no complaints about the bushes themselves, nor about the size and taste of the berries. The grapes ripen early, already in August you can harvest a full-fledged harvest, at this time my other varieties are just beginning to ripen. I advise everyone to plant Dashenka.

Dashunya grapes

Another grape with the name Dashunya is the result of the selection work of an amateur viticulturist Vyshnevetsky N.P. This new hybrid form is also of early ripening (115-120 days). The breeder chose three varieties as parental forms for her: Kesha, Rizamat and Radiant Kishmish.

Description of the grape variety Dashunya and photo:

  • the bush is distinguished by strong growth;
  • vine aging is good;
  • has a female type of flowering;
  • a large bunch has a conical shape, medium density, weighing 1,5-2 kg;
  • berries are pink, weighing 12-15 g, fleshy;
  • the taste is excellent, muscat.

According to many gardeners, Dashun grapes hold firmly on the stem, even with excess moisture they do not burst and are not affected by gray rot. Pollination is good, pea is not observed. Another advantage of this amateur hybrid form is that the bunches perfectly tolerate transportation over considerable distances. The vine is resistant to infection by mildew and oidium. (degree of stability 2,5-3 points). The frost resistance of the hybrid form of Dashun grapes is increased (up to -24 C).

Grapes Dashunya, Daria, Dashenka

Write Your Review

Olga, city ​​of Saratov
My whole family likes Dashunya grapes, but children are especially delighted with it. Very tasty, juicy and fragrant berries. These grapes are impossible to eat. Plant Dashunya for sure, she’s worth it.
Dashunya grapes

How to grow grapes

Early-ripening grape varieties, which include all 3 hybrid forms, are economically profitable to grow, since early production is in demand on the market and has a rather high price, and it is also effective from the point of view of agricultural technology – early ripening of the crop minimizes the risk of fungal diseases in the clusters.

Before planting a grape bush, you need to choose a suitable place for it on the site. It must be sunny, because for the rapid ripening of berries, this plant needs the light and heat energy of the sun. You need to take care of protection from the wind – it is advisable to plant a bush near the southern wall of a building or fence. The soil for the vine should be light, fertile, airy, well-drained.

The method of planting a young grape seedling depends on the type of soil on the site. Usually, on sands and sandy loams, plants are planted in trenches, and on loams and clays, and even with a close occurrence of groundwater, in raised ridges.

It is necessary to place seedlings on the plot correctly. Bushes of table varieties need a certain area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbnutrition, so you need to leave enough space between them. Planting grapes Daria, Dashenka and Dashunya is necessary according to the scheme:

  • between bushes in a row – at least 1,5 m;
  • between rows – 2-2,5 m.

It is better to place seedlings in planting pits not vertically, but laying them as low as possible, at the maximum possible angle. This will later allow the vine to ripen better.

Grapes Dashunya, Daria, Dashenka

Young grape seedlings in the first 1-2 years of vegetation are best covered for the winter, despite the fact that they are characterized by good frost resistance. It is especially necessary to do this in the northern regions in order to protect the fragile vine from freezing. It must be removed from the trellis and hidden under a reliable covering material. You can put boards or spruce branches under the bottom, and cover the shoots with a layer of agrofiber, film, roofing material, etc. from above. You need to close it loosely and leave small gaps for ventilation.

Watering the bushes regularly is necessary only in the first year of their life, so that they take root well. For older grape plants, watering should be carried out 3 times per season:

  • 2 weeks before flowering (it is better not to water later, because excess moisture can cause color to fall off and delay the expected harvest);
  • after flowering (watering should be stopped with the beginning of the coloring of the berries);
  • water-charging watering in late autumn.

It is necessary to pour water not under the root, but between the rows or no closer than 0,5 m from the base of the bush. Sprinkling is not necessary: ​​diseases develop faster on a wet leaf.

Attention! Fruitful arrows are best tied horizontally, not vertically.

In this case, all green shoots will grow along their entire length, and not mainly from the upper eyes, which often happens with a vertical garter.

Grapes Dashunya, Daria, Dashenka

Pruning grapes Daria, Dashenka and Dashunya should be carried out in a timely manner, but sparingly. In the first year, no pruning is carried out. On adult bushes, you should not immediately cut off all stepsons and tops. On such plants, after the procedure, overwintering buds may begin to grow, and this will significantly weaken them. Stepchildren should not be broken out, but left on them for 1-2 sheets. Pruning is best done in the fall, after the leaves of the grapes begin to crumble, and the night temperature drops to negative temperatures. In the spring, it is better to cut the shoots on young bushes: an uncut vine tolerates cold better than a cut one.

It will take several years to form a grape bush. It can be grown in the classic way – on a trellis, or planted near a canopy or small buildings so that it can braid them. From a powerful, strengthened vine, you can cut cuttings for propagation and thus increase the number of bushes of the variety you like in your area.

Grapes Dashunya, Daria, Dashenka

Advice! In order for grape plants to grow well and bear fruit, they need proper care. For its competent organization, it is desirable to record information about what agrotechnical activities were carried out and when. This will create a more correct work with the vine.


Hybrid forms Daria, Dashenka and Dashunya are an excellent choice for any amateur gardener who wants to get an early and high-quality grape harvest from his site. They are ready to show the gardener all their huge potential, it remains only to make an effort and help them with this.

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