Grapes Anniversary of Novocherkassk: history, description and characteristics (ripening, yield, application) + cultivation

Thanks to selection, many southern fruit and berry crops have become available for regions with a more severe climate. One of these hybrids is Novocherkassk Anniversary grapes, and we will tell you about the intricacies of growing them.

The history of the appearance of the variety

An amateur gardener, and part-time breeder V.V. Krainov, brought out the Anniversary of Novocherkassk more than a decade ago on his own site. However, the State Register of Our Country was replenished with a hybrid only in 2016 after filing a patent application two years earlier. It is still not known for certain which varieties served as the basis for the creation of the “jubilee” grapes. According to his description, he bears a striking resemblance to the Transfiguration and Victor.

Grapes Anniversary of Novocherkassk: history, description and characteristics (ripening, yield, application) + cultivation
Grapes Anniversary Novocherkassk brought breeder V. V. Krainov

Description of grapes Anniversary of Novocherkassk

Grapes belong to table early varieties. Differs in weighty bunches, large berries and external esthetics. Like most hybrids, it is quite resistant to infections and also undemanding to care for.


Bushes of Novocherkassk Jubilee are massive, strong, with good maturation of the vine. The shoots are covered with five-lobed dark green leaves with carved edges and distinct veins. Ripe brushes are very large, they can weigh from 1 to 5 kg.

Clusters and berries

Clusters are large, cone-shaped, rarely cylindrical. The maximum size of oval fruits is 3–4 cm with a diameter of 25–45 mm. The weight of one berry ranges from 12 to 20 g. The color can be yellow-pink or ruby. Under the dense skin is a fleshy, juicy core. The taste is very sweet, without excessive sourness.

Video “Grapes Anniversary of Novocherkassk”

This video shows what ripe berries of a fruit crop look like.

Grape variety Anniversary of Novocherkassk. Grapes 2015.

Characteristics of grapes

The variety Anniversary of Novocherkassk fell in love with domestic gardeners not only for its rich taste. Thanks to its characteristics, it has become famous even in the CIS countries.

Growing regions

On the territory of the Federation “Novocherkassk” grapes are cultivated everywhere. So, the variety grows well and bears fruit in the south of the country. It can also be found in the central regions and cities of the middle lane. Due to frost resistance, even Siberian gardeners grow the hybrid.

Ripening time and yield

The anniversary of Novocherkassk ripens early. Its growing season is 27–30 weeks. If the grapes grow in the southern regions, the fruits are ready for harvest from mid-summer. The variety has a high yield. So, one bush under favorable conditions can produce 20 kg of berries.

Use of fruits

The fruits of the “anniversary” hybrid are no different in application from other varieties. Most often they are used as follows:

  • eat fresh;
  • make juices;
  • crush wine;
  • included in sweet dishes.
Grapes Anniversary of Novocherkassk: history, description and characteristics (ripening, yield, application) + cultivation
Large fruits can be eaten fresh or processed

Shelf life and transportability

You can store the harvested crop for a long time. As a rule, bunches are able to lie at room temperature without loss of commercial quality for 10 days. If the brushes are placed in the refrigerator, the shelf life will increase to several months.

Anniversary of Novocherkassk is well suited for cultivation for sale, as it tolerates long-term transportation without consequences.

Weather resistance

An unpretentious hybrid is very much appreciated by gardeners for the following reasons:

  • resistant to frost down to -23 ° C;
  • not afraid of drought;
  • well tolerates a sharp change in temperature.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hybrids often have great advantages over “purebred” varieties.


  • immunity to diseases;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • good maturation of shoots;
  • high commercial qualities;
  • abundant regular harvest;
  • long periods of storage;
  • presentable appearance;
  • rich taste.


  • shoots are subject to rationing and formation;
  • it is necessary to carry out regular prevention with the help of fungicides;
  • fruits are susceptible to damage by wasps;
  • the harvest on stepchildren is much less than that of the parent bush.
Grapes Anniversary of Novocherkassk: history, description and characteristics (ripening, yield, application) + cultivation
Anniversary of Novocherkassk is characterized by high yield

Features of agricultural technology

In order for grapes to fully reveal all their qualities, certain agrotechnical rules must be observed when growing it.


For planting, it is best to take strengthened cuttings with 10 buds and a developed rhizome. The latter should be whitish in color, slightly damp, not spoiled, and also without foreign spots.

Seedlings are usually planted in the spring, when the air temperature is not lower than +15 ° C, and the soil is warm enough. Young growth can also be planted in autumn, but such planting is only permissible for regions in the south of the country.

A place on the site is chosen sunny, not blown by the winds, without drafts. You should also take care of the level of groundwater. They should be located at a depth of at least 2 m. Otherwise, the root system of the grapes will begin to rot from excess moisture.

The soil begins to prepare a month before planting. It is thoroughly cleaned, weeds are removed and well loosened. Planting pits are dug at a distance of 1 m from each other, measuring 50x50x50 cm. Then they are covered with a soil mixture (earth, humus, wood ash), forming small mounds.

Before planting a seedling, the hole is covered with earth and moistened with 20 liters of water. The young shoot is placed in such a way that the root collar rises by 3-5 cm. Water it again with the same amount of liquid, and after 3 days the soil is mulched with sawdust, dry grass or humus.

Grapes Anniversary of Novocherkassk: history, description and characteristics (ripening, yield, application) + cultivation
Scheme of planting a seedling of grapes

Watering and feeding

It is necessary to water the Novocherkassk Anniversary hybrid as the soil dries. Particular attention should be paid to the growing season and the formation of ovaries. At this time, the grapes require mandatory moisture.

Shrubs under the age of 1 year should be watered at least once a week.

Author’s advice

Fertilize the grapes three times per season. In autumn, top dressing consists of organic compounds, and in spring and summer, potassium-phosphorus preparations are added.

Trimming and shaping

Since the hybrid grows very quickly, it is subject to regular rationing. The procedure is carried out before wintering or at the beginning of spring, when there is no movement of juices. After it, no more than 24 vines with 45 buds should remain.

To make the bush look beautiful, as well as for personal convenience, the shoots are placed in a fan. Pruning is done once a season, cutting off the vine to 1 bud. After the clusters are formed, thinning is performed – only one brush is left on one vine.

Preparation for winter

As a rule, in the southern regions, the discussed variety is not insulated for the winter. The exception is young seedlings under the age of 1 year. In all other areas, especially the northern ones, bushes are wrapped with covering material or dry grass before wintering. Winegrowers of Siberia practice a different way: they lay the shoots horizontally, and sprinkle them with earth and snow on top.

Protection against pests and diseases

Although the Anniversary of Novocherkassk is resistant to fungal infections, preventive treatment with fungicides is used to completely protect the plant. It is carried out in several stages:

  • before the formation of kidneys;
  • before flowering;
  • during the fruiting period.

Also, the bushes are sprayed with special preparations at the first sign of oidium or mildew.

To get rid of insect pests, the grapes are treated with insecticides along the leaf, and a remedy is also applied under the root.

From wasps, sticky or sweet traps are hung on the shoots, as well as various repellent baits.

The hybrid that V.V. Krainov bred quickly gained popularity among gardeners. The variety is so unpretentious that even novice growers can grow this sweet grape on their site.

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