Grape vodka – making kizlyarka at home

Dagestan grape vodka Kizlyarka is a rather curious phenomenon in the alcoholic world. Let’s start with the fact that this drink has more than an indirect relation to vodka. The fact is that genuine vodka products are produced exclusively on the basis of grain, potato or, in extreme cases, beetroot alcohol.

Thus, such concepts as grape tincture with vodka, grape liqueur with vodka, or even grape seed tincture with vodka will be quite appropriate and correct. By itself, the term grape vodka seems to be as absurd as, say, malt cognac or cane tequila.

They also make from grapes: liqueur and liquor, tincture, chacha

What is kizlyarka

Kizlyarka, made from winemaking waste (combs, pomace, seeds and underpressed berries), belongs to the category of pomace brandy. The closest relatives of this drink are such honored representatives of the alcoholic population as Georgian chacha, Bulgarian rakia and Italian grappa.

At the same time, the classic Dagestan drink has its own distinctive features. It is produced from local scarlet Terek grapes. Ready alcohol is aged from seven months to one and a half years in light oak barrels. The strength of the resulting drink ranges from 40-45 degrees.

how to make grappa

To date, the official producer of Kizlyar brandy is the local Cognac Factory. However, according to lovers of the mentioned drink, in recent years its quality has deteriorated significantly. There is a replacement of a more expensive double distillation with a single one, a pronounced presence of a highly toxic head fraction is felt, well, and naive attempts to mask all these outrages by adding caramel only exacerbate the situation.

Accordingly, connoisseurs of quality brandy a la Kizlyar have two options: to acquire familiar artisanal distillers in the Kizlyar region or learn how to make their favorite grape drink at home and thereby not depend on the vicissitudes of fate and the manufacturer’s tricks. With distillery acquaintances, we are unlikely to be able to help, but you are always welcome to help with a coveted recipe.

Recipe for grape vodka at home

Of course, not vodka, but brandy, but somehow it escaped by itself …

List of ingredients

  1. Grapes (white cognac varieties) – 30 kg;

  2. Sugar – 5,5 kg.

Method of preparation

  1. Slightly unripe grapes send under a press or crush by hand.

  2. Add sugar at the rate of 40 grams per 1 liter of must.

  3. Close the fermentation container with a lid and send it to a dark, warm place for 5 days (at the same time, the substance must be stirred daily).

  4. Then, add more sugar to the wort in the proportion of 250 grams per 1 liter and leave for 3 weeks under a water seal.

  5. The result obtained is overtaken twice.

  6. When re-distilling, it is necessary to cut off the head and tail fractions (the first – in view of harmfulness, the second – in view of weakness).

  7. Dilute the finished grape spirit to the desired strength and send it to an oak barrel for a year and a half, or keep it on oak chips for the same amount of time.

all about Chacha

Relevance: 22.12.2016

Tags: Vodka, mash, moonshine, Vodka recipes

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