Grapes Baikonur

The vine is a child of the Earth and the Sun. Its berries are filled with life-giving force, which is available to man. According to legend, yellow grapes absorb the energy of daylight, red grapes symbolize the morning dawn, dark blue and black berries hide the secret of the southern night. You can reveal this very secret by tasting the fruits of the magnificent Baikonur variety. It is one of the most promising new products on the market and has already won many fans and admirers today. Its popularity and demand is explained by its excellent commodity, taste and agricultural qualities. All the most relevant and useful information about this unique variety can be found further in the proposed article.

Grapes Baikonur

Advantages of the variety

Man cultivated grapes 7 thousand years ago. During this time, a huge number of different varieties of this plant have appeared, but the Baikonur grape can be safely called the best of them. Its creator is an amateur breeder Pavlovsky E.G. The variety was obtained by crossing two well-known progenitors: the Beauty and Talisman grapes. The resulting variety has absorbed the best qualities of its ancestors. So, among its advantages it should be noted:

  • early ripening of grapes;
  • excellent, harmonious taste of berries;
  • high resistance to weather “cataclysms” and some diseases;
  • excellent marketability, size of berries and clusters, resistance to cracking and falling off;
  • suitability for transportation and the possibility of long-term storage;
  • high yield;
  • lack of peas (does not form small berries);
  • good frost resistance.

Grapes Baikonur

The Baikonur variety was bred relatively recently: only in 2012 did it become available to the average gardener. At the same time, the cost of the novelty was sometimes several times higher than the price of other varieties of this crop, so they bought seedlings with apprehension and some distrust. Today, many farmers know about the Baikonur variety. From their lips you can hear only good comments and praises about this grape. For those who are not yet familiar with the culture, we will try to give a detailed description of the Baikonur variety, photos of grapes and reviews about it.

Features of berries

An experienced specialist will be able to distinguish the berries of the Baikonur variety both “by eye” and by taste. Dark purple, and sometimes completely black berries are very large, cylindrical in shape. The weight of each of them varies from 14 to 18 g. The length of cylindrical fruits in some cases reaches 40 mm. These giant berries are collected in lush and amazingly beautiful bunches, weighing up to 700 g. Such magnificent grapes always surprise with their appearance and make you want to try it.

Grapes Baikonur

Important! Having bitten through the juicy, crispy pulp, inside the grapes you can see 2-3 seeds, which are quite suitable for cultivation.

Berries of grapes “Baikonur” are characterized by fairly dense pulp and thin, delicate skin. But despite its delicacy, the skin of grapes is resistant to cracking and even in the rainy season retains its integrity. Berry pulp has a delicate fruity aroma. Notes of nutmeg in the taste of fruits are absent.

Among all the characteristics, the “calling card” of the Baikonur variety is the sweetness of the fruit: large grapes accumulate about 20% sugar even in the season of heavy rains. The acidity of berries during ripening can be about 7%, but during storage, grapes almost completely get rid of acid. The high sugar content makes the variety indispensable in winemaking, because there is no need to artificially increase the sugar level when using the Baikonur variety.

Grapes Baikonur

Grapes of the Baikonur variety retain their excellent appearance and taste not only at the ripening stage, but also after harvest. Ripe berries, regardless of weather conditions, do not fall, but patiently wait for the cut. Harvested bunches of grapes can be stored in a cool room or used to make wine, jam. If necessary, the crop can be safely transported over long distances. Analyzing the description of the Baikonur grapes, we can safely conclude that this variety is best suited in terms of its properties not only for consumption within the same family, but also for cultivation with a view to subsequent sale.

Grapes Baikonur

Important! Baykonur grape jam during heat treatment quickly candied, becomes thick.

Description of the vineyard

Grapes Baikonur

It is rather difficult to describe in detail the Baikonur grape variety, since today only research is being carried out to determine one or another parameter. In general, when describing Baikonur grapes, one has to rely on the observations and reviews of those winegrowers who have been growing this wonderful plant in their garden for several years and the data provided by the author of this Baikonur variety himself.

Grape varieties “Baikonur” is a vigorous shrub that can be grown in its own root form or by rootstock. In both cases, the plant actively grows powerful green shoots and bears fruit well. It is possible to graft grapes of the Baikonur variety on a vine of any variety, with the exception of the Rumba variety.

Vine grapes “Baikonur” ripens in one summer season. Young shoots already at the age of 2-3 years rise to a height of 3-4 m. A huge shrub always pleases the eye with rich green, lush greenery. The root system feeds well not only the lower, but also the uppermost leaves of the plant.

Grapes Baikonur

Important! Unfortunately, the short-term experience of growing the Baikonur variety does not allow us to give recommendations on the rules for the formation of a bush. Today, gardeners carry out pruning of the vineyard, based on their own knowledge and skills.

Flowering of grapes and fruiting period

The flowering of the vine variety “Baikonur” always proceeds actively and fully: the flowers of the plant are bisexual, pollinated without problems. Already after 105-115 days from the beginning of the growing season, you can try the first grapes of this variety. Under favorable weather conditions, the first harvest period is at the end of July. In general, the ripening period of clusters continues until late autumn.

Grapes Baikonur

The weight of the first ripening bunches is small and can be only 500 g. Later bunches of grapes can weigh up to 700, and sometimes even 1000 g. The yield of Baikonur grapes depends directly on growing conditions and, in particular, on the intensity of watering plants. When observing especially large, poured bunches, care must be taken to install additional supports that will remove excessive load from the vine.

Peculiarities of growing

Vigorous and lush grapes of the Baikonur variety must be grown on a sunny plot of land, where there are no drafts and access to cold northern winds. It is preferable to plant a shrub on the southern or southwestern side of the site. If necessary, artificial wind protection can be provided. It can be a building wall, a fence or a tall tree.

Grapes Baikonur

To grow the Baikonur variety, you need to prepare the soil. This grape prefers light and nutritious soils. The roots of the plant, in addition to the necessary substances and moisture, must have access to oxygen. You can get the most suitable substrate for culture as follows:

  • In heavy clay soils, add sand, manure, peat. As a drainage, a certain amount of expanded clay, gravel or pieces of broken brick should be placed in the soil.
  • To increase the fertility of sandy soils should be with the help of manure, peat.
  • Salt soils must be washed before planting grapes. To do this, in the autumn period, abundant watering of the land is carried out and groundwater is diverted from the landing site using a complex of drainage elements.
  • Unfortunately, Baikonur grapes cannot be grown on swampy soils. In case of urgent need, swampy areas of soil can be drained by providing for a drainage system.

Grapes Baikonur

Having chosen a suitable place on the site, you can start planting grapes. To do this, you can use cuttings or already grown seedlings. The soil at the site must be deeply loosened. The depth of planting and loosening largely depends on the characteristics of the growing region:

  • the deeper the roots of the seedling are located, the less likely the plant will freeze in winter;
  • deep roots have better access to underground moisture.

Given these features, the following planting depths can be recommended:

  • In the southern regions, it is enough to make a landing hole 50-55 cm deep.
  • In regions with a high probability of severe winter frosts, increase the depth of the planting hole to 60-70 cm.
  • In the northern part of the country, it is recommended to plant seedlings of the Baikonur variety at a depth of 80 cm.
  • In dry regions, the roots of the seedling should be placed as deep as possible.

Such recommendations will allow you to save the vineyard in the winter, regardless of the “surprises” of the weather. In general, the Baikonur grape variety is winter-hardy in its characteristics and successfully tolerates winter temperatures down to -230C.

Grapes Baikonur

You need to dig a landing hole slightly below the recommended depth, since 15-20 cm of the bottom of the hole needs to be filled with drainage material and a nutrient substrate. A small hill is formed from humus or peat, which is lightly sprinkled with soddy soil. On the resulting hill inside the pit, you need to put a seedling and straighten its roots. The remaining volume of the pit must be filled with soddy soil with the addition of peat, sand and superphosphate (ash). After the seat is half covered with soil, you need to water the plant abundantly. When the water is absorbed deep into the ground, you can pour the remaining soil into the pit, keeping only 2-3 eyes above ground level.

Important! If the grape seedling is small, then its roots are placed at the recommended depth, but the planting hole is not completely covered with soil, leaving 2-3 eyes above the backfill.

As the grapes grow, the soil in the planting hole will need to be added.

Varietal grapes from cuttings

Grapes of the Baikonur variety are propagated by cuttings without any problems, so if a neighbor has a varietal vine, you can ask for a piece for breeding in your garden. A good grape cutting is a piece of matured vine with 3-4 eyes and internodes, 7-10 cm long. The cutting can be germinated in mild greenhouse conditions or by planting directly into the ground. It is recommended to plant a cutting of Baikonur grapes in the ground in early spring or autumn, but the second option significantly reduces the likelihood of the plant taking root.

Grapes Baikonur

Grape cuttings need to be prepared:

  1. Trim the lower edge obliquely at a distance of 5-10 mm from the eye.
  2. Cut the upper edge of the cutting horizontally above the eye by 3 cm.
  3. Make small vertical incisions (furrows) at the bottom of the cutting, which will allow the grapes to take root faster.
  4. The lower edge of the cutting with furrows must be dipped in Kornevin or kept for several hours in a solution of a root growth stimulator.
  5. Digging grape cuttings with earth, tilting them at 450.
  6. Young seedlings of Baikonur grapes for the winter should be covered with foliage, straw, spruce paws.

Such a simple method of propagating Baikonur grapes is the most affordable for growers, since there is no need to buy expensive seedlings. Its main disadvantage is the low survival rate of cuttings.

Important! Cuttings of vigorous grapes of the Baikonur variety should be planted in the ground with an interval of about 1,5-2 m.

Grapes Baikonur


The Baikonur grape variety can be safely called the best among other grape varieties. Its berries are exceptionally tasty and fragrant. Their appearance will not leave anyone indifferent, because large, juicy, fleshy fruits are just asking to be eaten. The good yield of the Baikonur variety and the high sugar content in the fruits make it possible not only to enjoy fresh berries, but also to prepare jam and natural grape wine for the winter. Thus, the Baikonur vineyard can become a lush green decoration of any garden, an excellent delicacy for children and a godsend for winemakers.


Elena Konstantinova, 36 years old, Stavropol
I tried Baikonur grapes at a friend’s dacha last year. Indeed, very beautiful clusters and delicious berries. To be honest, I was surprised that such grapes can be grown in our latitudes, without any special conditions.
Vitaly Lapatko, 52 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
There are 9 different varieties of grapes growing on my plot. Last year I decided to get a 10th anniversary variety and started looking for information about the best modern varieties. Many good comments were found specifically about the Baikonur variety. I didn’t manage to buy grapes in the spring: I didn’t find a seedling, and closer to autumn my daughter brought a strong, rooted seedling, which I planted. Grapes survived the winter perfectly, this year they have gained strength and have already grown long shoots. We’ll see how things go, but overall I’m happy with the purchase.

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