The grapes “Anniversary of Novocherkassk” have gained great popularity among gardeners due to the excellent commercial characteristics of the fruit. If you also want to grow this variety on your site, then first familiarize yourself with more detailed information about the plant.
The grape is an early table variety. Vigorous bushes with well-ripening shoots. Leaves are bright green. Flowers are capable of self-pollination. The bunches are very large. The berries are large, elongated with fleshy juicy pulp. They have an oval shape.
The main feature of the grapes “Jubilee of Novocherkassk” is the large bunches
The main digital characteristics include:
- maximum bunch weight – 3 kg;
- berry weight – 18 g;
- berry length – 35 mm;
- sugar content per 100 ml – 17 g.
The average ripening period for a crop is 4 months. The fruits tolerate transportation well and are stored for a long time. The variety is frost resistant.
The grape variety “Anniversary of Novocherkassk” grows best in a sunny, windless place. Planting should be planned in April. Some gardeners root grapes in the fall, but then there is a risk that the plant will not survive the winter. Since the bushes grow rapidly, it is necessary to leave a distance of at least one meter. It is better to buy seedlings in a nursery.
When landing, follow the following algorithm:
- Prepare a hole 0,5 m deep.
- Spread a layer of organic fertilizer on the bottom.
- Cover with a layer of regular soil.
- Lower the seedling into the hole so that the root collar is visible on the surface.
- Fill the hole with the remaining soil.
After the procedure, water it abundantly.
The plant needs regular moisture during the entire period of activity. However, during the ripening of the berries, watering should be stopped, otherwise the fruits will turn out to be very sour. During a drought, it is necessary to moisten the soil much more often.
The variety does not need frequent feeding. But before flowering, you should combine the next watering with the introduction of mineral fertilizers.
While the grapes are not in the active phase, pruning of the shoots should be carried out. It is recommended to remove frozen and diseased branches. It is very important to take the time to ration. During the procedure, only one brush should be left on the vine. Before the onset of winter, the grapes are covered with spruce branches, hay, or simply covered with soil.
The grapes of this variety are distinguished by the quality of the fruit and the rich harvest. Therefore, if you also want to grow on your site “Anniversary of Novocherkassk”, then do not neglect the tips described above.